She's Surprised to be back to Disney World, a May 2021 Yacht Club Girl's Trip (Updated 9/8)

Our next morning was super lazy. We were headed to Epcot for the day and they didn't open until 11 so we were in no hurry to get out the door.

I let Allie sleep until she woke up and made coffee in the room. The disposable coffee cups were so cute with little embossed Mickey heads.

Those cups are cool, I saw the picture and was wondering where it was from.

I wish I could order them for home and work.

For breakfast we decided to try ordering take out from Ale and Compass again. It was a really pretty good deal and less crowded than the Marketplace.

When I brought it back to the room to eat we figured out that the little table under the desk would pull out and go over to the couch which was much easier than trying to share the desk.

We ordered Salted Carmel Apple French Toast, Mickey waffles, and a side of sausage. Oh side note with DVC we got a 10% discount there too.

That sounds like a great breakfast option. We may do that in January too.

Yes it was a good option but we weren't that crazy about the french toast but they had other options too.

We eventually just got bored in the room and decided to go on a little adventure.

I like morning explorations.

It wasn't quite as early as your normal ones but I was proud of us. We decided to leave Yacht Club and head to the right toward Boardwalk and walk around the lake toward Epcot. We were looking for a coffee mug for you as I recall.

That must have been a nice morning walk.

It was a nice walk. It wasn't too hot yet and we got to see some stuff I hadn't yet over by the Swan.

We stopped at the giftshop at Boardwalk, it's a pretty big place. The coolest part was the bulk candy. We didn't get any but I could see making kids happy next trip.

I love how resort gift ships are all unique. That is a great idea for the kids.

Next up we checked out the Wyland Gallery.

One of our favorite places to visit at Boardwalk

I enjoy visiting here, and we found some pieces we'd seen at the Festival of the Arts.

After we left the Wyland Gallery we walked across the Boardwalk. I noticed the new icecream shop where Ample Hills was but didn't think much of it. Turns out it either opened that day or the next day. It wasn't open yet though when we went by.

Yeah, that was its opening day, I read about it while you were there.

We continued our trip toward the Epcot entrance but then Paul called and told me we had more paperwork to docusign for the new house so I had to stop and do that. Allie wasn't amused.

Oh well, she likes having the house now...

We made it in the park still before opening even with all of our adventuring. World Showcase was sooo quiet. Everything was closed still but it was nice to enjoy the gardens and the topiaries without the crowds.

That is cool, and something I want to get to experience by staying at an Epcot resort.

Yeah it was really nice. We had heard that the animatronics were back on the Gran Fiesta Tour so that's where we were headed. We were excited to see our friends again.

I’m glad that they were back and you got to see them

Yeah and it's not really a rope drop ride so we just walked on.

That is probably true that people weren’t heading for it at rope drop.

No, not at all. After Mexico we decided to finish the World Showcase loop toward lunch and work on our Spike the Bee sticker quest along the way. We got to see the princesses on the bridge. Allie wouldn't wave but I did.

I am thinking spike the bee is responsible for her recent love for bees.

Oh that's so true! She does have random new obsession for bees.

I just now put that together.

I bet that's where it came from. We stopped at Disney Traders and Port of Entry to check out the festival merch. I decided I wanted a coffee mug but didn't want to carry it so I decided to wait and come back later.

Window shopping is fun when you don’t want to carry something for the rest of the day.

Next up we visited Canada. None of the shops were open though. We did find some shops we'd never seen before though, I'll have to take you up there next trip. Hopefully they'll be open then.

Ahh cool. It is pretty back by the waterfalls.

Yes, have we been back there on the upper level? I didn't remember ever being there.

Upper level? I don’t think we ever have, we just walked to the show. We gotta check that out.

After Canada we went through the tea shop in the UK. I found the cutest shirt for Marshall but didn't buy it. Allie didn't think he'd like Pooh on it.

Ahh, he isn’t too picky but I see her point.

