SnoWhite's May 12th Meet


Apr 23, 2000
Just saved a few posts from the dumpster of Infopop!:cool:

Subject: DIS/Pin meet May 12th UPDATED
Author: SnoWhite
Date Posted: 02-16-01
Ok, I think we have settled on a date, now lets see who can make it! We are planning on having a meet at Downtown Disney on Sat. the 12th of May. Not too sure of a time yet, let me know what you think and what works for everyone! I can't wait to meet all of you, Sean and I are both getting really excited about the trip. Now lets see who can make it!

EDIT: Ok, two meets are now planned for this day. One at Epcot pin central at 2pm, the other at Downtown Disney at 8pm. You can sign up for both meets on the DIS meet board. Hope to see you all there!

Lisa & Sean

Subject: Count us in
Author: goofymom/pop
Date Posted: 02-16-01
Sis, Dis niece, Dis nephew, Ds and long as all goes as planned we will be there with PINS on....the kids will have a few before we go so they can trade all week long....wish me luck on this fun new hobbie.... Cant wait to meet you all, and thanks for being so encouraging.... Can we shoot for later evening....after 6 or so...


Subject: I'd love to come too!
Author: Disneymad
Date Posted: 02-17-01
We leave on the 12th back to the UK, but it is an evening flight, so I'd be able to go if it was a morning or early afternoon meet!


Author: becka
Date Posted: 02-17-01
That sounds like a good date but hopefully it will be a morning or afternoon meet because we have to see Spectro that night at the MK.



Subject: Just a suggestion
Author: jojo_ct
Date Posted: 02-17-01
Based on experience, you may want to rethink the location of your meet. Downtown Disney this time of year means World of Disney, and then you will be pin trading with every trader in Orlando. You will see wonderful pins, but it loses a bit of the DIS meet flavor. I recommend the Boardwalk Pin Cart. Leighton will make you very welcome, and there are areas nearby for every weather contingency: Poolside for sunny afternoons, under the portico for rainy days, and the lounge inside the Boardwalk for cold evenings.

So if you want to have the opportunity to meet DIS people, talk, and get to know one another - go to the Boardwalk. If you want to trade, trade, trade, then meet at Downtown Disney. Just recognize that it won't be very intimate.


Author: SnoWhite
Date Posted: 02-18-01
Ok, how about we plan 2 meets during this time period. One during the day for those who can only make it then, and one at night for those who can only do that? The daytime one could be at Pin Central at Epcot if that works for everyone. The night one could either be at the Boardwalk (good suggestion) or DTD, whatever is easier for everyone. How does 2pm sound for the daytime one? That will give everyone time to have lunch, do some trading, then have dinner and time to explore the parks! Then maybe around 8pm or so for the night one? Either day is fine with me, just let me know what you guys think. Or we could just wait till it gets closer to may and figure it all out then!



Subject: Could be
Author: shirley 38
Date Posted: 02-19-01
Might be I hope to be there. Me and John.


Author: Sorcerer
Date Posted: 02-19-01
Sean and Lisa,

That plan sounds super to me! We have our brunch at 10:30, so we'll be in Epcot anyway that morning. 2pm at Pin Central would be great! And that way hopefully Penny could join us too

That evening at 8pm would also fit well into our plans. I'd love to do two meets in one day!!

You can count on at least two of us for both meets, with as many as 6 for one or the other.


Author: SnoWhite
Date Posted: 02-20-01
Sounds like a plan to me! So 2pm at Pin Central on the 12th, and then maybe one later in the night around 8pm for us die hards! Hopefully Penny can come! Shirley, I hope all goes well with Michelle, I would love to finally meet you and John! I'm getting excited, is it too early to start the countdown



Subject: Count me in!
Author: Fiver
Date Posted: 02-20-01

Hey we met this last fall in Epcot at pin central. I was there with my husband in Sept from the 6th-13th and Nov 14th-18th. Unfortunately it was the trip where you guys had some fire damage to your house Our big trip this year starts on the 12th. We will probably make it to the night meet since we will be driving down from Georgia during the day. Look forward to meeting you and your husband again. Plus I cant wait to meet some other folk from the DIS.

Fiver :D


Author: Disneymad
Date Posted: 02-20-01
Wow! :eek:

Jonie, didn't know you were gonna be there too! What a bonus

I'll definately be able to make 2pm, we don't have to leave WDW till about 6.00 for our flight. I'm soooooo excited


Author: Sorcerer's Mom
Date Posted: 02-20-01
I'll be there with Sorcerer. Don't know if the rest of the clan will make both meets.

Can't wait!


