Single parents at Disney


DIS Veteran
Apr 6, 2001
A friend mentioned to me that she had heard that there was a discussion board or support group for widowed, divorced or other type of single parent families that are Disney fans that might meet up at WDW or the cruise (if going at the same time) to help out each other with kids, rides attractions etc. Like going and doing things like a family but if one parent can't do a certain type ride then maybe the other one can. I am not saying you would hand over your kids for any lenght of time, you might just sit there and watch the ride but it would help in the fact that everyone gets to do things that they like and not miss out. If anyone knows if this group does exist could you please let me know. Thanks.

Fair Winds and Following Seas...
Hi Wenabre. I'll post this on the host board to see if anyone there knows of such a group.



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board
Hi Wenabre. The only suggestion I received was that there used to be a singles board on this site, but a few of the smaller boards were discontinued several months ago, and this was one of them. Does anyone have any other information? Other web sites?



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board
Hi Cindy Ann.
Thank you very much for trying.Have a nice Weekend! :)

Fair Winds and Following Seas...

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