Small 15 month old baby boy on BIGGER rides...


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi, my son is almost 20 lbs (small) about he will be 15 months old when we go to WDW in April. He seems fairly stable and I think he'll enjoy some rides. Here is a list of rides I am not sure he will be allowed to go on. If you have had experience with a one year old on these rides I would love to hear from you!
(1) Haunted Mansion
(2) Astro Orbitor
(3) Tomorrowland Speedway
(4) Tomorowland Transit Authority
(5) Buzz Lightyear
(6) Carousel of Progress
(7) Railroad
(8) Mad Hatter Tea Cups
(9) Winnie the Pooh
(10)Cinderella Carousel
(12)It's a small world
(14)Pirates of the Caribbean
(15)Main Street Vehicles
(16)Disney Studio Shows, Backlot Tour, 3D Movie
(17)AK Safari

SandraC, visit our Disney family web site
1975 - off site (11 years old),
1977 - off site (13 years old),
1987 - Indian Rock Shores (23 years old with hubby, b/f at the time),
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach (26 years old, with hubby, six month after wedding),
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 mo
He should be able to ride all except maybe Astro Orbitor & Tomorrowland Speedway. I don't know of any restrictions on those but I haven't done Astro Orbitor and I'm not sure they allow lap children on the speedway. All the rest allow lap children so he could not ride alone but he can ride all of them with you.


Offsite ? - 1976, Vistana - 1988
Vistana/Contemp - June 2000, OKW - Feb 2001
BWV - DIS Convention Nov 2001
Disneyland - 1998
He should be able to on most if not all of the rides you listed. My daughter was 14 months old when we went in January and she really enjoyed Pooh's Ride :)
We also took her on Backlot Tour. Just a word of warning there are some really loud parts in this. My kids did okay but my friends 5 year was scared by the loud noises.
I took both my children on the Liberty Belle Riverboat last year (they were 5 months and just turned 2) they LOVED this boat ride!
I hope you have a wonderful trip :)


<font color=#cc99cc>Summer 1982 - 1 day MK visit
April 2000 - 1 day MK visit
January 7-10, 2001 - All Star Movies
March 29 - April 1, 2001 - Port Orleans Riverside</font>
My dd rode almost all of these at 6mo (about 17lbs)....except the Astro Orbiter, the Mad Tea Party and the Speedway. The most bumpy was probably the safari at AK....I held her head gently to make sure she didn't bump it on my chin, or anything else hard. She seemed to enjoy it!


1979 Contemporary
1992 Off-site
1994 Carribean Beach
1999 Fort Wilderness and Coronado Springs
2000 Polynesian and Old Key West
2002 Boardwalk Villas
I'd skip the teacups unless no one in your 'cup' wants to 'spin' - it doesn't take much to start sliding around in that thing!
My 10 month old (17 lbs) rode 1,4,5,6,7,10,12,14,16 & 17 plus a lot more. The main thing is to hold onto him securely no matter how tame the ride seems. I think it was Pirates that had an unexpected little downhill movement that I didn't know about and she almost fell out of my lap. Some things like the movies are loud. I brought earplugs just in case but it didn't seem to bother her. Some things were loud to me! Also I had a little keychain pinlight that my 4 yr old asked for that he played with in the dark if he was bored! I also took bubbles to play with when we waited to do baby swaps on the bigger rides. It works great. Just let the CM know when you get in line and the second adult doesn't have to wait in the line, they usually go down the fastpass line or go back up the exit and may take older kids back for a second ride!That way you get to see a few adult things too.
Regarding TomorrowLand Speedway:

He can ride IF he will sit next to you. I have seen CMs specifically tell guests that a small child may sit next to them, but not on their laps, on this ride.
My Dd was 14mo old, approx 20lbs soaking wet when we went to WDW, here is what she did

(1) Haunted Mansion----yes, seemed to like it
(2) Astro Orbitor---no, felt it was a little too fast to take her on
(3) Tomorrowland Speedway---yes, went on with daddy, enjoyed it
(4) Tomorowland Transit Authority---yes, enjoyed looking out
(5) Buzz Lightyear---didn't get on it, but I thought she would love it, so much to look at
(6) Carousel of Progress--again, didn't get to go on
(7) Railroad---yes, seemed ok, just keep to inside of seats
(8) Mad Hatter Tea Cups---yes, rode with grandma and grandpa, didn't spin cup
(9) Winnie the Pooh---we missed it
(10)Cinderella Carousel---yes, didn't like it till horse started moving
(11)Dumbo---yes, seemed to enjoy
(12)It's a small world---yes, yes, yes, she LOVED it, stood in the bottom of the boat dancing
(13)Riverboat---Didn't get on, again
(14)Pirates of the Caribbean---yes, seemed to like, there is a dip in the ride
(15)Main Street Vehicles---didn't do these
(16)Disney Studio Shows, Backlot Tour, 3D Movie---did Back lot, liked it ok, HATED Muppet movie
(17)AK Safari---yes, fell asleep, it is Very, very bumpy

Be sure to give him time to walk around and explore too, DD liked to get out of the stroller once in a while and run around in non-crowded areas.


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