Special K Bars


Sammy smiles!
Aug 3, 2000
This recipe is quick and easy and definate crowd pleaser!

Special K Bars
1 c. sugar
1 c. light Karo syrup
1 1/2 c. creamy peanut butter
6 c. Special K cereal
1 c. coconut
Bring sugar and Karo just to boil. Butter a large
bowl, put in peanut butter, cereal and coconut. Pour sugar
and Karo over all. Mix. Flatten into buttered cookie sheet.

Topping: Melt a 12 oz. package of butterscotch chips
and a 6 oz. package of chocolate chips in a double
boiler. Spread over cereal mixture. Cut into squares when
set (in hot or humid weather it is best to refrigerate to set
the bars).
This sounds wonderful. I'm going to try it tomorrow! I have everything to make it!
Ohhh...I hope you like them. I'm planning on making them for Daytona 500 Sunday!

I was just thinking; since Special K is supposed to be the cereal that burns fat, do you think it will burn off the fat from all the other ingredients in this recipe? :D :D :D
These bars were soooo fantastic!!! Thanks for posting this recipe. The pounds are shedding right off my body as of this moment. I think I should go eat more so I can keep losing body fat!:D
Belle, you are very welcome and I am so glad to be helping in your weight loss program!! LOL - eat some for me!


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