Sci-Fi Restaurant

The restaurant is designed like a drive in movie, with guests seated in "cars" that face a big screen, which runs short clips of silly sci fi movies (old). It's very themed, and I actually think its the best themed restaurant at WDW. Looks just like a drive in at night inside. Its kinda dark, so if you hate eating in partial darkness, you might find it annoying. Its not a place to have a great conversation, either, since all of the people are facing one direction, and you usually sit 2 to a car seat, with most cars having 3 rows of 2 in them. I do believe they have some picnic table like seating, but you lose the cool effect of sitting in the car. Most people quietly eat and watch teh clips. Which, btw, our family has always been fine with since we've spent day in and day out together, its nice to have a mealtime of quiet without having to come up with things to say to each other, LOL

The food is pretty good, though most say lunch is better than dinner. Yummy hamburgers and shakes =)

I think its lots of fun!
My DD11 and I love it there. My favs are the Sci-fi House salad and space invader (margarita, plus the glow in the dark ice cubes they still work). I order the salad so I can get dessert. hehe Plus its not easy riding rock and roller coaster on a full stomach.

The atmosphere here is wonderful. It even looks like there are stars in the sky! Some of the waiters/waitress wear rollerskates too. My kids love it. DH and I each sit with one of the kids, and it's not too bad turning around to talk to them if they sit behind us. It gives us each more time to spend one on one with the child we sit with. Our kids love it here. Last year DH and I both had a wonderful flat iron steak sandwich with onion rings. It was SOOOO good!

Also- this is one of the places you definately need PS's for. Everytime I have eaten here it has been busy. I have always seen people get turned away if they don't have them and I have never been able get in earlier than my PS time. It's always too busy. We recently started eating here at lunch at the first seating for this very reason. We find it's much quicker to get in. Otherwise, even with PS ressies, I have always had a bit of a wait.
I am not melanie but I believe lunch is 11 and dinner starts at 4. I go for dinner and have the Pork meddilians. Very good.


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