Silly Raincoats!


Earning My Ears
Sep 29, 2000
I just picked up the cutest rain ponchos for our trip in May at the Dollar Store! My friend told me they are the same exact ones they sell in the park for God knows how much. They have Mickey Mouse on them. I guess I'll keep them in our backpack just in case and for those rides where DH hates getting wet!!

Judi :D


<font color=red>Poly. & Contemp as a child</font>
<font color=blue>CBR '90 - Honeymoon!</font>
<font color=green>DxL '95</font>
Off Site '96
<font color=purple>PO Riverside 5/18-5/26</font><MARQUEE>CAN'T WAIT</MARQUEE>
I don't think it was either of those two. We have so many dollar stores here in Jersey - almost as many as there are diners! I will check it out and let you know - but just keep your eyes open and know they are out there.


<font color=red>Poly. & Contemp as a child</font>
<font color=blue>CBR '90 - Honeymoon!</font>
<font color=green>DxL '95</font>
Off Site '96
<font color=purple>PO Riverside 5/18-5/26</font><MARQUEE>CAN'T WAIT</MARQUEE>
I usually get mine in the camping department at Target for .99 but, :( , they don't have Mickey on them. I'm going to look at my local Dollar Store! Thanks!

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=#006600>Fort Wilderness Home - April '95</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6600CC>Fort Wilderness Home -April '00</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF9900">Fort Wilderness Home - Nov. '00</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF0066">French Quarter - Jan. '02</font>
I would love to know which Dollar Store you found those ponchos at. Please keep us posted!
I grew up in Folcroft, PA, straight up Glenolden Ave. and down into Delmar Village! It's a small world in Cyber Space!!! :D


<font color=red>Poly. & Contemp as a child</font>
<font color=blue>CBR '90 - Honeymoon!</font>
<font color=green>DxL '95</font>
Off Site '96
<font color=purple>PO Riverside 5/18-5/26</font><MARQUEE>CAN'T WAIT</MARQUEE>
I bought bright orange ponchos at the dollar store. Don't want to look like everyone else if it rains. :D

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
Sorry, but afraid you'll look like my family of 4. We bought bright orange ones also. :D :D

Just hangin' around waitin' to go see the Mouse

It always seems to rain on us sometime during our fall vacations, so being the good girl scout that I am, I planned a bit ahead and headed over to our local thrift shop and picked up raincoats for our family and outfitted us all for under $5. I just love a good bargain! They were sturdy ones made with hoods and during the downbursts, we were able to distinguish one another from the sea of "yellow" tourists!
Wow!! Minutes away....I'm on South Avenue!! Small world, huh? <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=#006600>Fort Wilderness Home - April '95</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6600CC>Fort Wilderness Home -April '00</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF9900">Fort Wilderness Home - Nov. '00</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF0066">French Quarter - Jan. '02</font>
I still have to get these for our May trip; I'm looking for the ones that are somewhat sturdy and would be reusable (the ones I saw at Target were .99 cents and didn't look like they would survive much of a rainstorm). Are the ones at K mart, Wal-mart similar in quality to those sold in WDW?? Does everyone just throw these away when the vacation is over?
at which store you bought them? Curious to know before trapsing all around the country to the different ones. TIA

Disanne, we end up throwing the .99 rain ponchos away on the last day of vacation. By then they've been through rain showers and numerous wet rides :eek:
I used to try folding them back up and putting them in the luggage but that didn't work too well. So, I figured, why not use that space for something a gift! :D

<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=#006600>Fort Wilderness Home - April '95</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6600CC>Fort Wilderness Home -April '00</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF9900">Fort Wilderness Home - Nov. '00</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF0066">French Quarter - Jan. '02</font>
I bought rain ponchos for us at the Dollar Tree. The package had two ponchos in it for $1.00. They were clear plastic and when we used them at MGM three weeks ago during a pouring rain for most of the day, everyone else was wearing the yellow Disney ponchos. It was easy for us to keep track of each other because we didn't "match" everyone else! As we came out of one attraction, there was a MGM photographer there who said, "Look, it's the Plastic People" as he took our picture. We all laughed.

We let our ponchos drip dry back at our hotel and folded them up the next morning to take with us again. We threw them away before we came home. They were cheap and they served their purpose.
Target, Wal-Mart and K-Mart all have the sturdier ponchos at $4.99. They have yellow and blue, plus one of them have "emergency" orange. We bought blue after hearing about the sea of yellow at WDW - they are right with the camping gear odds & ends, usually next the the .99 ones. Wal-Mart also had some for adults and children in with their umbrellas. Just ask, they will tell you where to find them.
Throw them away????????? No way!!!!!! We used them all fall at football games. We have the same school colors and my DD has hers this week at a spring outdoor camp!!!!! I'm sure they won't be pretty this summer, but that will just give us something else to shop for when we get to the WORLD!


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