Something About Nothing............ #14

Yay! Congratulations to L.

Aww, some warm weather and kids got me water ice. Now under the covers as close to brain freeze and have goose bumps. But sweet and hot the spot. Had burgers with tomatoes and baked beans. Little one had no beans. Oh well. Did eat lots of the tomato I sliced.

So happy a lazy morning, even though I am sure DH will wake me up early. Oh well, I still will not be moving fast, and will enjoy a hot shower later in the morning. Then, since the cry that nothing here to eat, will do some grocery shopping. Sigh. It’s not like my pantry is bare, nor the refrigerator empty. Family all home. Every day three meals and snacks, when one or two meals was our normal, we go through more of everything.
Lynne enjoy cooking for the kids while they live at home
You’ll miss that in later years when they move out

I had two sons that always were asking, what is to eat here
And two that decided they would make their own food.

Of course the two that did cook never left me notes of what they used up.
So did a lot of running to the grocery store at the last minute ....
oh gosh 25 pages to catch up?
Hope all are well!
Will try to catchup later-good to see Mac back and found Keisha's HHN thread!!!!
Feeling so much more hopeful for this year it's ridiculous. Part of reason I'm MIA is I got to go full time back into my LTC's last week-almost precisely a year since I was able to get back in a few. To say I am silly excited about commuting etc is an understatement. So nice to see some of my residents too!! More than a few greeted me with a "hello stranger-nice to see you back" type remark.

Anyway-HI to all!
Add a ‘lil hot sauce & call it Nashville, nom

Same here, ordered youngest DSs set sight unseen. Had great reviews but, really do like seeing furniture in person. It came in multiple huge boxes, appears a lot of assembly will be required. SOS was promptly sent out to his Dad, put on schedule for next weekend. There will be beer.

Stomach off a bit this afternoon, going to let the mr order takeout when he wakes up & i’ll Continue to drink tea the rest of the day :)

Oh Nashville hot!!! Now you`re talking a meal......

Yes, you need something putting something together like that......and hope your tummy is better today.....

:wave2: Making a quick stop in!

Went for a short walk last night. Made it short as it was stupidly cold out and I didn't realize how cold it was. It was -16C or 3f :cold: I cut it short to 30 minutes. My legs were cold. It seems to be warming up a little now. It is supposed to go above freezing tomorrow.

My new desk came in last night. So I got my boys to help me set up and move out the old one. Now I have a better idea of a couple more things I need to organize that area. I ordered some wallpaper to give that space a boost as well. Can't wait for it to all come together. No working on any projects other than that last night. Hopefully tonight I will get them completed and my project room a little more organized again. It is driving me nuts.

Your backyard looks like paradise. How do you even want to leave?!

At HomeSense ( TJX /Winners/Marshalls ) we have a quarantine carts. They get put into the warehouse, with the date that the cart was used to accept returns. After 2 days, we put the items back on the shelves. I hope more stores are doing this as well.

I hope you start to get some sunshine soon. I struggle when there are too many grey days in a row.

Still sending you positive healing thoughts and vibes.

That is amazing!!!! Congrats to L

I forgot to add to yesterdays convo about buying items at stores. I ALWAYS dig. I will take from the bottom or the back of the shelf. I never grab what is right in front of me for 2 reasons. 1- freshness. They will always rotate product, putting the oldest on top or in front. 2- for the reason that you never know what someone may have done to that SITTING on a freaking bag of rice....or lifting the seal on the ice cream and taking a lick on it 🤢 DH thinks I'm crazy. I worked in a grocery store and I KNOW what people do when they think staff are NOT looking. We would watch people from upstairs doing stuff all the time. Soooooo many people are gross.

I guess I should get back to trying to look busy and shuffle a few papers again. Hopefully check in again a little later!!!!! Have a great day everyone!!!!

Heck that is cold!! It`s not fun walking in that much cold, even if you are dressed for it.

Yes, getting project room sorted is such a good feeling.......yes, some folks are gross.

It`s sunny today by the looks of it, but it is still early. Haven`t checked the weather today yet. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Quiet day today thank goodness. My only "excitement" was going to the accountant's office to sign my tax return. We are getting a refund of one dollar from the state. Oooh, can't wait to spend it all in one place.

I am so looking forward to it. This will be my first ever solo trip anywhere.

Aww...sweet. I'm a little envious. My cat is not a cuddler.

Hope you are able to find something you like. We found a store that does not have pushy sales people. Most of our furniture has come from that store.

Congratulations L!

Hope you feel better soon.

I am the same. I never take from the front unless it is the only item left.

I need to go pack my overnight bag. Tomorrow we go to BG.

