Spa sales pitches


Jan 19, 2002
Reading Webmaster Pete's lowdown on his latest voyage reminded me of something that truly annoyed me (and this is virtually the ONLY negative thing I can comment on with DCL) on our January Magic trip - the spa sales pitches. I was fortunate enough to arrive to the booking desk early enough to book three treatments and a couples massage on Castaway, however after the first two treatments I had on Sunday, I cancelled the remaining appointments. I was so disappointed in the amount of time these people spend trying to sell you products and I resented being put in the position of having to think of polite ways to repel them. When I go to a spa I want to relax, not deflect sales pitches. And Pete ... you were so right about the sandle thing. I have never been in a spa that did not supply some sort of skid-resistant footwear for their patrons. When I requested some footwear for the rainforest room (which seemed yucky with bare feet), I was given some PAPER slippers. These actually made it more difficult to walk, and didn't provide any sanitary protection.
I'm sure it is wistful thinking to believe that the Steiner company will come to their senses about this and polish their act, as they are booked solid and can obviously do as they please, but it doesn't hurt to hope a little Disney class rubs off on them!:sunny:
I treated myself to a facial on our first cruise and was subjected to the "pitch" as well. The woman asked me what skin treatment program I currently used. When I told her (Erno Laszlo) she looked it up in this book (she wasn't familar with it) and proceeded to tell me how bad it was for my skin! LOL! I told her that was news to me as I had facials regularly and was always told what good condition my skin was in (for a forty something year old). She did try to sell me her products but I politely declined and went on my way. I had the same thing happen last year at the GF spa, only this time the woman insisted on carrying on an interactive conversation the whole time she was working. I like to relax during these treatments and prefer silence. I think it's just part of the spa experience. I plan on a couple of spa visits on our cruise this summer and will once again, just say no! :D
I did both the Absolute Face and Body and we both did the Surial Spa and i was never even asked to purchase anything. It never came up. I agree Mickey4Me, I prefer the quiet when having a treatment. I find if you are not very responsive (without being rude) that the person doing the treatment will quiet down.
Remember, the SPA is actually a "contracted" service, and Disney does not own it. Part of the way they make money is by selling their products. Though I don't care to purchase any, there may be others who would like to take home some of the products they used during their stay. I have never found any of the spa staff to be pushy, and when they see you are not interested, they back off. Would you be upset if you waiter came up to you and asked if you were ready for desert (not knowing whether or not you wanted it or not?). It's all a matter of how you look at things. Being pushy is not acceptable. But inquiring as to whether or not you are interested in the products seems completely acceptable to me.
Hubby and I are veterans of MANY spa treatments...sometimes we get the sales pitch and sometimes we don't. We refuse most items, but we do purchase some. Hubby swears by the bath synergies, and we both love the refreshing gel. I also adore the products they use in the facial, but so far I have resisted the temptation to buy some because we spend so much on spa treatments that I have to draw the line somewhere!! We never get a sales pitch at our local spa, although I know they do sell products.
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But inquiring as to whether or not you are interested in the products seems completely acceptable to me.
I have no problem either if they inquire as to whether I'm interested in purchasing their products or not, but that was not my experience. I told her I was very happy with what I was using and not interested in anything else. That's when she proceeded to get out her book and tell me how bad I was treating my skin! LOL! Most spas I've been to, explain how to use the products they used and then leave a little tray of the products out in the reception area with your name on it. You can choose to purchase or not on your way out. I expect the sales pitch, just not the slam for refusing to buy. I'm sure every therapist is different and I'm confident that my next on board spa visit will be wonderful.:)
I also heard the pressure pitch on the 3 night in dec. when I had a facial. I must say that I was pretty disappointed with it. It was ok, but for $125 not only do they not do any extractions, but the leave-on mask lasted a little too long as well.

The girl also tried to completely discredit my regimen. I go for facials at top salons in Manhattan regularly and while everyone tries to sell you their line of products, they don't shame you into it.

I thought the spa was great on the ship. I took advantage of a few treatments. Only the facial was disappointing to me partially due to her pitch!

Just a side note to the previous post re: Erno Laszlo--this is a fairly world renowned line of skin care products. Kind of strange that they had to look it up in a book, don't you think??
These sales pitches are exactly what has kept me from using the spa on our previous two DCL cruises. For me, having to deal with a high (or even medium) pressure sales pitch at the end of a relaxing treatment would completely "re-stress" me. I'd love to take advantage of some of the treatments but I'm not interested in any of their products, no matter how great they are. I'm a plain soap and water girl, always have been always will be. They would feed on me like sharks! :)

I guess I"ll just de-stress by reading a good book on one of those great deck chairs on Deck 4!

Has anyone ever tried to state at the very beginning of their session that they won't be buying any products for whatever reason (don't need them, no money in the budget, buy them from a local salon)?

Just wondering if this would nip the sales pitch in the bud or not. On the other hand, you might not get as nice a treatment if they know from the beginning that there won't be any add-on sales at the end.

Anyone try it?

I was thinking the same thing and was going to pose the question to see if anyone has done this.

I would be a little worried that it might ruin the experience if the person takes it the wrong way, but on the other hand i wouldn't have to spend the 50 minutes worrying about telling her I don't want to purchase any products!
I can only speak for my one experience. I had a facial last October. I was asked about my skin care regimen, which does not include anything fancy, I assure you. I was not berated for what I used. I had peace and quiet the whole time and an explanation of 3 products she thought might be good for my face at the end of the session. I felt no pressure at any time to buy the products. I did buy 2 of them towards the end of the cruise.
Erno Laszlo--this is a fairly world renowned line of skin care products. Kind of strange that they had to look it up in a book, don't you think??
Well, that's sort of what I thought too!:) I just chalked it up to being inexperienced. Believe me though, that won't stop me from dropping a few more $$ at the spa on our upcoming cruise. I'm a spa junkie and to me it's the ultimate pamering experience. And heck, I'm worth it....even if I am unkind to my skin.:D


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