Seriously torn about on-site vs. off-site vs. split stay 1/13-1/17


Alie In Glacierland
Feb 25, 2009
My judgement is clouded and I am hoping some of you can be more pragmatic than I am. Or maybe talk me into going for the Magic?

The summary for those who don't have time to read this long post: We have 4 nights booked at Tropicana Inn in an executive suite1/13-1/17. Debating whether to spend $100 more (total) to split stay between Tropicana and DLH; or spend $366 more (total) to ditch Tropicana and split the stay between GCH and DLH. Won't use EMH the first two days at all, regardless of which hotel. We will enjoy the extra space (and extra bathroom!) at Tropicana, not to mention the short walk to the parks. But the magic of staying on-site is tempting and we would use the EMH on the last two days. How much of an advantage will EMH on Jan 15 and Jan 16 be? Park hours are 9am-8pm in both parks, EMH will be at 8am.

My DH and I are going to Disneyland for our 10 year anniversary Jan 13-17. I had originally booked the Tropicana (Executive suite) for the entire stay because it looks like a nice enough hotel, it's super-close to the parks, and that room type has a living area, bedroom, and two bathrooms. Lots of space. They have a military rate that is outstanding. I've stayed at Park Vue and Desert Inn, and the similar proximity to the parks appeals to me.

But then, I got the itch to stay on-site because, MAGIC!! Our budget does not allow for an entire stay on site at regular prices, nor even with the magical stay offer that is available to the public for our dates. I was able to book Jan 15-17 at the Disneyland Hotel with the Military Salute rate, thus having a split stay at Tropicana Jan 13-15, DLH Jan 15-17, for only about $100 more total. That's not bad. I am second guessing the decision because we'll be farther away at DLH (more walking, ugh), plus we lose the living area and the second bathroom, all while paying more. Plus, we have to check out of one hotel and into the next, and of course I'd want to do it very early to be able to use the Extra Magic Hours on the 15th! It's starting to sound like a lot of trouble for the Magic.

And just now, I started wondering what if we did a on-site split stay? If I book the military salute for the first two nights at the Grand Californian and keep the second two nights at DLH, it would be a total of $366 more than the original Tropicana room. (The salute rate is not available for the entire stay at GCH, I checked!). That's nearly $92/night more than just staying at the Tropicana. DH would be ok with starting at the GCH and ending at DLH, or starting at Tropicana and ending at DLH, but would not be ok with doing the entire stay at DLH because "it's smaller AND farther away" than the Tropicana.

Our travel day is 1/13 so no Extra Magic Hours benefit that day, and the next day 1/14 we have non-park plans in the morning, so no Extra Magic Hours use that morning either. That is the original reason I was planning to do the off-site portion of the split stay at the beginning. We would use the Extra Magic Hours benefit on the 15th and 16th if we stayed on site, for sure. We are leaving very early on the 17th so no EMH that day either.

Any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions are welcome. Everything is still refundable until 5 days prior, so I have a little time to decide. Thanks in advance!
I haven’t stayed on site. So keep that in mind, but to me the hotel hoping is just a wast of precious Disneyland time!

I love staying on harbor. It’s closer then DLH. If your not using early entry for 2 days, and your ticket if bought early should come with one magic mornng, I just don’t see the need to to switch rooms. I’d take the extra money you would have spent and do a special show package, or buy a special souvenir. That’s what we do! I’d rather spend the money in the park then on the room.
I haven’t stayed on site. So keep that in mind, but to me the hotel hoping is just a wast of precious Disneyland time!

I love staying on harbor. It’s closer then DLH. If your not using early entry for 2 days, and your ticket if bought early should come with one magic mornng, I just don’t see the need to to switch rooms. I’d take the extra money you would have spent and do a special show package, or buy a special souvenir. That’s what we do! I’d rather spend the money in the park then on the room.

