Spider-Man for ride wimps?

I am a certifiable wimp and Spider Man was great! I actually rode it 2 times in a row. If I can do it anyone can. Don't miss it!
Dinosaur was WAY too rough for me, gave me whiplash! Spiderman was not a rough ride at all, in fact, the visuals are so incredible, you barely realize what's happening to your body!!

Go and enjoy!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

I agree!! This ride is great ( I am a wimp too) The only part that bothered me was the "flying upward part and the falling down part" so I looked down at my lap or at my daughter laughing hysterically and I could not feel a thing!! That is the good thing about simulators... you can always look away!! :) I think you will be ok!
and was told it would be no prob for my 70yo dad who got motion sick on "winnie the pooh" (what a wimp, hey?). Then we watched " behind Universal" on TV last week and they should the ride spinning. Needless to say my Dad thinks I am trying to collect my inheritance early after watching the show.
They didn't spin that much, and it seemed like they only spun once, not over and over again. I could not have handled that. If I went on the spinning teacup ride I would be sick in about 5 seconds. Believe me, Spider Man was fine.
I'm a wimp too -- no coasters for me!! Spiderman was too cool. You shouldn't miss it, really!
Spider-Man turns you around 3 times in a row. That's probably the biggest amount of motion in the ride. There are some simulated motions, though (the movie moves a lot, but the car doesn't).


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
You've got to do Spiderman.- Its the most awesome ride in all of US & IOA!

US- Jan. 1997
IOA- 1999


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