Special Dinner at IOA?


Jul 17, 2000
I was at IOA last night and about 1/2 an hour before closing the employees were setting up buffets throughout the park. A lot of them were around the Zuess attraction and DD. What's going on here and how can I get in on it? The food looked good and it really made me hungry. Also, when I was there I rode DD and Hulk right as it gets dark. If you want a great ride do them then. They seem to me that they were moving faster and it was a great rush! Also there was no wait for any of the rides, even Spiderman. I arrived at the park after work, around 5:00 and in the 2 hours I rode it all. Plus Hulk and both tracks of DD 3 times. It was as if I had the park to myself. When I rode Spiderman there was only 2 other people on the ride with me. And that was at 5:00. It was great!! ;) ;)
I don't know what was happening at IOA, but its Dr Suess' Birthday this week maybe they were having a special party for that.
Many corporations hold dinners for their employees by renting areas of the parks. My husband had annual meetings at the WDW Swan where they had cocktail/dinner parties set-up in Epcot Center after it closed. The ABA (American Bar Association, attorneys, not pubs!)has quite a few meetings in Disney World. They kept all of the attractions open for them as well! They were very nice plus you had NO wait! I'm sure that is what was going on. The parks can generate extra Revenue just by renting out the space after hours!
Hey there, what you saw was Universal's catering department setting up tables for a special event. These are a regular thing at Universal all year. Anything from just one attraction to whole sections of the park to the entire park can be rented for corporate functions. Most of the time the events start just after the park closing time with the guests being brought in thru a side or back gate directly into the area of their party.

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