Have a lovely trip to BG Charade......

Yay! Congratulations to L.

Aww, some warm weather and kids got me water ice. Now under the covers as close to brain freeze and have goose bumps. But sweet and hot the spot. Had burgers with tomatoes and baked beans. Little one had no beans. Oh well. Did eat lots of the tomato I sliced.

So happy a lazy morning, even though I am sure DH will wake me up early. Oh well, I still will not be moving fast, and will enjoy a hot shower later in the morning. Then, since the cry that nothing here to eat, will do some grocery shopping. Sigh. It’s not like my pantry is bare, nor the refrigerator empty. Family all home. Every day three meals and snacks, when one or two meals was our normal, we go through more of everything.

Hope you have a nice peaceful day off.....long weekends are always nice.

Lynne enjoy cooking for the kids while they live at home
You’ll miss that in later years when they move out

I had two sons that always were asking, what is to eat here
And two that decided they would make their own food.

Of course the two that did cook never left me notes of what they used up.
So did a lot of running to the grocery store at the last minute ....

At least you taught your boys to cook. I did the same with Kyle, made sure he could cook anything. I do have some friends that their kids can open a can....that`s about it!

oh gosh 25 pages to catch up?
Hope all are well!
Will try to catchup later-good to see Mac back and found Keisha's HHN thread!!!!
Feeling so much more hopeful for this year it's ridiculous. Part of reason I'm MIA is I got to go full time back into my LTC's last week-almost precisely a year since I was able to get back in a few. To say I am silly excited about commuting etc is an understatement. So nice to see some of my residents too!! More than a few greeted me with a "hello stranger-nice to see you back" type remark.

Anyway-HI to all!


Mixture of sunshine and showers today for us, not too cold either.

Have to go out to the post office to get a few cards sent away. We do have a post office in the village, but I think the couple who run it are very rude at times, so I go to one in the town nearest us. They are always friendly and I`d rather give my money to them.

Need to order a few things online today, I prefer to see things in the flesh like most, but online orders only at the moment. If they don`t suit, they can go back. And make some phone calls as usual.

No idea what`s for dinner tonight.......might do chicken and make a pepper sauce.

Tomorrow is pizza delivery night and we`ve organised a quiz night on zoom with several friends, haven`t done that in a few weeks so should be fun.

Still love that Friday feeling.......





Have the best Friday whatever you`re doing........😁

I miss my sewing room Pumpkin. All in storage while we are sharing with Em. Hence why I am hand sewing at the moment. So good to have the space to have cutting board out etc.

Monykalyn nice to hear from you.

Charade have a great BG trip. We can only book self catering here for some time yet. You will enjoy your solo trip I’m sure. I used to travel a lot for my job. I remember the first time I flew alone - felt so good.

We were talking about it this morning in relation to a terrible murder here of a young woman in London walking home. A policeman has been arrested. I did all my journalist training in London and my editor was so good - never go in the underground alone - use taxis - don’t walk around on your own. Well I used to go to the ticket shops every night and get a last minute seat for any shows and naively walk out late to return to my hotel. Only once had a problem but it seems worse these days. So very sad.

Lynne have a restful day. We will be having Fishy Friday tonight

We went straight out after the school run this morning as it was bright and sunny. Few errands then to my favourite florist who has done me a lovely tub of spring plants - my parents song was “You are my sunshine” and the tub has this written on the side. So pleased with it for Mother’s Day. Kev said I should have got another for the front porch and I was tempted.

Home and some vegetable soup for lunch. We are going to watch the Billie Halliday film this afternoon. Be interesting to see the difference from the Diana Ross version in the 70’s. Most of you too young to have seen that one perhaps.

Hope everyone heads into a good weekend.
Yay, a lazy Friday means loads of wash being done. Gotta make sure I have that freshly washed towel for my shower.

Charade, enjoy your BG weekend. Safe travels today.

MonyK, good to see ya post. Hehe, the lone chicken neighbor likes to come into the house and be held. Hope you are doing well, and all are too.

Pumpkin, yeah, my walks would be not very long in those temps either. Hope some warmer weather comes your way.

Keisha, hope your tummy is back to normal, and eating that favorite foods with no issues.

Mac, hope today is better for you.

Schumi, hope your quiz night is fun. Overcast morning for me, with that partly sunny afternoon.

Julie, hope you are enjoying the movie. I saw many commercials for it. Looks interesting. And full of songs. May have to see it too. I like musicals.

Saw I was 2 degrees warmer then Orlando right now. Difference is, they will see high 80’s, but I will see low 50’s this weekend, with a snow chance early next week, with temps in the low 40’s to start the week days next week. Sigh. Spring may be coming in like a lion, it better leave as a lamb. Just saying.

