So many restaurants, so little time...


Earning My Ears
Feb 8, 2000
We are planning our trip to USF/IOA in May and I was making our itinerary. My problem is that there are so many restaurants that we would like to try but I'm not sure if it is time wise to leave the parks for lunch/dinner. Do I drag the kids all over?

For example: Walking--How long does it take to get to CitiWalk (Margaritaville) from IOA/USF? How about from IOA to PBH (Confiscos)?

I appreciate everyones responses. Thanks!
Margaritaville is very close to IOA front gate! Maybe 150-200 yards away. Confiscos is inside IOA (have the character lunch here), they're about 100 yards in from front gate.
You'd likely need to take water taxi to PBH to dine there.
You can walk from IOA to PBH. It's a 15 minute walk through some nice gardens. It's good exercise too. :) Otherwise, you can take the water taxi or shuttle bus to PBH.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
As others said, it's not far to Citywalk, but most of the food in IOA is very good. I've enjoyed Thundering Falls Terrace and loved the character lunch at Confiscos. Enchanted Oak was pretty good too. (The few places I've eaten in Universal were pretty bleah.)

We usually leave the restaurants outside of the park for dinner or if we're going back to the hotel for a swim afterwards. But my kids are younger (6 +11). If yours are older they might not care how much walking you do.

Have a great time!!
It's a very short walk to any of the Citywalk restaurants. I would highly recommend leaving the parks to eat as the food is much better and more reasonably priced for what you get. I agree with Barry about the exercise, I love to walk and even lost 2 lbs. despite eating a giant cookie every night!

The PB is more of a hike. I would maybe go there for dinner if you weren't returning to the parks after. It's a little too much time to go to for lunch if you want to go back to the parks unless you're staying there and can swim and relax for awhile.

Cforza, I found your two pounds plus some. Do you want them back? ;)

I agree it is a short walk to City Walk from both of the parks. There are lots of great places to eat all over. And don't forget the great snacks. My favorites are the huge chocolate chip cookies at Beverly Hills Boulangerie (on the right as you enter US) and the taffy apple from the Fudge Shoppe (sort of on the left as you first enter US). In fact, I brought home 3 taffy apples and am still enjoying them!! :D

We kept forgetting to eat. Can you imagine that? And it seemed like when we finally decided to eat dinner, everyone in the park wanted to eat at the same time - in fact, that was the only time we had to deal with crowds during our stay.

Hope you enjoy your trip and eat well! :)
Thanks for your replies. They have been very helpful.

Gram--Forgetting to eat has never been one of my problems, lol



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