Sandy in Canada, can you tell more about the Pirate Dinner THeatre??

Camping Griswalds

DIS Veteran
Aug 6, 2000
I saw this in an ad and thought that my 8 and 4 yo pirate lovers would love it, but I must say that I think the prices were high ( 40 for adults and 29 for kids??) Any way we could practically pay for a full days adventure in a theme park for those prices!! Is it worth it?? Please give lots of info!!
We got our tickets by bidding for them through, its advertised on this board. I got 4 adult tickets for $100.00. Tickets for Pirates come up every week or so. This is a very safe auction unlike ebay where you buy from people.

Doors open at 6:30 and the show ends around 10:00 but theres coffee and dancing afterwards.

This is VERY children friendly. The pirates completely involve the kids right from the start and during the show. The show is on a pirate ship with you cheering on your own pirate and booing the rest. Theres acrobatics and sword fighting, good guys and bad. The food was good, not gourmet but dinner theatre good. Salad, chicken, beef, rice, great potatos, veggies, apple cobbler with ice cream. Kids can have chicken nuggets instead of chicken pieces if they want.

Our kids 11 and 14 had a great time. Near the end of the show the kids were given army jackets and guns and arrested the bad pirates. After the show, they were teaching the kids the pirate dance. Our kids enjoyed the show but the younger kids seem to love it.

If you don't want to try ibid, search around, theres always some good deals and coupons for the dinner theatres in Orlando. Hope I helped, don't hesitate to ask anything else.

It sounds like a great show for children.
How is the show for adults without children?
My DH and I enjoyed it. I think without the kids we would have enjoyed Medievel Times a little more. There are a lot of children at Pirates.

When I booked my hotel they sent me a coupon for free adult. This helps alot for our family of five. This was compliments of a ticket company near the hotel. I think if you buy youre tickts there they give you the coup. I go through my stuff today&see if I can find there name.


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