Oh both my kids are good cooks. They’d just rather I do it. And I don’t mind most of the time. But with a cry of no food for lunch yesterday, older one made orange chicken, and little one made chicken noodle soup, as we actually had pasta left over, so she did not even have to cook the noodles. So, I started with a cup of soup, then plate of the orange chicken. Was happy, older one did make it a bit spicy, but it did not make my nose run. Perfect amount of heat. And with crackers, litlle one did a good job clearing out the carrots, celery, and left over chicken and pasta and had made a tasty soup. Told her it need just a tiny bit more salt. So was easy to remedy that. I did grill the dinner burgers, they were great. Beans were from a can, but don’t care. Tomatoes were bought when I picked up the ground sirloin for the burgers. So at least we have some tomatoes left over. I will do some grocery shopping though. Will stop at the produce place when they first open. as It can get too crowded for my taste. Then when the kids get up, will demand a helper with me, when I go to the grocery store. Good time to start my stocking up now, as will do a kitchen clearing out on Sunday. Surely will make those trash cans full by Sunday night, as trash will be picked up Monday morning.

And so, with that lazy morning, not only does wash get done, a hot breakfast be had. Eggs, bacon, and bagels. Yum. And of course, tea. Hot tea, as even though 61F out, house feels a bit cool.

Have that fabulous Friday homies. Yay! Weekend is so close now! Woot! :woohoo:
Lynne I think we have one of those language differences again......when you say pasta for chicken noodle soup.......what pasta do you mean?

I only know of the long Chinese noodles in that type of soup.....but we have spoken many times on here about the different words for the same items....I noticed we call the pasta on lasagne “sheets” Americans can call them noodles which is very confusing :laughing:

Hope your weather doesn’t get too cold. That is quite cool. I think we’re the same, some colder weather on the way if you believe one web site....Hope the store isn’t too busy for you.

lunch is over and the sun is shining, but chilly.

After the post office we went a brief walk along the shore front, it was breezy to say the least! We did a good turn though.....saw a little doggy looking lost and a little frightened, it came up to us and ran away, then came back, so I picked it up and went further along and found the woman who was looking for the dog. I did hope she wouldn‘t think we were dognappers, but she was nice about it. Gorgeous little dog too. There was another woman too who we chatted to about the dog who wanted to pick it up too.

That was our excitement for the morning.

Book group books weren’t supposed to be arriving till next week, but now they’re coming tomorrow. Will make a start on it on Sunday. Have two books on the go right now, bedtime one that is non violent, non scary and very calming, downstairs book is Dr Sleep again......

Got some phone calls to make and few little bits and bobs to do......chicken in a peppercorn sauce tonight for dinner after all. Stopped in to the butcher and got some boneless and skinless thighs.

Tea time......
I’m chilling in bed with the cats and woke up with one of them on my chest.
It was the 6 lb cat not the fat one of over 10 lbs.
I would have been awake hours ago if it was Blue on me.
Cats are great cuddlers!
Good day all :shamrock: Another hurry up & wait day here thus far. Not my strong suit

Did spend most of am back on hunt online for new LR furniture. It needed replaced since before the pandemic. I’m very specific (fussy lol), as to what I want so that narrows the options. I’m stunned how long shipping is being stated...we are talking in perhaps by the fall, Ugh, put that on a pause. Majority of furniture stores here now on an appointment only basis. Thinking in a few weeks, they will open to public. Just don’t like the idea of being under such a watchful eye. I like to try out the furniture as to recline features etc.
There has been a long backlog of shipping for all sorts of items, appliances, furniture, building supplies, etc
Hope you are able to get your LR furniture soon!

Just heard the mini egg cake made by L has won her a Homepride Mini Baker award. Homepride is one of our larger baking supplies companies for flour etc. Her prize will come in the post she will be thrilled.
Congrats to L!

Add a ‘lil hot sauce & call it Nashville, nom
The deep red of that Nashville hot sauce is down right scary! Not for this spice wimp!

My new desk came in last night. So I got my boys to help me set up and move out the old one. Now I have a better idea of a couple more things I need to organize that area. I ordered some wallpaper to give that space a boost as well. Can't wait for it to all come together. No working on any projects other than that last night. Hopefully tonight I will get them completed and my project room a little more organized again. It is driving me nuts.
A room refresh, always satisfying!!

I need to go pack my overnight bag. Tomorrow we go to BG.
Have a wonderful visit with your daughter!!

At least you taught your boys to cook. I did the same with Kyle, made sure he could cook anything. I do have some friends that their kids can open a can....that`s about it!

