Shades of Green


Oct 16, 2000
We've got two adjoining rooms booked at SoG for 10/01!! This is our first trip to WDW...I know that I don't want to upgrade to their Gold Leaf Package - but - does anyone know how economical the Stars & Stripes (length of stay) prices at SoG are?? We will be arriving early Saturday and departing late the following Saturday - so we are thinking of either the 7 ($261 adult) or 8 ($289) day Stars and Stripes. If we are not really keen on visiting the water parks, would another type of pass be a better deal? There are so many types of passes, I am overwhelmed! THANKS!!
Hi! My DH and I have stayed at SoG for the past 3 visits! We absolutely love it too! Just some friendly advice about the tickets! You are staying for an extended time, so a length of stay would be practical...however, because you are staying for a long time, you may find yourself wanting to take a break from the parks by taking a day off and just going shopping. If you do that, you would end up LOSING days on your length of stay pass. Plus, you had mentioned that you DID NOT intend on using the water parks...they are included in the length of stay pass.
I would strongly recommend purchasing a park hopper pass. This way your un-used days NEVER expire. If you go with a hopper PLUS pass, you will be able to have 3 admissions to any of the water parks, pleasure Island, or WWoS complex.

I hope this makes sense to you! :)
If there is anything else I can help you with, let me know! Too bad, I will be there around 10/20. Looks like we will just miss each other! So have fun planning and if you need any help from this Disney and Shades expert, let me know!


P.S.--Go to the Evergreen Bar and Grill (by the Mickey pool @ SoG) and have a steak sandwich!!! YUMMY!!!!!
Hi again, I am posting quite a bit lately with all sorts of questions. I was wondering if anyone can tell me any reason I would not want to stay at this resort. I can't find many pictures on it, probably would need 2 rooms for my sixe family or the 1 suite they have there. Anyway, my husband is retired national guard so would he qualify?? Please any info would help. currently have reservations at dolphin, Wildnerness Lodge, Allstar Movies. ( I should say holds) can't seem to make up my mind.
We stayed at SOG the first week of January. It was nicer than I expected but some of the Disney Magic was missing. No Disney Hotel TV station, no Mickey Soap and Shampoo, no Disney decorations. To me that wasn't enough for us not to stay there again, but to some people that is important. Also, the buses don't run quite as frequent as those at Disney properties, it seems.
We stayed at SOG with a family member and would stay there again in minute if we could. We did not feel left out of the magic. The guys golfed on both courses there and the famous Mickey shaped sand trap is at one of them. The pool right by our room is Mickey shaped(it may be the only one like it). I thought the prices for the room, food and beverages were much cheaper than elsewhere in the world but I could be wrong. The price you pay for your room depends upon your grade so some get a better deal than others. The grounds were beautiful and the whole complex very well kept up. The rooms were oversized like a suite with two beds(queen sized I think) and a single pull-out sleeper. We also got a fridge - it may have cost extra. The staff is very friendly and helpful. You can walk to the Poly and get that magic and catch transportation there also. We found the buses to be as good as any where else we stayed. My family loves HIFS but if we could go to SOG again we would definitely go.
There is no reason you would not want to stay at Shades of Green. Yes, as a retired member of the national guard your husband is eligible for this and other AFRC's. Rates are based on pay grade-i believe the current rate for retiree's is $96.00 per night-this does not go up and down by season. It does book up very quickly but they offer overflow to other resorts and it is possible you could book this way and get a better rate at one of the other places you are considering. I did NG Family programs for years and have much information on what you are eligible for. If you would like you can contact me directly a
Hi Katie, thanks for all the good info! We are really looking forward to SoG...and since we've never been to a DISNEY resort, I don't think we'll miss the mickey shaped soap!! :)

Here (if you don't mind) are some other questions I've been wondering about?
What was your experience with SoG buses? Both from the airport and also to/from the parks? Do they run to Downtown disney (I really want to see Cirque de Soleil!!) We're trying to see if we need to rent a car or not.
How is the store(?) at SoG? Are prices Disney prices or BX prices?? Are there any staples (ie, milk, bread) available?
You gave me lots of info about the passes!! Thanks! I will check into the park hopper. Did I read somewhere that there is a military discount, or that tickets at SoG are tax free??

Any recommendations as to room requests?

Thanks in advance for your advice!!

HI! Here's my answers for your questions!

SoG Busses: Very efficient, very clean and very timely! Arleen and Tom are two of the greatest bus drivers there are! They will make you laugh and Arleen's singing will make you cry! Ha ha ha! The busses to the Ticket & Transportation Center run on continuous 20 minute intervals. They usually start about an hour before the first park opens and runs until 2:00am for PI goers.

The second bus runs on a 1 hour interval and that one goes from SoG to AK, MGM, BB, DD, and TL. So your chances of just taking the 1st bus to the TTC is usually faster unless you just happen to time it just right and catch the 2nd bus!
Also about the busses...the waiting area for the busses is the entrance for the resort. It's completely shaded and there are very comfortable rocking chairs to relax in before you catch the bus.