Thanks for your thoughts, it's always good to have another brain helping with figuring things out. I definitely agree about the waste of time switching hotels, and that is one thing that has me second guessing the plan. This trip is not exclusively for the parks, either, which adds more moving parts to the schedule. And you do make a good point about what the extra money could be used on. More pins and churros! Breakfast with Donald and friends!

I guess the big question is, would early entry for two days make a very big difference during the week in the middle of January, anyway? Enough of a difference to justify extra money spent? We don't get early entry with our tickets because we are using the armed forces salute tickets, and those do not get early entry. We really appreciate the enormous discount that Disney so generously gives to military families, so we are more than OK with not having early entry with our hoppers.

Assuming we go at rope drop (which we will!) on the opposite park from EMH, we should probably be ok as far as lines and crowds, at least for the first few hours after park opening. We do plan to get MaxPass, which should help as well. I feel like I might be talking myself into going with the original plan, here...
Thanks for your thoughts, it's always good to have another brain helping with figuring things out. I definitely agree about the waste of time switching hotels, and that is one thing that has me second guessing the plan. This trip is not exclusively for the parks, either, which adds more moving parts to the schedule. And you do make a good point about what the extra money could be used on. More pins and churros! Breakfast with Donald and friends!

I guess the big question is, would early entry for two days make a very big difference during the week in the middle of January, anyway? Enough of a difference to justify extra money spent? We don't get early entry with our tickets because we are using the armed forces salute tickets, and those do not get early entry. We really appreciate the enormous discount that Disney so generously gives to military families, so we are more than OK with not having early entry with our hoppers.

Assuming we go at rope drop (which we will!) on the opposite park from EMH, we should probably be ok as far as lines and crowds, at least for the first few hours after park opening. We do plan to get MaxPass, which should help as well. I feel like I might be talking myself into going with the original plan, here...

I know for a fact with Maxpass you will get so much done. I’d like to expirence early entry at DCA once just to see how much of a difference it makes. We strolled in at opening our last trip and started using maxpass right away with quick return times.
My judgement is clouded and I am hoping some of you can be more pragmatic than I am. Or maybe talk me into going for the Magic?

The summary for those who don't have time to read this long post: We have 4 nights booked at Tropicana Inn in an executive suite1/13-1/17. Debating whether to spend $100 more (total) to split stay between Tropicana and DLH; or spend $366 more (total) to ditch Tropicana and split the stay between GCH and DLH. Won't use EMH the first two days at all, regardless of which hotel. We will enjoy the extra space (and extra bathroom!) at Tropicana, not to mention the short walk to the parks. But the magic of staying on-site is tempting and we would use the EMH on the last two days. How much of an advantage will EMH on Jan 15 and Jan 16 be? Park hours are 9am-8pm in both parks, EMH will be at 8am.

My DH and I are going to Disneyland for our 10 year anniversary Jan 13-17. I had originally booked the Tropicana (Executive suite) for the entire stay because it looks like a nice enough hotel, it's super-close to the parks, and that room type has a living area, bedroom, and two bathrooms. Lots of space. They have a military rate that is outstanding. I've stayed at Park Vue and Desert Inn, and the similar proximity to the parks appeals to me.

But then, I got the itch to stay on-site because, MAGIC!! Our budget does not allow for an entire stay on site at regular prices, nor even with the magical stay offer that is available to the public for our dates. I was able to book Jan 15-17 at the Disneyland Hotel with the Military Salute rate, thus having a split stay at Tropicana Jan 13-15, DLH Jan 15-17, for only about $100 more total. That's not bad. I am second guessing the decision because we'll be farther away at DLH (more walking, ugh), plus we lose the living area and the second bathroom, all while paying more. Plus, we have to check out of one hotel and into the next, and of course I'd want to do it very early to be able to use the Extra Magic Hours on the 15th! It's starting to sound like a lot of trouble for the Magic.

