
Girl Scout Girl

Earning My Ears
Feb 1, 2002
Ok this might sound stupid but i am going to say it any way when you are off the ship and on the beaches are there things like jellyfish and stingrays and sharks swimming around or do they have the area fenced off thanks again :pinkbounc
When you are at Castaway Cay, Disney Cruise Line's Private Island, the family beach does have a protective net around it that would keep out large predatory fish. They also keep a close watch on what is in the water and patrol it before a ship comes in to use it.

Because of the way that Castaway Cay is shaped, they can keep a net in place easily. As for the other areas, I'm not so sure about them. It seems like it would be more difficult to keep a net around a flat beach that would provide the same protection.
We found the lifeguards at the Family Beach to be very vigilant. In the afternoon, an eel was in the snorkeling area, and everyone had to get out of the water until it left. I don't know if all eels are dangerous, but I guess they err on the side of caution.

Also, in the snorkeling area, early in the day, my daughter and I did see a huge round jellyfish just sitting on the bottom, about 12 feet down or so (I am bad at judging distance, but it sure seemed really far down). It wasn't moving, and I am not sure if they remove people due to jellyfish presence. We didn't tell anyone because at the time, we had no idea that they watched for anything but sharks!
When we were snorkeling at CC, I saw a fish that looked suspiciously like a barracuda, so I grabbed my daughters arm and got us out of there immediately - it terrified me... although I was right back out there a few minutes later! :D
There was also a barracuda at Serenity Bay once, near the wreckage way out in the water. We were told by some other people...we hurried out to see it, but it had left by the time we got there. I guess barracudas must not be too dangerous, although I certainly wouldn't provoke one! When hubby saw the one in the snorkeling area and got a glimpse of its teeth, he definitely let it go its own way undisturbed!
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When we were at Serenity Bay on Castaway Cay (Jan. 18) we saw a stingray near the shore, but it didn't bother us and we didn't bother it. We just kept on swimming and snorkeling. I did get a nice picture of it underwater though.
When we were at Castaway Cay in June 2000 my husband was stung by a jellyfish while we were snorkeling. It got him pretty good - both sides of his chest and under his arms. He never even saw it. The life guards in the area asked him if he needed any help and he told them he was fine. I stayed with him until we made it back to shore. When we got to the first aid building I think the doctor put vinegar on him. Jellyfish stings are very painful. I think the vinegar is suppose to take the sting out. After a while my husband couldn't wait to get back into the water. I was a little hesitant. But we didn't hear of anyone else even seeing a jellyfish let alone getting stung. We've been back there twice since then and haven't heard anything about any jellyfish sightings.


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