Tomorrow is pizza delivery night and we`ve organised a quiz night on zoom with several friends, haven`t done that in a few weeks so should be fun.
I must admit DD isn't a great cook. She had little interest in learning when living at home. Since she's been in an apartment at school, she's had to figure it out. I think her roommate and friends helped her learn a bit.

Pizza and quiz night, that sounds like a lot of fun!!

We went straight out after the school run this morning as it was bright and sunny. Few errands then to my favourite florist who has done me a lovely tub of spring plants - my parents song was “You are my sunshine” and the tub has this written on the side. So pleased with it for Mother’s Day. Kev said I should have got another for the front porch and I was tempted.
That sounds perfect!! Beautiful too I'm sure!

Saw I was 2 degrees warmer then Orlando right now. Difference is, they will see high 80’s, but I will see low 50’s this weekend, with a snow chance early next week, with temps in the low 40’s to start the week days next week. Sigh. Spring may be coming in like a lion, it better leave as a lamb. Just saying.
We have 1-3 inches of snow forcasted for Monday, ugh! I knew our snow melt off was too good to be true!!

After the post office we went a brief walk along the shore front, it was breezy to say the least! We did a good turn though.....saw a little doggy looking lost and a little frightened, it came up to us and ran away, then came back, so I picked it up and went further along and found the woman who was looking for the dog. I did hope she wouldn‘t think we were dognappers, but she was nice about it. Gorgeous little dog too. There was another woman too who we chatted to about the dog who wanted to pick it up too.
Good karma for you Carole!! I'm sure the lady was quite relieved!
I'd be a mess if I lost one of my pets....

Supper will be panini's tonight. I bought the ingredients yesterday and lugged the panini maker up from the basement last night. Gee that thing is heavy! It's a very nice Cuisinart model, but it's so cumbersome. Probably why I don't use it as often as I should.

An area golf course opens tomorrow and DH is going. I think it will be around 55 outdoors, so not too bad. He wants to get a couple rounds of golf in before his trip to Texas early April. It's an annual golf trip with his buddies. A few of them live in WI and a few in TX. The Texas guys have a bit of an advantage, since they can golf nearly year round. But either way, DH looks forward to it immensely!

Happy Friday all!
I may open a bottle of wine tonight.....panini sandwich pairs well with wine, right?

This would be a somewhat accurate representation of me opening a bottle of wine, lol!
Oh they were penne pasta, Schumi. We had them with red sauce the other day. When I do chicken noodle soup I usually buy those thin egg noodles or rice to put in it. But like little one, no matter the type of pasta or noodles left over, it will be tossed in the soup pot. For me, noodles are those that look like ribbons, though spaghetti I say is a pasta. I think the type of flour and grind, determines what is said to be a noodle and what is said to be a pasta. And I tend to buy noodles that are made with eggs.

Ooh, almost time to get some vegetables. That shower was so refreshing, and nice and hot. Hehe, lone chicken was clucking so loudly a few minutes ago. Guess it was happy or telling a squirrel to get out of the chicken coop.

And crap on week day TV. Ugh. But the Chester Zoo show is on. Christmas episode. So at least some fun to see, even if filmed years ago.

Aww, sweet you returned the lost dog, Schumi. Sounds like a very friendly dog.
Hello everyone. I am doing some last minute cleaning before we leave this afternoon. Trying to decide if I want to color my hair before we go.

Anyway-HI to all!
Hi MonyK. Good to see you back.

Charade have a great BG trip. We can only book self catering here for some time yet. You will enjoy your solo trip I’m sure. I used to travel a lot for my job. I remember the first time I flew alone - felt so good.
The flying is actually the part I am nervous about. The last time I flew alone was over 20 years ago. I don't really like flying, but it's too far to drive.

After the post office we went a brief walk along the shore front, it was breezy to say the least! We did a good turn though.....saw a little doggy looking lost and a little frightened, it came up to us and ran away, then came back, so I picked it up and went further along and found the woman who was looking for the dog. I did hope she wouldn‘t think we were dognappers, but she was nice about it. Gorgeous little dog too. There was another woman too who we chatted to about the dog who wanted to pick it up too.
I'm sure she was happy to see her dog was in good hands.

Oh they were penne pasta, Schumi. We had them with red sauce the other day. When I do chicken noodle soup I usually buy those thin egg noodles or rice to put in it. But like little one, no matter the type of pasta or noodles left over, it will be tossed in the soup pot. For me, noodles are those that look like ribbons, though spaghetti I say is a pasta. I think the type of flour and grind, determines what is said to be a noodle and what is said to be a pasta. And I tend to buy noodles that are made with eggs.
I think we use noodles and pasta almost interchangeably. I know I have said spaghetti noodles and lasagne noodles before, but usually call them pasta. Now I'm craving noodles/pasta.