Outside Mary Poppins was chatting with guests. I told Allie she should go talk to her but she got shy. We did go through the tea garden though and found another Spike.

Speaking of chatting, with the easing of mask restrictions was there more interaction with other guests than in February?

YES! For sure, because of the distancing in line we didn't get some of the spontaneous chatting but yes we did talk to more people.

That’s cool.

Contiuing our journey we stopped for a Photopass Picture. We were miraculously perfectly on time for our lunch reservation with just enough time to go through the shops in France.

We never make it to World Showcase ADRs perfectly on time.

I know! I was shocked. I only had one kid to usher though and she was really excited about this reservation.

She has been excited about all things France for a few years now, and this would have been on our list last time but it wasn’t open yet.

First though we went through the one shop and she found a pair of mouse ears she really liked. She thought she might wait and then come back for them but I didn't want to make a trip back to France so we just bought them.


After that we went to the little shop that's outside Le Halles where she found another pair of mouse ears. She was mad at me for buying the other pair because she liked these ones better but I got to be the super cool mom and let her have both. Spoiled kid.

Ahh, thus the two sets of ears day.

Yes, yes. Now that we had proper headgear we were headed to lunch. Allie was super excited for Chefs De France.

Because of limited restaurant capacity due to distancing they were seating upstairs at Monsiur Paul and we got to sit upstairs by the window. It was pretty cool to have the view while we dined.

I had a deal with Allie on the trip, if she wanted to order an appetizer she had to order her entree from the kids menu to help keep the costs down. For here she decided she HAD to have the escargot so that was her appetizer.

She was excited to get to have it, and she liked it better than we had at Food and Wine a couple of trips ago.

I tried one, it was ok, not as good at Topolino. If you want good escargot go to Topolino. Allie ate it all though.

They also served a baguette with butter. It was odd though, it comes in a paper bag and you don't get a bread knife. That's not too bad but the butter was cold. I would have prefered a nice olive oil or something over cold butter.

But maybe that's more Italian? Either way the cold butter just felt odd.

In a bag, I guess that’s authentic French.

Perhaps. For her entree Allie ordered the kids salmon with mashed potatoes and a cream sauce. She really enjoyed it, especially the sauce.

Pretty nice for a kids meal.

[/B]In a bag, I guess that’s authentic French.

Yeah, I ordered the Boeuf Bourguignon.

It was pretty good but I wasn't blown away. I feel picky but it just wasn't spectacular. I was expecting more.

It’s tough when it just isn’t your thing, or maybe it just wasn’t spectacular.

Yeah not sure what was up. We did order desert though and that was good. We got the Creme Brulee. It's hard to go wrong with a good Creme Brulee.

She has been looking forward to having Creme Brulee again

Yeah I may have to learn how to make it. I want to play with a torch.

Sounds like fun

Chefs ended up being our most expensive meal of the trip. It for sure wasn't our best. Allie really enjoyed it but I don't see lugging the whole group here anytime soon.

I’m glad you guys got to do it, but don’t feel like I missed out on a whole lot. That’s ok, there are plenty of other restaurants to try.

And we will visit another new restaurant for us in the next update...
Yes it was a good option but we weren't that crazy about the french toast but they had other options too.
I've ordered the french toast with toppings on the side. I'm not a fan of salted caramel.
Next up we visited Canada.
This area of Canada is really nice. We didn't even know it was here until a few years ago. The same with the garden at Japan. We need to explore more, I think. ;)
Speaking of chatting, with the easing of mask restrictions was there more interaction with other guests than in February?
We found people were much more willing to chat, especially the ones who were vaccinated, like us.
They also served a baguette with butter. It was odd though, it comes in a paper bag and you don't get a bread knife. That's not too bad but the butter was cold. I would have prefered a nice olive oil or something over cold butter.
Maybe the paper bag kept the crust flaky. It looks good.
I ordered the Boeuf Bourguignon.
This doesn't even look good.

