sedesmasa pins


Oct 18, 2004
I recently purchased an inexpensive set of pins on ebay. When they came I realized they are the sedesmasa pins ( they say disney and sedesmasa on the back). Are these pins tradeable at WDW? I got them for my kids to trade but they don't look like their other pins- they look painted instead enameled. I don't want to cause any problems with the pin trading. (My DD and DS are 4- but they love to trade)
LLagow :moped:
There has been alot of debate on the Sedesma pins. When I was there in October they were still accepting them in trade. However, several CM's told me that they were going to stop trading them in the near future. Hopefully someone who has been there more recently can let you know for sure. I will be there the week of December 12 and I'll check it out then. I'll be doing lots of pin trading but I don't have any Sedesma to trade. :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I have spoken with Jim Matthews, who has been involved in managing Epcot Pin Trading for over five years. I asked him specifically about the Sedesma pins a couple of months ago. He said they are a legally licensed product and meet all the Disney pin trading requirements. There are some CMs who don't want to trade them, but they are tradeable. If you have any problems at the parks, ask the CM to call a pin manager.
I was in WDW last week. I traded sedesma pins in every park. I had about 5 of them to trade... and not one CM questioned me on it. They took the pin and didn't say anything about it.
Have fun :)
Thanks for the information, we will be there Dec 17th- 22nd, so I guess I will let my kids trade them if they want to. It's not that big a deal to me if we can't trade them since they weren't very expensive. I've got 10 so that's 5 per kid plus they have about 10 other regular pins each that they can trade too. My DD and DS actually started pin trading at age 3 (they are now 4 1/2) . I wonder what the youngest age most kids start at? I mainly got them pins so they could wear them like their older cousins do who were with us last year and much to my suprise they loved pin trading! :moped:
I would definately take them and try to trade them. You might just want to be prepared for some "looks" from some of the CMs. If I had any to trade, I would take them with me next week and try it also. :teleport: :teleport:
Ok, now you've got me a little worried about taking the pins. My DD and DS are only 4- they have a blast pin trading so I don't want them having a bad experience with "looks" or someone balking at trading. My kids don't know I have these pins so if you really think it might cause any trouble at all I don't want to give them to them. What do you think?
Chesire Figment is one cool cat...hmmmm, or is that 'dragon'? :smooth:
Take his advice - Just have your kids trade with CMs & if a CM tries to "not- trade", ask for the Pin Manager. Frankly, I cannot imagine that happening! I mean, I even saw a CM/"suit" take a non-Disney pin in trade with a kid...they really won't disappoint a child. If you are concerned about this, perhaps you could ask the CM before your children initiate specific trades.

I agree with Agnes. The CMs bend the rules for kids. One of the rules is that if the CM has one on their lanyard, they can't accept another one. But I've seen them ignore this rule to help the kid get a pin they want.
We were there the first week of November and my dd4 and dd6 both traded normal disnye pins for sedesmasa pins on cast lanyards. Later they traded some of them back with no problem. Hope you and your family have a wonderful time! :)
We had one CM in AK refuse to take a Sedesmasa pin from our DD 3 last year (2003). The CM was very adament that she could not trade with our DD and made a big fuss about it. We were fairly shocked that she was so cold about this when our DD was just starting to trade and having a great time wearing her lanyard with pins. Ironically, the Sedesmasa pin was one our DD got from another CM at AK.

That was the only one, though, the whole time we were there. Otherwise, every CM would trade happily with our DD.
I guess I will take a couple of the pins and see how it goes. They have some other trader pins so I could probably be able to get them to trade a different if someone refuses a trade. I just don't want the kids to have a bad experience- they have so much fun trading. We leave two weeks from today :Pinkbounc ! If anyone else has had a good or bad experience lately I would appreciate the input before we leave- thanks to everyone for their advice!
LLagow :moped:
Just got back from our trip a couple of days ago! We had no trouble at all trading some of the sedesmasa pins, and my DD and DS got a few back in trades so they seem to be just fine.
Llagow :moped:


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