I have a few hours before B and dh get out of their classes, so I think I will do my hair. Also need to mail a package to my mom.
Cats are great cuddlers!

There has been a long backlog of shipping for all sorts of items, appliances, furniture, building supplies, etc
Hope you are able to get your LR furniture soon!

Congrats to L!

The deep red of that Nashville hot sauce is down right scary! Not for this spice wimp!

A room refresh, always satisfying!!

Have a wonderful visit with your daughter!!

I must admit DD isn't a great cook. She had little interest in learning when living at home. Since she's been in an apartment at school, she's had to figure it out. I think her roommate and friends helped her learn a bit.

Pizza and quiz night, that sounds like a lot of fun!!

That sounds perfect!! Beautiful too I'm sure!

We have 1-3 inches of snow forcasted for Monday, ugh! I knew our snow melt off was too good to be true!!

Good karma for you Carole!! I'm sure the lady was quite relieved!
I'd be a mess if I lost one of my pets....

Supper will be panini's tonight. I bought the ingredients yesterday and lugged the panini maker up from the basement last night. Gee that thing is heavy! It's a very nice Cuisinart model, but it's so cumbersome. Probably why I don't use it as often as I should.

An area golf course opens tomorrow and DH is going. I think it will be around 55 outdoors, so not too bad. He wants to get a couple rounds of golf in before his trip to Texas early April. It's an annual golf trip with his buddies. A few of them live in WI and a few in TX. The Texas guys have a bit of an advantage, since they can golf nearly year round. But either way, DH looks forward to it immensely!

Happy Friday all!
I may open a bottle of wine tonight.....panini sandwich pairs well with wine, right?

This would be a somewhat accurate representation of me opening a bottle of wine, lol!
View attachment 562126

Anything pairs with wine Lori......::yes::

Can`t go wrong with Cuisinart products. I don`t have a panini maker, everything just goes on the electric grill thingy.....

One of the best Nashville hot sandwiches was O` Charley`s in Orlando, they`ve closed down now, but wow they were good!

She was relieved, as was the dog who was looking at me rather oddly, but didn`t fuss thankfully. If it had snapped I wouldn`t have touched it, but it was quite docile.

Enjoy that wine....keeping ours for tomorrow night with the quiz....yes, it is a lot of fun and very competitive ::yes:: Actually wine may be enjoyed both is the weekend......😁

Oh they were penne pasta, Schumi. We had them with red sauce the other day. When I do chicken noodle soup I usually buy those thin egg noodles or rice to put in it. But like little one, no matter the type of pasta or noodles left over, it will be tossed in the soup pot. For me, noodles are those that look like ribbons, though spaghetti I say is a pasta. I think the type of flour and grind, determines what is said to be a noodle and what is said to be a pasta. And I tend to buy noodles that are made with eggs.

Ooh, almost time to get some vegetables. That shower was so refreshing, and nice and hot. Hehe, lone chicken was clucking so loudly a few minutes ago. Guess it was happy or telling a squirrel to get out of the chicken coop.

And crap on week day TV. Ugh. But the Chester Zoo show is on. Christmas episode. So at least some fun to see, even if filmed years ago.

Aww, sweet you returned the lost dog, Schumi. Sounds like a very friendly dog.

I never heard of pasta in chicken noodle soup, but as you say different. Only dried chinese egg noodles for us, delicious. Fresh ones are coated in oil and not very nice. Never tried a noodle that wasn`t made with eggs. Tried a soba noodle once, didn`t really like it very much.

Yes, I`d call long spaghetti pasta too.

It was a very friendly little dog. i think it knew we were helping funnily enough or I doubt it would have let me pick it up.

Hello everyone. I am doing some last minute cleaning before we leave this afternoon. Trying to decide if I want to color my hair before we go.

Hi MonyK. Good to see you back.

The flying is actually the part I am nervous about. The last time I flew alone was over 20 years ago. I don't really like flying, but it's too far to drive.

I'm sure she was happy to see her dog was in good hands.

I think we use noodles and pasta almost interchangeably. I know I have said spaghetti noodles and lasagne noodles before, but usually call them pasta. Now I'm craving noodles/pasta.

I have a few hours before B and dh get out of their classes, so I think I will do my hair. Also need to mail a package to my mom.

How is your mum Charade? Hope she`s doing ok with all that`s ahead of her.

Yes, I think she was relieved, I was shocked how scared the little dog was to be honest.

Have fun this weekend......

Gone slightly colder here. Although sun is beautiful.