I think Allie had the best food. :)
I've ordered the french toast with toppings on the side. I'm not a fan of salted caramel.
Ahh yes. I agree that salted carmel can be overdone. Some is ok with me though.

This area of Canada is really nice. We didn't even know it was here until a few years ago. The same with the garden at Japan. We need to explore more, I think. ;)
Isn't it awesome that Disney has these ares that even fairly frequent visitors take a while to discover? We will definitely hang out a bit in Canada in January.

We found people were much more willing to chat, especially the ones who were vaccinated, like us.
Yes. Being vaccinated does help decrease the general fear of interaction, and added to the fun of the trip. Allie should be able to get it before our next trip.

Maybe the paper bag kept the crust flaky. It looks good.
Perhaps, and that might be the French way to do it, but it wasn't what we normally expect.

This doesn't even look good.

I think Allie had the best food. :)
Sometimes the pictures kinda do tell the story. It wasn't bad, but not great either. Allie did enjoy hers, but agreed it wasn't the best meal of the trip.
Being vaccinated does help decrease the general fear of interaction, and added to the fun of the trip. Allie should be able to get it before our next trip.
Our daughter will feel much better once her son can get vaccinated. September 20th isn't too far away, but it would have been nice if they could have allowed the "almost 12" year old kids to get the vaccine before school began.
Our daughter will feel much better once her son can get vaccinated. September 20th isn't too far away, but it would have been nice if they could have allowed the "almost 12" year old kids to get the vaccine before school began.
Yeah, it would have been nice to have her vaccinated before school. It started last week, and one of the kids in her class is already out with COVID. So far so good, but it is a waiting game.

Yes, they look like daikon radish.
Yes, I bet that's what they were.
So after our lunch in France, we decided to do another loop around World Showcase.

Our first stop was Mitsukoshi.

We love shopping here and enjoyed checking out the store. We didn't find anything we couldn't live without though which is rare. I feel like we often find something here.

Yes, from our honeymoon on we have found great things there. I’m sure it was fun looking though.

We also went into the little museum too.

It was hot and we were trying to stay cool.

It was nice to have live music playing at the America Pavillion. Mariachi Cobre was on stage when we went by. I love a good mariachi band.

We had missed the live entertainment last trip.

Yeah it was nice, they would switch out with the Voices of Liberty.

I bet it seemed like home in California, with the mix of both.

It did! We ran into a special event booth with some Precious Moment's dolls. They were really cute, Allie enjoyed looking at them and we stopped a couple times to check them out on our trip.

I think she really wanted one but they were kinda pricy and she doesn't really play with her dolls much anymore.

Aww, but it is neat she enjoyed looking at them and got to visit a few times.

Yeah she decided to spend her money on Nuimo stuff instead.

We know she loves them. Side note, she had packed many of her Nuimo clothes for the house move, so while she had her Nuimo characters for the trip, many of their outfits were packed in the storage unit. This was the only thing she really missed during the move, and was glad when we finally got to unpack them.

Next, we headed over to the Land looking for AC.

She didn't want to ride Soarin' so I promised that we wouldn't as long as we could go inside and cool off.

Besides, you both probably wanted to ride Living with the Land.

We did, we did.

We all know it is the true star of the pavilion.

But first we did something we've never done before. Can you guess what it was?

The thing on the way in?

Yeah, the Awesome Planet show.

It was a nice theater show to grab a quick nap and remind us to recycle and reduce.

The cool thing is when you leave the theater you have the option of coming out downstairs or upstairs so you don't have to ride the escalator down.

That's cool. They didn’t have the chocolates like that time at Food and Wine though.

Lol no, no chocolates. After that we headed over to Living with the Land. It's still my favorite.

They had added some flowers for Flower and Garden festival.

That’s neat. It is always a favorite.

After Living with the Land we decided to go find the Spike the Bees we were missing and check out more Topairies on our way to MouseGear.

I was looking for more Festival Gear.