My DH and I received 2 tickets for a wedding present and absolutely loved it! If you haven't reserved seats yet, I would suggest seating in the upper tier. Mind you, there is NO bad seat in the theater, and the higher up you are the more it puts you eyelevel to the action! (no kinks in the neck!)

Renting a Car: I would say no. The only reason I would suggest a car would be if you were planning on visiting any attractions outside Disney. Pros: You have the freedom to come and go as you please from park to park. No waiting for busses. Freedom to leave the "World" to visit out-lying Orlando. Cons: Cost of having the car as opposed to how much you would use it. Any place you need to go, Disney of charge (it's offered to you via your park ticket). Also I don't know if there is a charge for parking in the parks if you are a resort guest.
Plus, you might miss the gators in the lake when you walk to the Poly to catch the monorail (10 min walk)!! That's ok, they don't bite.

Shops @ SoG: Ok, there are 2 shops there. The 1st, as you walk into the resort on the left, is the place to buy snacks and treats, toiletries, medicines, and cool disney clothing. It is tax free too, but you must show either your MID or SoG card. They do sell food stuffs, like chips, water, cokes, milk, and alcohol. For other things, I'm sure if you ask them they would be able to refer you to a place that would sell you bread etc...
The second shop "Made In The Shade": go down the main corridor and it is by the elevators on the left. Here is where you will buy all your park hopper tickets and SoG merchandise (ie. shirts, cups, umbrellas, etc...). And yes, there is a discount for park passes for military guests and their families. However, I don't know if they are tax free...

Ok, last but not least, room recommendations: I would say anything facing the golf course or tennis courts (#224&228 sound familiar--I'll get back with you on that) anything else would face the swimming pools which could be noisy if you decide to come to the room for a mid-day nap.

Ok, sorry this ran so long, but as you can see, i'm SO happy to help other people plan their disney trips! Maybe I'll start a business one day!

Just a quick question for you...are you flying to orlando? If so, I would suggest taking Tiffany Town Car to SoG. They are very affordable and they will be able to stop at a convenience store before you arrive so you can pick up what food provisions you might need...this way you could rent a refridgerator for the length of your stay for a small fee....just a thought!

Let me know if there is anything else! I would love to help!
That's great info!! Too bad, too, we are coming home on 10/20/01!

We are flying into Orlando, since there will be 5 of us, we probably can justify a Tiffany car....and we were planning to rent a fridge. That's why I was asking about buying staples. But if we could stop along the way and get milk/cereal, etc that would be great!

Good advice too about renting a car...I am trying to get in the mindset that "this is a vacation, what's the big hurry", but have to convince DH that this is true. lol.

definitely let me know any tidbits you think I need to know!! Thanks again for the info!
Just one more thing about Tiffany Town Car. It's really neat! They will be there to meet you with a sign in the baggage area! That way, there is no waiting around. Our flight was delayed from Indy and when we got to Orlando, the driver was up to date on our arrival info and was ready to help us with our luggage!

When the time gets closer, you can make your reservations on-line through this site. And no money down is needed. They will send you a confirmation number within 48 hours and you pay when they drop you off. You will also schedule your pick-up time when the driver drops you off at SoG.

If I think of anything else, I will definately let you know!
Thanks again, Katie!

Can you tell me what the approximate price of the Tiffany car is? (The ride, I mean, not the price of the car!!) Is is like a taxi or is it a REAL towncar, lol?

Just curious (again!)
THANKS! :) :) I can't get my instant smiles to work!
The cost for a TTC (that's tiffany Town Car--not Ticket & Transportation Center :) !) is approximately $85 for a group of 5 passengers--Round Trip!!!! Mears motor coaches usually run about $25 per person round trip. So Tiffany is DEFINATELY the way to go. They are clean, friendly and efficient. Just go to their web site to check out what they have to offer and there is also a coupon you can print out to use too! That's what you need to check out. From there you can make your reservations on-line too!

Sorry, actual retail price of the vechile is not known.... :)

looks like my instant smiles weren't working right this time!

P.s....keep the questions coming!

Katie :)
SOG has raised their ticket prices along with Disney...
7 Day S & S: $280
8 Day S & S: $308

We stayed at SOG last year, with a group of 11, and loved it!
Bob NC,

Do you happen to have the new Disney rates for Park Hopper/Park Hopper Plus? I am still trying to figure out my ORIGINAL question of whether or not to buy S&S or Park hopper. Any suggestions?

Thanks! :cool:
All their new prices on on their website, We too, are having trouble deciding on which passes to get. We have figured out however, that SOG's AP rates are much better than their Stars & Stripes pass rates, for us anyway, since we are staying 2 weeks.

One more comment on SOG! We could not get ressies there for 10/2000 because we were booking in April. But they booked us overflow into FW cabin and saved us almost $100/night! Wonderful people to book with - very helpful. This time booked a year in advance and have two rooms for 10/2001 at the $96/night rate! Thanks for all the info re: room locations, stores, and busses!

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