And just now, I started wondering what if we did a on-site split stay? If I book the military salute for the first two nights at the Grand Californian and keep the second two nights at DLH, it would be a total of $366 more than the original Tropicana room. (The salute rate is not available for the entire stay at GCH, I checked!). That's nearly $92/night more than just staying at the Tropicana. DH would be ok with starting at the GCH and ending at DLH, or starting at Tropicana and ending at DLH, but would not be ok with doing the entire stay at DLH because "it's smaller AND farther away" than the Tropicana.

Our travel day is 1/13 so no Extra Magic Hours benefit that day, and the next day 1/14 we have non-park plans in the morning, so no Extra Magic Hours use that morning either. That is the original reason I was planning to do the off-site portion of the split stay at the beginning. We would use the Extra Magic Hours benefit on the 15th and 16th if we stayed on site, for sure. We are leaving very early on the 17th so no EMH that day either.

Any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions are welcome. Everything is still refundable until 5 days prior, so I have a little time to decide. Thanks in advance!
Stay on-site. It's worth it for the occasion. Commit and don't stress about the price. It's your 10th anniversary. Many folks don't make it that long.
I don't know if you are planning any pool time, but I believe I read the DLH pool is closed for refurb so keep that in mind if that's important to you.
Stay on-site. It's worth it for the occasion. Commit and don't stress about the price. It's your 10th anniversary. Many folks don't make it that long.

These 10 years have flown by! Hardly seems like any time has passed at all.

I don't know if you are planning any pool time, but I believe I read the DLH pool is closed for refurb so keep that in mind if that's important to you.

No pool time, thankfully. But I am still reconsidering just because of the hassle of packing everything up and moving hotels...
If it was me I’d definitely book on-site. It’s your 10 year anniversary! Celebrate and don’t stress! I’m unclear as to why you can’t do the whole stay at the DLH but if that is an option I’d choose it.
If the extra $366 for the GCH/DLH combo is a budget stressor I’d go with 2 nights at Tropicana and 2 nights at DLH for only $100 more.
We did a split stay recently. Stayed our first night at The Residence Inn Convention Center. We got up early the next day, had breakfast at our hotel. Then, we went to check in at the Grand, left our luggage with bell services, and headed into the parks for early entry. I didn’t personally find it difficult at all to switch hotels. I was with 2 girlfriends and my 2 kids. If it is just you and your husband that seems very easy.
I thought I’d add that although the DLH is more walking it’s really not that bad. You can use the monorail some and if you’re heading home from DCA you can exit into GCH and then into downtown Disney cutting out some of the walk. Security lines are typically much smaller on the Downtown Disney side too.
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I’m always all for staying on site. And if it where a quick yes or no I would say definitely stay on site. You are celebrating a special occasion.
We were in the same predicament as you. DH and I are going 1/19-21 I didn’t know if I wanted to spend $$$ to stay on site if we were not going to be spending a lot of time in the room so we decided on PPH.

I say stay where your budget allows. If it allows for time at on site then do that. Everything has pros and cons. Which hotel will make you happier and enjoy your stay in a more special way?
Since you will be there for 4 days and won't use the early entrance the first 2 days, I would keep Tropicana. You probably won't need early entry on the last 2 days if you've already been in the parks for 2 days. To me the value of staying onsite is the early entrance. I will ride Guardians several times or do Guardians once with Radiator Springs, Toy Story Mania and Mickeys Wheel of Death in that early hour. If I were there for 4 days I don't think I'd need to go in early to get those done.

I haven't felt the "magic" that everyone talks about when staying onsite. The rooms are small, the hotels are loud, everything costs more. Parking is expensive, grabbing an easy breakfast is expensive. With all that said, I do love visiting the hotels and will often eat, drink or shop at them while not staying there.

You have lots of time to decide and you should take your time. Think about what it is that you really want and what is more valuable to you. While the rooms are smaller onsite, they also have nicer public areas to lounge in. I am specifically thinking of the Grand where it's easy to hang out late at night or early in the morning if the people I am with are asleep and I don't want to disturb them.
I don’t think early hour will be worth it then. Hours shouldn’t be very early so the DL early hour will really be packed.