Sounds like you were taking full advantage of Flower and Garden.

We were. We decided we wanted these new floating flower beds in our pool.

They would be cute, but we haven’t come up with that Disney souvenir yet...

Lol no. We also got to see the Purple Martins nesting! The little babies were so cute sticking their little heads out of the nests.

A little bit of nature

MouseGear was a huge disappointment. They didn't have anything special and we didn't end up buying anything.

It hasn’t been great in the new temporary location. I hope it returns to its former shopping glory.

I really wanted a Festival coffee cup so we picked that up at Port of Entry on our way out of Epcot.

We were headed out to our early dinner.

Ahh yes, the limitations of when you could get the ADRs. Sounds like it was worth it though.

Yes! It was ok, we were actually early for our early dinner and tired. Our end goal was Beaches and Cream but we had about an hour to kill.

You didn’t need a bunch of transit time.

We found a couple friends in the lobby of Beach Club though.

Aww cute

We got mug refills at Beach Club Marketplace and hung out in the Solarium for a while. It was a perfectly nice place to rest our feet and cool off.

Ahh yes we always love hanging out there.

Yeah we actually ended up getting a little chilly so we moved the party outside. We sat outside Beaches and Cream at the cutest icecream cone table. I think we need one for our porch.

Aww neat, that would be a cool souvenier too. I can’t believe we have never eaten here before.

Right? We were excited. The restaurant is so cute inside, I fell in love with the art.

That’s cool, and something you don’t hear anything about.

I would totally buy some of those art pieces if they had them for sale.

The food was so so good. I may have found my new favorite thing. Loaded tater tots.

Mmm, they look good.

I also got a beef dip which was amazing.

I can't remember what Allie got, and I didn't get a picture but I just remember the food being better than I thought it would be. I was impressed.

It wasn’t just all about the ice cream.

Not at all. But this was Allie's face when a kitchen sink went by.

Lol, the star of the show

Since there was only two of us we decided we didn't need the whole kitchen sink so we got a Minnie Sink.

It was still the perfect size for 8 people to share...

Lol, I bet the two of you did a good job on it.

It normally comes with pineapple topping but we subbed that out for marshmallow fluff.

It was so good, we mostly just ate the toppings we were so full by the time we ate down to the icecream. We decided we HAVE to bring everyone here in January. It was a great meal and so fun.

We are all looking forward to it

Since we had an early dinner we really had all of the options available to us but I let Allie pick the next activity. Where do you think we spent the evening?

The pool?

Bingo. In 3 weeks she'd have a pool of her own but alas there we were at the pool.

You again didn’t have far to travel.

We just hung out in the hot tub and quiet pool. She wanted to actually swim but I was wet and cold so I bundled up in like 8 towels and watched her swim.

It is interesting how much you used the quiet pools compared to Stormalong Bay.

Stormalong Bay is nice if you want to be active with the kids. The quiet pool is a much nicer experience.

Especially if it is cold out.

For sure. So that really rounded out our evening. We called you after we got out of the pool and got in bed pretty early.

Sounds like it was a nice quiet end to a fun day.

It was, we really wanted to be up early the next morning on our last full day. We had one more park to get to.

I’m looking forward to hearing about the wild time you guys had.
That beef dip looks right up my alley. I’ve been looking for an alternate restaurant for me and youngest two daughters while my wife and oldest daughter go to Cape May Cafe for dinner. Beaches and Cream might be a good option! Thanks for the inspiration!
It was nice to have live music playing at the America Pavillion. Mariachi Cobre was on stage when we went by. I love a good mariachi band.
We love the live music and it was one of the things I missed the most during the early days of the Covid restrictions.
We found a couple friends in the lobby of Beach Club though.
I love how the characters just seem to appear. Goofy and Pluto also go to the afternoon dance party at SAB.
The food was so so good. I may have found my new favorite thing. Loaded tater tots.
You can get the loaded tater tots at Martha's Vineyard, the BC resort bar. It is something to keep in mind when you are there in January. :)
I also got a beef dip which was amazing.
This is my favorite thing to get at Beaches and Cream. I also love the root beer float. :)
Stormalong Bay is nice if you want to be active with the kids. The quiet pool is a much nicer experience.
I spent more time swimming at the quiet pool than at Storm Along Bay. The quiet pool was never busy and it is a better pool for lap swimming. And, like you, our last few rooms were closer to that pool than to SAB. :)
That beef dip looks right up my alley. I’ve been looking for an alternate restaurant for me and youngest two daughters while my wife and oldest daughter go to Cape May Cafe for dinner. Beaches and Cream might be a good option! Thanks for the inspiration!
We would highly recommend it, although your wife and oldest might be jealous of missing out...