Think it`ll be a movie night tonight, no idea which one.....might be a Pirates of the Carribean night.......haven`t seen some Johnny Depp for a while.

Can't wait for it to all come together. No working on any projects other than that last night. Hopefully tonight I will get them completed and my project room a little more organized again. It is driving me nuts.
It’s exciting when u see it all come together
need to go pack my overnight bag. Tomorrow we go to BG.
Charade, our two cats are cuddlers
Believe me, it gets old...especially when one sleeps on your head and the other on your chest
I’d be sleeping with one eye open lol
Did eat lots of the tomato I sliced.
Got the first semi decent slicing tomatoes this week. Can not wait for the garden ones. Still
A twinkle in the mr’s eye. Will be heading out with him to pick up some more seeds for him to start
Lynne enjoy cooking for the kids while they live at home
You’ll miss that in later years when they move out
Seems as I’m feeding my extended brood at least half the week. It’s a blessing
Feeling so much more hopeful for this year it's ridiculous. Part of reason I'm MIA is I got to go full time back into my LTC's last week-almost precisely a year since I was able to get back in a few. To say I am silly excited about commuting etc is an understatement. So nice to see some of my residents too!! More than a few greeted me with a "hello stranger-nice to see you back" type remark.
Well said. I think most of us will definitely be appreciating life Just a bit more this year!
and hope your tummy is better today.....
Wolfed down peanut butter topped toast this am. My go to for tummy issues. Thinking the milk may have been a bit off as nearing expiry date
At least you taught your boys to cook. I did the same with Kyle, made sure he could cook anything. I do have some friends that their kids can open a can....that`s about it!
Two of mine asked for air fryer for Xmas. Still boxed up
Home and some vegetable soup for lunch. We are going to watch the Billie Halliday film this afternoon.
lady sings the blues a real fluff piece featuring ms Ross. Least Billie dee Williams graced it lol
And so, with that lazy morning, not only does wash get done, a hot breakfast be had. Eggs, bacon, and bagels. Yum. And of course, tea. Hot tea, as even though 61F out, house feels a bit cool.
Yum indeed. It looks warmer here than it is
chicken in a peppercorn sauce tonight for dinner after all. Stopped in to the butcher and got some boneless and skinless thighs.
Another yum. Making crab cakes again, family favorite in lent
Hope you are able to get your LR furniture soon!
I refuse to purchase unless I’ve tried it out for fit.
The deep red of that Nashville hot sauce is down right scary! Not for this spice wimp!
Oh, me too. I just add some heat to the syrup
We have 1-3 inches of snow forcasted for Monday, ugh! I knew our snow melt off was too good to be true!!
Ugh Denver typically gets their heavy snows in March but, two+ feet forecast Up to 4 North of there.
Supper will be panini's tonight. I bought the ingredients yesterday and lugged the panini maker up from the basement last night. Gee that thing is heavy! It's a very nice Cuisinart model, but it's so cumbersome. Probably why I don't use it as often as I should.
I only made them once, used a foill covered brick lol. Probably why I’ve not made since
An area golf course opens tomorrow and DH is going. I think it will be around 55 outdoors, so not too bad. He wants to get a couple rounds of golf in before his t
Do you golf? We stopped when the DH work schedule got erratic. I’m utterly horrible but would go along to make up a family foresome
And crap on week day TV. Ugh. But the Chester Zoo show is on. Christmas episode. So at least some fun to see, even if filmed years ago.
Watched final wandavision. What a ride!
think we use noodles and pasta almost interchangeab
Same. Love udon noodles in soup or stir fries
Last edited:
View attachment 562138

It’s exciting when u see it all come together


I’d be sleeping with one eye open lol

Got the first semi decent slicing tomatoes this week. Can not wait for the garden ones. Still
A twinkle in the mr’s eye. Will be heading out with him to pick up some more seeds for him to start

Seems as I’m feeding my extended brood at least half the week. It’s a blessing

Well said. I think most of us will definitely be appreciating life Just a bit more this year!

Wolfed down peanut butter topped toast this am. My go to for tummy issues. Thinking the milk may have been a bit off as nearing expiry date

Two of mine asked for air fryer for Xmas. Still boxed up

lady sings the blues a real fluff piece featuring ms Ross. Least Billie dee Williams graced it lol

Yum indeed. It looks warmer here than it is

Another yum. Making crab cakes again, family favorite in lent

I refuse to purchase unless I’ve tried it out for fit.

Oh, me too. I just add some heat to the syrup

Ugh Denver typically gets their heavy snows in March but, two+ feet forecast Up to 4 North of there.