Author: SnoWhite
Date Posted: 02-21-01
Well gosh! Now I'm really getting excited! Fiver, Candy (both of who I met last time were in WDW), Sorcerer, Goofys Mom, and everyone else! I can't wait. So the meet for the 12th at Epcot Pin Central at 2pm is for sure. We will just have to figure out the night one before May. Thanks for all your help everyone, I can't wait to see you all. Lets see if we can get anyone else to come!


Subject: Hey this is gonna be fun
Author: goofymom/pop
Date Posted: 02-21-01
So far we are in for the evening one at DTD...8 is great...oops I made a ryhme....that way the kids can swim all day and we can bop over for the meet and also finish our shopping....And its never to early to start counting down the days...Oh by the way I gave the kids their first pins yesterday...they loved them....yippee!

Author: EpcotKilterFan
Date Posted: 03-25-01
I just thought I would bump this up from the depths of the Collectors Board.

Me and mom will be there too!!!!!!

Goofymom/Pop - We live so close and that may be where we finally meet

Penny!!! - Is that you... my dalmation trading friend?

Sorcerer clan - I got your back

Who else will be there?



Subject: Did you time yourself?
Author: AZ JazzyJ
Date Posted: 03-25-01

How long did you have to hold your breath to dive so deep to find this post? Wow, were people even wearing the same style of clothing when this thread was started?


Author: EpcotKilterFan
Date Posted: 03-25-01
I dove and dove....and realized I was not one of those pearl diver ladies....

So I dusted off my scuba diving certificate (that I got in college many moons ago)..., donned tanks and mask and grabbed it before I ran out of air.

I had to pass by King Triton and Ursula to get it, but I did it.

Thanks for asking.


Subject: I'll Be There - In My Dreams
Author: Mickey7811
Date Posted: 03-26-01
I will be there. I was planning a trip for that time, but just remembered I have to have major surgery two weeks before. I had to cancel my trip. .

Wish I could be there - I will be there in my dreams.


Author: Sorcerer
Date Posted: 03-26-01
Can't wait can't wait! Debbie where is your countdown?? Two meets in one day - how will we ever survive the excitement?!

Here's the link directly to the Magic Meetings page so y'all can sign up! Can't wait!!


Subject: Oh my gosh...
Author: tinkerbarb
Date Posted: 03-26-01

I was planning on going that weekend too!! I didn't realize so many of us where going to be there the same time, that's great!! Which days do you think are better for the Star Wars stuff do you think? I've never been to a SW Weekend and don't want to miss any of the good stuff!! PINS!! I was just getting ready to call for our brunch too Jonie. I was thinking Mothers day, but I bet Saturday will be better because of the crowds. Glad you mentioned it!! Hope to see everyone there. I've got at least 2 peach pins to trade now!!! hehehehe

Me TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone!!
Count me and my DH in for the night meet! I cant wait to meet y'all. This will be my first DIS meet, and I'm counting the days!!


shirley 38


Who is counting the days.. We will get to meet some people we have not had the pleasure of meeting before.
I planned a meet one time at it was at the boardwalk. We had like 50 people there.
It is a great place to have it. Also if it is a hot night and you have kids tell them to bring their bathing suits.
Believe it or not our meet lasted from 6pm until 1am.
Joanie is right about downtown disney. A lot of heavy hitter down there.
Also I have a question and a suggestion. About the meet at Pin Central.
Are you referring to the tables there????
There are stone benches on one side of pin central and on the other side there is a restaurant with tables outside. I vote for the tables outside. This way you can get something to eat or drink, sit down and not everyone who is buying pins at pin central will come over and say OH can I look at you book
Hope I did not sound too harsh with this suggestion.
But if it is hot, getting out of the sun and sitting down sounds good to me. shirley38



Shirley, thanks so much for your great suggestions. I figured that since not all of us are really familiar the parks, it may be best to meet near pin central, IE the tables there, and then go somewhere from there. The tables at the restaurant you are talking about sound great, but I think we better just plan on meeting by the pin cart then moving. As for the boardwalk suggestion, I think it's a great idea too but since we already have quite a few people signed up for DTD, we probably shouldn't change it. I talked it over with a few of the people going and we all decided DTD would work better for the people that are just coming to the meet, more parking, etc. Hopefully that is ok with everyone, I just wanted to make it easy for all of us. If anyone wants to go back to the boardwalk after DTD that's more than fine with me, we will be staying at the Yacht Club so we will probably wander over there several nights anyway! Thanks again for everyone signing up, I can't wait to meet you all!



Lisa, Sean

Your Florida buddies will be there. Sorry we waited so long to tell you so. I really haven't gotten over the fact that we were all sitting down eating having such a wonderfully fun time in Florida while your home with parents in it in Seattle (?)was going up in flames! I feel like bad luck.
Maybe if we are home(?) in our beds instead of at the RainForest Cafe at midnight we'll all have good luck at the stroke of 12.

