shades of green or 20% off?


DIS Veteran
Jan 22, 2001
would it be cheeper to get the tickets from shades of green with militairy ID or get the tickets from a disney store with the Magic Kindom club card (20% off i believe)? any idea ne1?
alrite.. i just been informed that the MKC card dosent work any more... so will the new "Club" be cheeper then Shades of green?
You get a better deal with Shades. We use them every year, and you can get different types of passes. A Stars and Stripes pass gives you everything a hopper pass does. The only drawback is you must use the days consecutively. If you miss a day, you lose it. Also, if you don't use all the days, they expire on your checkout.The prices from Dec 2000 are as follows:
2 day 108 adult/86 child
3 day 147/117
4 day 177/142
5 day 209/168
6 day 236/189
7 day 261/211
8 day 289/233
You can also buy the regular Disney hopper passes
4 day is 170 adult/138 child
5 day 200/163
You can also get the hopper plus passes
5 day is 230 adult/188 child
6 day 260/213
7 day 290/238
The best part about getting your tickets at Shades of green is you don't pay TAX!
You can also buy annual passes now. They are 320 adult/270 child, and the Premium pass is 425/360
The shades also sells Universal and other attraction tickets at a discounted rate.
Hope this helps!
Which is cheaper, an AP with SOG or AP as FL resident?

<font size=4 color=navy><font face="Garamond">
<marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
1997 (WDW 25th birthday) Institute Villas
1999 DL
2000 WL and Swan!!!
The ticket prices at SOG just went up. I don't have all of the details in front of me, but the 4 day hopper went from $170 up to $185. It is still the cheapest ticket you can get, although I have heard they may be cheaper at travel offices on base. View current prices here:»


'71-Fort Wilderness
'92-Dixie Landings
'95-Grand Floridian
'99-Vero Beach
99/00 New Years Eve Dixie Landings
2000-Poly Concierge
Nov. 11 2000 7 Day DCL!
Feb. 2001 Coronado Springs
Oct. 27 2001 7 Day Halloween Cruise!!
I can never get to that price list in that link. It asks for downloads... And if I try to go through everything it asks for, my computer gets all messe up :mad: I really need to upgrade this dinosaur someday.

<font size=4 color=navy><font face="Garamond">
<marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
1997 (WDW 25th birthday) Institute Villas
1999 DL
2000 WL and Swan!!!
mnbrown, the SOG prices you asked for are....

regular AP $343
Premium AP $457

Florida AP $278
Florida Premium AP $377
Florida Seasonal Pass $173

Hope this helps. :D
Thank you Sleepy. You are too kind. :)

<font size=4 color=navy><font face="Garamond">
<marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
1997 (WDW 25th birthday) Institute Villas
1999 DL
2000 WL and Swan!!!


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