I’d probably switch from Tropicana to a DLR hotel the last night or two of the trip. I’d switch on a DL early entry since I wouldn’t bother going early. And then your next morning use the DCA early entry.
Without using the early morning hours you get staying at a Disney property, I wouldn't do it. Its just not worth the money to me.
We have a Marriott gig, so I'm biased, but I have had no desire, ever, to stay onsite. Especially with maxpass - we go hard and are usually bored by mid day 3 because we have been on the headliners so many times. we also tolerate goofy's kitchen for the kids, but even trekking down to DLH once is annoying. Save the money and/or have a nice dinner/get reserved seats to something.
Wow, lots of really great replies! I appreciate everyone's input and suggestions. I think we are going to say at Tropicana for the duration because my DH is not as enchanted by the Magic as I am, and I have had several on-site stays before. I just got all carried away because normally the on-site hotels are way out of our price range. But honestly, I still think the price, even with the discount, is a bit high.
So, we are going to settle into our big, comfy, close proximity room at the Tropicana and enjoy the resort hotels as visitors rather than guests. I have scheduled two character breakfasts (PPH, GCH) and we will check out Trader Sam's at DLH. We'll rope-drop at the park opposite the EMH, and I think it will be great and we will be able to get so much done. Thank you all so much, your thoughts were very helpful.
Congrats! My husband and I just hit 9 years in September, the time really flies! And yes, we went to DL ;)

I’m going through the same debate myself right now, to stay on site for the first time ever or just stay at our usual place on Harbor for my birthday in January. Been going to Disneyland for 35+ years (local girl) and never stayed at a DL hotel and wanted to try it once. I’ll be there when you are either way.
We only do split stays if we know we are doing a rest day, hate to waste too much down time if we are there for the parks. I think we have done this a total of maybe three times in the last 20 years, once at DL, twice at WDW.

We have stayed at each of the resort hotels twice, for really special occasions. There is a real divide amongst the Disers here, but we just don't feet the bubble is worth a couple hundred dollars more a night for a regular visit. There are a lot of really decent places to stay across the street and I would rather take that 200 bucks extra a night for some good eats. For special occasions, it is worth the splurge every once in a while for us.
Congrats! I would let the budget decide. Would you rather spend it on something else to make the trip more special or is staying onsite that extra something.

For me, I always stay onsite in WDW. The one trip we had to DL, we were offsite and with everything so close, I don’t see the need to stay onsite on any future trips.
If you haven't stayed on site before, I would do the split stay
$100 isnt that much and gives you a chance to have stayed on site and know in the future if you think it is worth all the extra $ or if it was just a nice treat.
Wow, lots of really great replies! I appreciate everyone's input and suggestions. I think we are going to say at Tropicana for the duration because my DH is not as enchanted by the Magic as I am, and I have had several on-site stays before. I just got all carried away because normally the on-site hotels are way out of our price range. But honestly, I still think the price, even with the discount, is a bit high.
So, we are going to settle into our big, comfy, close proximity room at the Tropicana and enjoy the resort hotels as visitors rather than guests. I have scheduled two character breakfasts (PPH, GCH) and we will check out Trader Sam's at DLH. We'll rope-drop at the park opposite the EMH, and I think it will be great and we will be able to get so much done. Thank you all so much, your thoughts were very helpful.
If something opens up for a split stay with Tropicana then GCH after I’d grab that. The remodel has made GCH feel like an entirely different (and much nicer- rain showers!!) hotel imho- without losing the wonderful CA woodsy feel. A couple nights there at the end of your trip would be great for a special occasion adults only trip. I would only do it at the end because 1) it would really feel like a downgrade to do the rest of your trip offsite & 2) EMH is great if you can take advantage!


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