Such a great outlook you guys have. You barely skipped a beat.




Hey Debbie (epcotkilterfan)

Can you believe we live this close and will meet down there....Well if all goes as planned with the kids we will be there with bells (pins) on. They probably will have traded away all their traders by then, but it will be fun for them to see all the additional pins available in their favorite characters....Gosh I hope nothing comes up and we cant be there, you know plans with children go.....oh boy! It is on our agenda for the the way what store is the Pin cart located near?????the one at DTD?


shirley 38

Hi Lisa

Everything sounds great. About DTD. We are meeting at the Pin Cart is that right. Now the World of Disney store.
The pin cart has tables. Also another good place if you want to move on is the stage area.
We had it there one year and it was nice. Let us know.



Thank you all again for keeping this near the top! We have had a few more people sign up in the past two days, I'm getting excited! Kathryn, thanks so much, you know you are my GOOD luck charm, not a bad one. Don't be silly, no tragedies this time, I promise! Shirley, thanks for the post, I appreciate it. I guess I'm confused now though. The pin cart is outside right? I'm thinking of the one outside near a group of trees....sort of by World of Disney. You would think that having just been there in Nov. I would remember correctly but I guess not. Let me know if that is right. I figured once we are all there we can move anywhere we feel like, you guys are the experts, I'm just sort of along for the ride! Let me know if that is right, I don't want Goofymom and I to get lost!
Thanks again everyone!



shirley 38

Ok lets see

if I can discribe this right. The pin cart is outside not too far from the World of Disney store.
For the life of me I cannot think of the store it is near. I know it is a men's store.
It is the only pin cart at downtown disney.
If you went to the stage area you sent too far.
If you are coming in from Pleasure Island or West Side, you will have to pass the World of Disney Store.
If you are coming in from the Rainforest area just stay close to the Christmans store, Sport store and it should not be too far from that.
But if you want to make it easy have everyone meet at the stage area.
I think everyone knows where this is.
Does anyone have any more imput.????


my laughing place

room for more?

Ill be there for the afternoon meet and possibly the evening one as well. Cant wait!!.....see ya real soon



you have your bearings just fine Lisa

you were doing okay. the pincart in front of Harrington Bay is near a big planter of tree(s).
From the World of Disney there is the express something shop (clothing), then the crystal shop, the photo area, Team Mickey, Toys fantastic and then there you are, outside looking at the pin cart.
From the other direction there is the gourmet pantry, both halves, the christmas shop and art of disney.

The "dock" area is outside the WoD. But unless you've been there before, lots of people don't even notice it. Lots of room to sit, though. Once we all get there we can spread and move and sit wherever!!!

Know you sent me you Phone Number, but honestly I don't know where I wrote it during chat that night. HRMPH!




Shirley, Kathryn, thanks, you two are the best! Ok, so we can meet at the pin cart (I do know where it is now) and go to the stage from there, or the tables, or wherever we decide to go! Hope that sounds good to everyone. And Shirley, I think after we meet at pin central we will have to go to the tables you were talking about, I think I know where you meant, that sounds great. So, for now we meet at Pin Central at 2pm, and the DTD Pin cart at 8pm. Kath, email on the way with my # again, you silly girl!



Hey there!

fantastic! I am soooo glad to see you there too - you are going to the daytime EPCOT meet aren't you? I'm looking forward to meeting you

Unfortunately, my airline decided to bring my flight forward on my final day but it should still be ok - I have to leave EPCOT by 4pm the latest...

Looking forward to seeing everyone





Getting excited!!!


Well, as soon as I have a schedule for the month of may, I'll let everyone know which of the mets I will get to go to.
I'm not sure yet. I'll have to double check the days and maybe request one of the days off. I just don't know which one, the 6th or 12th.


shirley 38

Hi Everyone

So glad to see everyone is going to be able to make one or the other pin meets.
Joanie I keep looking for Cheshire cat pins for the sister and sorceer pins for you.
Does anyone else have a special kind of pin that they like. shirley38


shirley 38

To those who are going

How many days left till you leave.????



24. Can't wait.



34 days till we leave! Shirley, what a question! I don't know if I could pick one type of pin I collect, but my main focus is Mickey. I also love Tinkerbell, Cleo and Figaro, and anything from POTC. There are so many more, but that would take me all day


shirley 38

Days left

We have 36 days left. YAHOO



I have: 35 Days 14 Hrs 14 Mins 15 Secs
but who is counting.;)

Oh and....237 Days 16 Hrs 37 Mins 24 Secs till I arrive for DIS-Con 2001!