We love the live music and it was one of the things I missed the most during the early days of the Covid restrictions.
Yes, we are all looking forward to having more of it back next time.

I love how the characters just seem to appear. Goofy and Pluto also go to the afternoon dance party at SAB.
It is Disney Magic how they appear out of nowhere and add to the fun. I'm sure they are well scheduled too to prevent being in more than one place at once...

You can get the loaded tater tots at Martha's Vineyard, the BC resort bar. It is something to keep in mind when you are there in January. :)
That is an excellent piece of information that we will be VERY likely to use. Thanks!

This is my favorite thing to get at Beaches and Cream. I also love the root beer float. :)
Mmm, it was really good. I think I will have to do a burger though to give it a try.

I spent more time swimming at the quiet pool than at Storm Along Bay. The quiet pool was never busy and it is a better pool for lap swimming. And, like you, our last few rooms were closer to that pool than to SAB. :)
Yeah, SAB wasn't the attraction for us that it is for many, but that's ok, the quiet pool was great. I'm sure we will spend a little time at both SAB and quiet pools as long as it isn't too cold in January.
So on our last full day we woke up and were greeted with the dreaded Magical Express letter.

This time I didn’t have to be the one to find it.

I wasn't as sad as I normally am to see it though. I was kinda ready to be home. I had underestimated how much I'd miss the boys.


We got up and dressed and out to the bus stop by 7:56. Not too bad if you ask me. And for my husband's time keeping made it actually on the bus by 8:07

That’s a pretty short wait. I’m surprised you hadn’t been to AK yet this trip since you both love it, but when you can walk to Epcot instead it is a bit of a trek.

Yeah we just didn't do much park hopping and the Disney portion of the trip was short. We had decided that we were going to have breakfast somewhere in the park or at the coffee cart out front.

I see a Joffreys donut in your future.

When we got off the bus Allie decided she wanted one of the big Joffrey's donuts so we waited in line for that.

I want one of those on an AK day. We never seem to figure out a good breakfast for early AK days, and I think that would do it for me.

I think it's a good idea. However they didn't have the regular ones, only the one with chocolate frosting. It's not the same, and not as good in our opinion.

Aww, that’s a bummer since the other one was really good.

It was a pretty warm morning so I got a Diet Coke instead of coffee.

Yeah the chocolate was ok but Allie was sad she missed out on the regular kind. Once we were in the park we decided we were going to do a loop and start in Pandora. Allie doesn't like Flight of Passage so we skipped that but hopped in line for Navi River Journey.

Look at you being all efficient. By that point you were probably saving steps and didn’t want to have to cross the park too many times.

Oh man that's for sure. The sign said we'd have a 45 minute wait but we only waited about 30 minutes which wasn't too bad. At that point they were only loading every other row of the boats so I think that really limits the ride capacity.

Still a little long for the ride length, but it got it done. Ahh, cutting capacity had to slow it down. It was pretty slow in February too.

Yeah and it's a nice ride. So much to look at.

Yes, it is the ultimate boat ride as far as being well decorated.

After that Allie wanted to check out the dump shop for Flight of Passage so we headed that way. That kid loves to shop.