I only made them once, used a foill covered brick lol. Probably why I’ve not made since

Do you golf? We stopped when the DH work schedule got erratic. I’m utterly horrible but would go along to make up a family foresome

Watched final wandavision. What a ride!

Same. Love udon noodles in soup or stir fries it......sarcasm is so much better than snidey!!

Glad you`re doing better, I wish I could get the taste for peanut butter, I love chicken satay, but can`t quite find the love for the stuff.

They`ll get to their airfryers......I think they enjoy your cooking far too much Janet.....I always make sure I eat meat on Friday`s especially during lent......that`s the rebel in me making a point......against who I`m not quite sure.....:laughing: But, it pleases me, that`s good enough......

Got the txt to say I could book my vaccination, even though I`m under 55, think we`re ahead in this appointments anywhere....crazy.

Will try again Monday morning when they release new appointments.....Tom gets his first one next Saturday and has next one booked for 12 weeks later........patience now is needed.

Yeah, Keisha had to watch that finale twice to see stuff I did not quite see first time. Yep, set up for at least 2 most likely 3 movies Disney wants to do. Kids asking for mom at end. Oooh. Oh, and both my kids are enjoying the air fryer.

Nice to do hair color before all ready to leave Charade. Hope you all have a great time at BG.

Paninis at Schumi’s, orders taken,I think, LoL. Sounds like a nice meal. Kids I think will want pizza or wings. Maybe even Chinese. Shall see. Otherwise, I can finish up the chicken, so maybe that will be lunch. Got broccoli, so maybe I’ll thicken up some of my chicken broth, and chicken with broccoli and rice.
How is your mum Charade? Hope she`s doing ok with all that`s ahead of her.
She's doing okay all things considered. I should probably give her a call before I leave today.

Watched final wandavision. What a ride!
That episode made me sad, but I'm curious to see where the MCU will go with her story.

Today is Caspian's 7th birthday. Here's how he is celebrating.

Happy Friday All,

I`m impressed you can understand English friends hadn`t a clue what some of the words were and I got lots of txts asking what things were.....haha....but so funny. Especially the earlier ones, maybe the first 3 seasons.

Lol. I will admit I do keep my closed captioning on in case I don't catch what they are saying but I can pretty much figure out what they mean when I do hear it. After watching it so many times I can understand the accent better. The character Jack is the hardest for me to understand. It did take me a minute or two to figure out some of the informal terms mean, like "leccy". Or how they use the adverb "how" when we would would ask "why" when questioning the reason for something.

I enjoyed all the seasons, except for the last. It was too sad for me. I loved all the characters. Great cast.

Please share when you make something yummy! New kitchen 'toys' are always fun!

They did turn out nice. The first batch went quick, I will post a pic the next time I make them.

Just heard the mini egg cake made by L has won her a Homepride Mini Baker award. Homepride is one of our larger baking supplies companies for flour etc. Her prize will come in the post she will be thrilled.

Very nice. Congrats to L.

I forgot to add to yesterdays convo about buying items at stores. I ALWAYS dig. I will take from the bottom or the back of the shelf. I never grab what is right in front of me for 2 reasons. 1- freshness. They will always rotate product, putting the oldest on top or in front. 2- for the reason that you never know what someone may have done to that SITTING on a freaking bag of rice....or lifting the seal on the ice cream and taking a lick on it 🤢 DH thinks I'm crazy. I worked in a grocery store and I KNOW what people do when they think staff are NOT looking. We would watch people from upstairs doing stuff all the time. Soooooo many people are gross.

Me too. Especially cold stuff. I always grab the one in the middle of back.

After the post office we went a brief walk along the shore front, it was breezy to say the least! We did a good turn though.....saw a little doggy looking lost and a little frightened, it came up to us and ran away, then came back, so I picked it up and went further along and found the woman who was looking for the dog. I did hope she wouldn‘t think we were dognappers, but she was nice about it. Gorgeous little dog too. There was another woman too who we chatted to about the dog who wanted to pick it up too.

That was very nice. I follow a fb page that lists lost/found animals and it breaks my heart to see all those lost dogs and cats. There has been one missing since December and she is spotted every now and again but no one can catch her. Glad you were there to help.

I must admit DD isn't a great cook. She had little interest in learning when living at home. Since she's been in an apartment at school, she's had to figure it out. I think her roommate and friends helped her learn a bit.

My DS has little interest as well. He is a very picky eater so that does not help.

Charade- Happy Birthday to Caspian and I hope you have a great time at BG.