31 days for us

and although I cant wait to meet you all, I dont want to wish away my trip..that will be my second to last night there....ohhhhhh I can feel the depression setting in just thinking about it. Hubby has been checking the web daily for a good deal to return in August...yippeee!!! I know he will find one.
Pins.....hmmmmm lets see, Disniece wants Donald, Disnephew wants goofy, DS wants only Mickey....hopefuly I have some good traders to get them some pins they want, thank heavens they dont care LE or rack, just character...whew!!! Me I just want them to have a ball trading and enjoying the parks......

31 days to go...31 days to go.....guess what I am almost packed...sick arent I



I hope some of you will still be around on the 15th when I get there. I would love to meet you guys.
Pin Pics ID - Dom13



We will just miss each other as I leave May 13th, unless you plan to stay until June 16th when I go back down to Orlando.



Dom, we will be there until the 16th. Not so good planning on my part I guess. We leave on the 16th, the same day as the pin event! But I think we will be able to stay at WDW till around 4pm, or a little earlier, so that should give us plenty of time to get over to MGM and get some pins!



And another bump
I want to see LOADS of people this trip

See you soon...I'm leaving tomorrow so I'll see you all there!

I am going to try and make the Epcot meet at 2pm. It is our last full day in WDW. I don't have any great pins to trade :( but I would love to see everyone elses collections! :bounce:
We would love to see you there! You don't have to trade, just come by and say hi! I am more excited to meet everyone than I am to trade (well maybe) :)
Looks like our trip is a go now, we weren't sure there for a few days, but I will definitely be there! The countdown has started, only 10 days till we leave!

Yay Lisa!!!

Glad to be able to meet you!!!

11 Days 15 Hrs 49 Mins 48 Secs to go!!
Suitcased are packed, even locked up tight.....and I still have 6 days to I excited YOU BET!!!!!! I can hardly wait, I have butterflies just thinking about the excitement...yippee!!!! Dis Sis in nauseus as she has never flown. poor thing.....well I have told everyone about the meet and they are excited to come. So see you in two DTD 8:00 sharp......


I cant wait to finally go to a DIS meet. This is my first official meet, and I cant wait to meet y'all. I have a question about the 8pm DTD meet. I have a friend who is a CM at the parks. I was planning on meeting him this trip, and I was wondering if he could come also? He is one of the best pin traders that I know. He doesnt have a shark bone in his entire body. I met him on a previous trip when I was at DTD trying to trade. There were a lot of people there that night that couldnt care about my pins because I didnt have the LE's that they were looking for. I also met a lot of sharks that tried to scam me. I met my friend when he invited me over to look at his pins. He was wonderful, and even traded some with me. I'm sure y'all would like him. I'm also dragging my DH with me, so he can see the people behind the boards that I talk so much about!

Cant wait!! 11 days to go!! :bounce:
Fiver, Yes, please feel free to bring any of your friends! I know most of us will have someone else in tow, be it our family members, friends, etc. The more the merrier! Goofymom, hahaha, you are ahead of me. I haven't started packing yet but I guess I sort of have in my head. I still need to go shopping to find some shorts! The weather here in Seattle isn't that great yet so wish me luck!

See you all in a couple weeks!

We are still a go for the 2 pm meet.

DH really wants to go to the meet at 8 pm as well but I REALLY want to see Spectromagic and this is my only chance this trip. :(
Just a bump before I go!

Only...1 Days 11 Hrs 40 Mins 31 Secs before I am on Florida soil!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Ok it is Thursday morning about 1.30am. Where is Jeff when I cannot sleep also Mike where are you guys???

We leave on Friday Night at 7.40pm. Will ariive in Fl about 10pm.
Staying at Dixie Landings. Anyone who want to get in touch ask for Shirley Odonnell.

We will definately be at one of the meets. Hope I am not pushing my luck with John with two meets in one day.
Well he did say he wants to trade. It might be fun to just sit back and see him make decisions.
Oh he still wants to trade with Ward first.
This could be a problem if Ward is not at the meet in the afternoo.
Think I will e-mail him to find out.
Sooooooo on ward I have to go pack. Just cleaned my whole house. You know how it is. We have to clean before we go away..Hey that might not be a bad topic.
Y'all are going to have a blast at Lisa's meet! She is a fun gal, one of my best buddies, and an all around wonderful person. I am so sad that I can't be there!!! We've never met. But anywho, you guys will have a very cool time mingling with the likes of those who are attending. I am jealous!!! Bring back some stories along with pins to tell us folks who can't be there.
I really want to see Spectromagic that night, too. I'm planning to go to the DTD meet at 8:00, then head over to MK a little before 10:00, which should give me enough time to get into the park for the 11:00 parade. The late one's better because the crowds are smaller.


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