She laughed...and said, "Yes!"


Earning My Ears
Apr 28, 2001
Hi everyone,

I am posting on this board after a long time. I surprised my girlfriend, Sudipa, and her brother, Angshu, with a vacation at WDW and on the Wonder (December 20, 2001). I have posted a trip report with the same title as this thread on the trip report board. I thought that it might be interesting for everyone to read the trip report from the point-of-view of the 'surprisee', so I asked Sudipa to write a trip report for everyone's benefit. I would love for you to share the thrill and excitement of our Disney adventure! :) :)

Trip report for WDW vacation and Dec. 20th, 2001 Wonder cruise
That is sooooooooooo beautiful and romantic. Congratulations to you both. May you have a "Wonder"ful life together. Thank you for sharing your "Magic"al moments with us.
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to thank you all for helping Shuvo plan our Disney Trip and making it so WONDERful. I had the 'bestest' time of my life...and that's not just because I was proposed to :-)...that was more like the icing on the cake. Thanks again!!!

:bounce: Sudipa.
What a wonderful surprise! Congratulations and wish you both lots of happiness! So when is the big day?? The deck 7 little hideaway seems to be getting it's share of publicity lately and for sure it's no secret anymore ;) Best of luck!
Great report, Sudipa! Thanks for writing it. We definitely had fun sharing some of Shuvo's excitement as he planned this trip and then replanned it following the date change. I wish you both many years of happiness together.
Thank you everybody for your good wishes. 4nana, the big day won't probably be till early 2004 :( because there are many wrinkles to work out before Sudipa can move here from Australia!:)
By the way, Its really nice to see the wake of the ship from the Deck 7 verandah. Its sort of like an illusion where you feel like you can almost touch the wake, but its really quite far away - probably because we generally use the deck 9 view as a reference. I guess I got pretty lucky with Deck 7 being empty, since its been publicized so much. It was about 9 pm in the night, so maybe that contributed to my luck. I was wondering if I should ask DCL if they could keep the place empty for a few minutes, but decided to take the risk, and I got lucky. :D I couldn't have done it so well without the help of the board. I hope to read about many more fun and exciting trips in the future!:) :D Thank you so much!
A Very Happy Valentine's Day to you also!

It was nice to re-read your 'lovely' experience again on this special day for 'love'!



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