Spider Man for 6-yr old?


Earning My Ears
Feb 25, 2001
My son can't wait to go on Spider Man, but he has never been on a simulation ride before and since IOA is our first stop, it will be his first. Do you know how other children fared on this ride?

Thanks for any info.
hi my brother was 7 when we went and he was alright it moves pretty fast and has other special effects besides 3-D like a fireball i think and other things.

cant wait for royal pacific resort !!!
:D :D
you might want to explain to him that although it will appear that you fall a great distance and turn upside down that you really do not. The simulator/movie effects really trick you into feeling that you are doing just whaat it appears to be instead of what is really going on.

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- May 2002 </font>
My daughter was 4 the first time she rode it, and loves it even more at 6. :D

Then again, she also rides a double loop roller coaster here at Six Flags over Texas. She's quite the little daredevil. ;)

But honestly, my experience of seeing small ones on Spiderman have all been positive. It's a ride for all ages.

Hope you and yours have a blast!

RhondaS, Co-Moderator of the Community Board
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"3" God speed.
Is this ride full of jerking movements? My DH and I just could not take "Body Wars" at Disney. I had to keep my eyes closed in order to keep my lunch down. I was praying for the ride to end. Not enjoyable at all. Is this ride one of those body thrashing types?

"Tootles", uneamie,creator of:"Poetry Parlor", a romantic poetry reading room...come see!

when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, but if ya wanna discount ya better live in Florida!

There aren't many jerky movements. There are three 360 spins, but everything else is pretty smooth.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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We just got back. Our 5&6 year olds rode it and it was much tamer than I expected. It didn't bother them in the least bit. They never even mentioned the "fall" They loved it. I almost did not go on because I had heard it was pretty intense, but they are big Spiderman fans so we went. I was glad we did. Speaking of spiderman, there is a character lunch at COnfisco Cafe that has Spiderman and he is fantastic with the kids. Since he is one of the only characters who talks, he really hams it up.
Just got back from a day visit on 4/8 and rode Spiderman. I can attest that it has much more motion than ever before, but it is still very tame. If you have never been on it before and you want to test your stomach out, try Cat in the Hat first. It's content is much less intense and allows you to get a feel for the type of motion that you will experience on Spiderman. In fact even with the new ride vehicle on Spidey, I still find Cat in the Hat's motion far more bothersome. It is less queued by the story and the surprise shifts are more troublesome than Spiderman's.
My son was 6 when we first ventured on Spiderman, not knowing a THING about it... IOA had only been open for a couple of months.

I just like the character, I was a comic book junkie when I was a kid so we got on and needless to say...


My son jumped up and down BEGGING to go back on and to this day it's his FAVORITE ride anywhere...

But just like Rhonda's little girl, mine can handle just about anything. :rolleyes:

And uneamie, there is no comparison to Body Wars. I had to sit down for a half hour, in nausea, after that bodily assault, all Spiderman leaves you with is a feeling for more!



Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>
***The following is NOT a DISNEY vs. UNIVERSAL comparison***
Even "Back to the Future" is better for not causing motion sickness than "Body Wars".
our 5.5 yr old got really scared when he first rode the ride--we finally figured out it was the bad guys he was scared of. so we went again and had him play like he was in the adventure(i guess that's what they want all of us to do),so he would yell"save us spiderman", "get 'em spiderman",etc and from then on he didn't want to go to any other rides
for all your responses. I think we will try the Cat in the Hat and go from there. Frankly I don't understand why Disney still keeps that god awful ride "Body Wars" anymore. I dont' think I have "ever" heard anyone say they enjoyed it, or wanted to go back on it etc. It had to be the worst ride I ever went on in my life! Any hoo!
Thanks again!

"Tootles", uneamie,creator of:"Poetry Parlor", a romantic poetry reading room...come see!

when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, but if ya wanna discount ya better live in Florida!

Nice disclaimer, Tony M!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

QUOTE: I dont' think I have "ever" heard anyone say they enjoyed it, or wanted to go back on it etc. It had to be the worst ride I ever went on in my life!

uneamie, this is the first time you will hear it - My family enjoyed Body Wars and we rode it 3 times :) ! Yes, it was jerky, but we loved it anyway. 'Cmon, there has to be another Body Wars fan out there?? :D


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