It is a cool shop. I agree

So after that we thought we might as well get in line for the Safaris. That line was insane, it was showing a 50 minute wait and the line went all the way back to Tusker House.

We took a potty stop before though and then hopped in line.

That is nuts. You gotta do it to have it be a true AK day, but that’s a long line queue, and didn’t they add some backstage stuff to it too?

Yes, the line wound around all crazy. We got to go backstage for a minute and then once we got in the acutal queue there was overflow there that I've never seen or noticed before.

Your location off the map is kinda cool.

It took most of the posted 50 minutes to actually make it on the truck but once we did we had a great safari.

That’s good, at least it was worth the wait.

One of the giraffes was blocking the road and we spent about 5 minutes sitting on the savannah waiting for her to move. The zebras were checking out the truck while we were stopped. It was all very cool.

That’s cool you got to sit long enough for them to walk around you.

Oh yeah it was fun.

Once we got off the truck Allie had no desire to walk the Gorilla Falls Trail. I was kinda sad but she had a better idea.

We had enough time before lunch to head out to Rafiki's planet watch to hang with the goats.

Ahh interesting. She does still love petting some goats. This was her favorite part of Disneyland trips for a long time when she was little.


Yeah she spent a long time scratching goats, until mom got tired of it. We were hot so we went inside to cool off and check stuff out before heading back to Harambe. In the vet clinic they were doing a procedure on a Barred Goose. Poor kid had throat cancer that they couldn't get a handle on.

It is fun to stop in and see what’s going on in there. Definitely feels educational.

It was! I love it. They were having a little trouble getting him up from the anesthesia but they sent someone out to talk to everyone watching so that was nice.

Disney is awesome.

So it was time for lunch. We headed back to Harambe and then on to Asia where we had reservations at an old favorite.

The Yak and Yeti tradition continued, and I bet you enjoyed having a cool spot to hang out in the middle of the day. But the real question is what was for dessert?

It was really nice, we had a table near stair opening, it was a neat view. We shared a whole plate of fried green beans between us, and then Allie got noodles and I got the Korean Beef. The food was excellent as always.

It never fails to impress. You get credit for sticking to only one order of green beans.

For dessert we couldn't decide which we wanted more, Mango pie or Fried Wontons, so... we got both.

Which is the only correct answer. Go you!

It was perfect and we were STUFFED.

Mmm but I bet it was soooo good.

Oh so good. Check out more of our day in the next update...
This was her favorite part of Disneyland trips for a long time when she was little.
Is she wearing one of the dresses that you made for her? Those dresses were adorable.
For dessert we couldn't decide which we wanted more, Mango pie or Fried Wontons, so... we got both.
Both desserts sound good. I think we need to eat here again. :)
I wasn't as sad as I normally am to see it though. I was kinda ready to be home. I had underestimated how much I'd miss the boys.
How long had you been away from home by then? You had been visiting family before the trip. weren't you?
However they didn't have the regular ones, only the one with chocolate frosting.
The chocolate looks good. What is the regular donut like?
So after that we thought we might as well get in line for the Safaris. That line was insane, it was showing a 50 minute wait and the line went all the way back to Tusker House.
It seems like the safari line has been really long ever since they reopened during Covid. We've been going to the safari at rope drop and even then there are a lot of people in line.
Ah yes, the famous Animal Kingdom safari giraffic jam.
Yep, and she was in no hurry. Kinda like "Watch this, let's see if we can push the line outside of Africa..."

Is she wearing one of the dresses that you made for her? Those dresses were adorable.
Yes she was, that was one of our favorites, the Mickey and Friends dress Melissa made her for Chef Mickey's. She liked wearing it to the parks.

Both desserts sound good. I think we need to eat here again. :)
It has been consistently good for us, and we're planning on going again next trip.

How long had you been away from home by then? You had been visiting family before the trip. weren't you?
Yeah, we had been gone just over a week at this point, and wanted to get back to everything at home.