Sunny warm day today but I think it comes to an end soon. Today's high is 78 tomorrow's high is 55. Lazy day so far but I did have a scheduled call with DS's school guidance counselor to nail down DS's schedule for next school year so that is done. Now I just need to make a decision to send him back to school when they open up in 2 weeks....not concerned about COVID, I just don't want to put him through sitting in a lockdown environment when he could learn the same thing at home. I would like to send him so he can socialize with other kids since he is an only child but not sure how that will go with masks and 6 feet apart.

No plans for the weekend. Maybe do a little yard work. The warm weather has awakened the grass (and weeds) so the yard needs to be cut.

I am taking my mom for her 2nd shot on Sunday. She is excited to get it over with so she can get back to normal but she is not looking forward to the side effects.

Not sure what is for dinner. Need to go rummage through the freezer and see what what I have and what I can cook that is low carb.
Yeah, Keisha had to watch that finale twice to see stuff I did not quite see first time. Yep, set up for at least 2 most likely 3 movies Disney wants to do. Kids asking for mom at end. Oooh. Oh, and both my kids are enjoying the air fryer.

Nice to do hair color before all ready to leave Charade. Hope you all have a great time at BG.

Paninis at Schumi’s, orders taken,I think, LoL. Sounds like a nice meal. Kids I think will want pizza or wings. Maybe even Chinese. Shall see. Otherwise, I can finish up the chicken, so maybe that will be lunch. Got broccoli, so maybe I’ll thicken up some of my chicken broth, and chicken with broccoli and rice.

Think Lori had the panini`s.....we had chicken in pepper sauce....

Happy Friday All,

Lol. I will admit I do keep my closed captioning on in case I don't catch what they are saying but I can pretty much figure out what they mean when I do hear it. After watching it so many times I can understand the accent better. The character Jack is the hardest for me to understand. It did take me a minute or two to figure out some of the informal terms mean, like "leccy". Or how they use the adverb "how" when we would would ask "why" when questioning the reason for something.

I enjoyed all the seasons, except for the last. It was too sad for me. I loved all the characters. Great cast.

They did turn out nice. The first batch went quick, I will post a pic the next time I make them.

Very nice. Congrats to L.

Me too. Especially cold stuff. I always grab the one in the middle of back.

That was very nice. I follow a fb page that lists lost/found animals and it breaks my heart to see all those lost dogs and cats. There has been one missing since December and she is spotted every now and again but no one can catch her. Glad you were there to help.

My DS has little interest as well. He is a very picky eater so that does not help.

Charade- Happy Birthday to Caspian and I hope you have a great time at BG.

Sunny warm day today but I think it comes to an end soon. Today's high is 78 tomorrow's high is 55. Lazy day so far but I did have a scheduled call with DS's school guidance counselor to nail down DS's schedule for next school year so that is done. Now I just need to make a decision to send him back to school when they open up in 2 weeks....not concerned about COVID, I just don't want to put him through sitting in a lockdown environment when he could learn the same thing at home. I would like to send him so he can socialize with other kids since he is an only child but not sure how that will go with masks and 6 feet apart.

No plans for the weekend. Maybe do a little yard work. The warm weather has awakened the grass (and weeds) so the yard needs to be cut.

I am taking my mom for her 2nd shot on Sunday. She is excited to get it over with so she can get back to normal but she is not looking forward to the side effects.

Not sure what is for dinner. Need to go rummage through the freezer and see what what I have and what I can cook that is low carb. friends down here always say they can tell when I`ve been up to Scotland as my accent reverts back to being more Scottish than only takes a few days to disappear. There are books you can buy with translations from broad Scottish to English....some of the sayings are brilliant and can only be said in the Scottish tongue......when we were in the UAE, some of them had never heard a Scottish accent before and kept asking us to say certain like cursing in broad Scots!

Yes, the final season was sad, they wanted to make sure it ended.

Good luck with the decision for your`s so difficult to know what`s best for them. And well done on the low carb......that`s not easy to maintain! And good luck with mum on Sunday....hope she does ok with the vaccine and side effects.

Dinner was nice, I think I ate too many potatoes.....diced, roasted with oil and seasoning.....too nice.

Think it`s a pink gin night tonight......🍸
Finally caught up on the sans !

I see there are a lot of homies that enjoy pastas and noodles.
I can’t add to that discussion as we don’t favor those dishes
Can’t remember last time I made anything with pasta

We did make spaghetti and meatballs and lasagna, etc when the kids were growing up as it was filling for them and a quick meal to make

Its 77 here now and had our second mowing done this month
Looks like it will be weekly mowing until November

Any great plans for the weekend homies?

I’m looking forward to Sunday for Walking Dead
I know many have dropped out of tuning in for the show.
Kind of hard to keep it at a fast pace level now

Hope all have a great weekend!

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