Seafood Dining in Orlando area question


<font color=FF3300>I am a whole 2 months younger<b
Feb 26, 2001
Can anyone tell me if I can find a restaurant in the Orlando area that serves Stone Crab?

Also what is the best all you can eat seafood place in Orlando area? Preferably a place that is clean and family oriented. Since my dh and I have a 2 year old in tow.

Thanks for your help again everyone!! I love this forum!!!!!

MandaMom :D
Last year we stayed at the Hilton in Disney Village. The had an all you can eat buffet with tons of seafood on Friday nights. We have also enjoyed Fulton's Crab House and had excellent crab there. The best seafood we had in orlando was at Hemmingways in the Hyatt hotel. The food was superb. I would suggest eating early if you have a two year old. We brought our kids to all of these restaurants.
I am not sure about the stone crab, but we really enjoy the seafood buffet at the Beach Club. All kinds of seafood - all you can eat, plus other foods if you don't want seafood), and a kids food bar. Very kid friendly.

I went to a confernece in April, and somebody took us to the LobsterFest which is on International Drive. It was $29 all you can eat. They had bloided Loster, clams (fried, on the half shell, chowder), shrimp (cooked, fried, stuffed), crab (don't remember which kind), prime rib, corn, etc. The food was excellent.


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