The chocolate looks good. What is the regular donut like?
The regular dount had a colored vanilla frosting, and Allie really enjoyed it last year. She barely shared any of it, but the bite I got was yummy.

It seems like the safari line has been really long ever since they reopened during Covid. We've been going to the safari at rope drop and even then there are a lot of people in line.
Yeah, it us usually our first stop, and often during extra magic hours, but it has been pretty full. It is the star attraction of the park for us though, so we gotta do it, sometimes more than once, but we won't wait as long the second time.
Finally caught up! The dis stopped notifying me of Anyways, had a great time catching up!

Besides, you both probably wanted to ride Living with the Land.

We did, we did.

We all know it is the true star of the pavilion.
Oh yes! Also I'm a bad WDW planner, 'cause my husband has yet to ride Living with the Land, despite having gone with me 4 times to WDW. We even had planned specifically to ride it one time but I miscalculated and we arrived after Living with the Land had closed. Oops! Glad you guys got to ride it...and didn't try to steal a cucumber or anything :D

MouseGear was a huge disappointment. They didn't have anything special and we didn't end up buying anything.

It hasn’t been great in the new temporary location. I hope it returns to its former shopping glory.

So on our last full day we woke up and were greeted with the dreaded Magical Express letter.
Tragical Express letter is the worst!

After that Allie wanted to check out the dump shop for Flight of Passage so we headed that way. That kid loves to shop.
I'm with her -- I love gift shops. They're so interesting, seeing all the weird merch.

For dessert we couldn't decide which we wanted more, Mango pie or Fried Wontons, so... we got both.
As you should -- always get both :D
Your family seems to be Yak and Yeti experts at this point. What do you recommend for a non adventurous eater? We are scheduled to go here for an early lunch on our trip.
That Yak and Yeti looks SO good! It's been a long time favorite for my sister and I might need to add it to my must-try list.
We love it, and have gone every time since we started going there when Allie was three. It just fits our schedule so well and we love the food.

Finally caught up! The dis stopped notifying me of Anyways, had a great time catching up!
That's a bummer. We had a big long break were we were too busy with house stuff to write trip report stuff, but we're back on track now and almost done.

Oh yes! Also I'm a bad WDW planner, 'cause my husband has yet to ride Living with the Land, despite having gone with me 4 times to WDW. We even had planned specifically to ride it one time but I miscalculated and we arrived after Living with the Land had closed. Oops! Glad you guys got to ride it...and didn't try to steal a cucumber or anything :D
Yeah, as a Agriculture Science major it is one of Melissa's favorites. It is a great ride (as long as you stay inside it)... I guess it has been closed for a few days now, and we hope they get it up and going for everyone who is there now.

Tragical Express letter is the worst!
Yeah, the printed confirmation that you must return to reality is never a good thing.

I'm with her -- I love gift shops. They're so interesting, seeing all the weird merch.
We all love shopping, especially at Disney. It fascinates us how the inventory varies at each store. Some things are only available at certain places, and they aren't always what you would expect. It adds to the fun of the treasure hunt.

As you should -- always get both :D
MMmmmm hmmmmm

Same here. A vanilla frosted long john is one of my favorites.
Yeah, I like some chocolate frosted donuts, but on those the vanilla is the way to go. We are looking forward to it next time.

Your family seems to be Yak and Yeti experts at this point. What do you recommend for a non adventurous eater? We are scheduled to go here for an early lunch on our trip.
We do love our Yak and Yeti, and really don't consider it to be too exotic. The Kobe beef burger there is a solid, conventional choice. If you want something a little different, the BBQ pork ribs are really excellent, despite having a slightly unconventional Asian inspired sauce. Melissa enjoys the Asian chicken dishes like the Honey Chicken or Sweet and Sour chicken and doesn't find them to be particularly spicy, but they are pretty flavorful. They also have specials that rotate and have been really good. It is a restaurant where I would probably eat and likely enjoy anything on the menu.


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