SandraC, twinshockeymom, and DSx2,

hockey mom

<font color=coral>Loves to do the Napkin Dance at
Oct 2, 2000
looks like we are all going at the same time. Here's hoping for great weather, no lines, and lime green ribbons. I will be on the lookout. See ya there. Hockey mom.

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS
YIPPY! What dates are you going?
We start with a night at Daytona Beach then 7 nights at CBR.
We'll have 7 day hopper passes and plan on all four parks, at least two water parks and I think I booked 6 or 7 PS character meals! I try to find a lime green ribbon and hang it on the stroller!

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
We fly out on Mon, 23rd. Check into HIFS for 6 days then over to Animal kingdom lodge for 3 more. Cannot wait. We have 3 character dinner ressies(more than our usual 1 per trip), so this trip should be lots of fun.

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS
We are leaving a week from today April 18th and driving down to Daytona Beach for 3 days arriving in Orlando on April 22-29. We are staying at PO-Riverside for 3 nights then the Swan for 4 nights. We are soooo excited it's my 3 sons first trip. We were suppose to leave today but had to postpone our trip for a week so today is kind of hard to get through but I hope the extra weeks time to wait will be worth it for the crowd levels compared to Easter Week.

I will be looking for you SandraC, Dsx2 and Hockeymom and your lime green ribbon. My name is Debbie and I have 3 sons 11yrs - and two of them are identical twins ages 8 yrs. We will be celebrating the twins bday while we are there.

Have a great trip and I hope to bump into you to say Hi. :D :cool: :)
You'll know me, I'll be the one with the perma-goofy look on my face! I'll likely be spending most of my time staring at the castle!

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
We fly out April 19th. We're staying the first 3 nights at ASMo and then next 5 nights at ASMu. We have PS at Sci Fi April 21st and we're meeting up with a co-worker and her family at Chef Mickey's on April 23rd

I bought my lime green ribbon tonight.... not as easy as I thought it would be. I guess, perhaps, lime green isn't a popular colour at the moment. I finally found something I think will pass as lime green at White Rose. I've also purchased green glow sticks for my boys. They just love those things!

TwinsHockeyMom, small world, I have relatives in your town.

Have fun everyone! Hope to bump into you all!

7 days and counting...

Offsite 81, 83, 85, 86
All Star Movies spring 2001
I work at the Rodney Post Office so I probably know your relatives or at least know their names. Are you packing yet we are. It is Good Friday and my boys are home from school they are sooo excited about this trip they just keep running around the house with Goofy Grins on their faces. I am trying to keep them busy by cleaning their rooms, I know mean mom.

Have a great trip!!!
We leave in 5 days :D :)

We have the Steve Birnbaum's Disney for kids by kids book. In addition to looking for all those Hidden Mickeys they talk about in the book, we'll also be looking for all you Dis'ers. These boards have been a wonderful planning tool and I hope we can meet a few faces behind the great information!!!


Yup, we're busy washing, packing, cleaning. It all seems so easy knowing Disney is only 6 days away! I didn't want to post any names here so I sent you an e-mail.

Offsite 81, 83, 85, 86
All Star Movies spring 2001
That's so fabulous! We have PS more Chef Mickey on Monday, April 23rd! It's a buffet right? In that case I'll be the one that returns to the buffet over and over and over and over again! I am weird that way. I only put a little bit of food on my plate, but I return several times. About half way thru the meal, I'll be the one wearing a baby on my hip up at the buffet table! See you there! Email me

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
WOW!! all you guys!! :D
Hope you all have fun and get to meet up with each other!!!

Chef Mickeys is a real fun buffet. You all will love it!! ;)

I am going to WDW but not till May 24th... :)

<img src="" border="0">

<font color=steelblue>SylviaM...formerly known as 'NicksMom'
Moderator ~ Canadian Board
</font color>

Another day closer. We are going to Sci-fi for dinner on the 23rd, but Chef Mickeys sounds like the place to be. Going out today to buy my ribbon and it will be attached to my Mickey tote bag. Hopefully we can spot a few of us there, and if not have an amazing time.
Hockey mom

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS
OMG! I am soooo excited! We went to the Disney Store today just to get a taste of DISNEY. Usually the CM's at this Disney Store aren't that friendly but when I don't one we were off to WDW next Friday she was very friendly and chatty!

I hope I remember the Easter Bunny comes tomorrow!

We just bought a new video camera this morning for the trip!

Chat soon! S

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
What video camera did you get, if you don't mind me asking? We want to buy a camera for our trip next January, but I'm not sure which one to get. We borrowed a video camera on our trip last year, and never again. The video was OK, but the quality was not as good as I had hoped, especially for something as special as this. Maybe you can give me a review of your camera when you get back. I know videotaping some of the attractions can be very challenging.
Thanks, Canadave
Hi, we did not have a chance to do "research" for this camera, so I don't have lots of info. Our old video cam broke and I really really really wanted a new one for this trip (IN 5 SLEEPS), so we bought one FAST!

First of all, our old video cam wasn't a very good one, but we used it for our 1998 trip and I was VERY happy we did. The night time quality was poor, but we still have lots of footage. We took a total of 2 hours and 20 minutes the last time and I edited to 22 minutes for our family.

The camera we bought yesterday was from Sears at Square One. There were certain criteria dh wanted that I don't understand, sorry. dh thinks everyone is going for 8mm, but he didn't want that. Digital is too $$$$$. So we went with a JVC compact super vhs. I really like it! We used it this morning for Easter chocolate hunting and we viewed the footage, it's very nice. It has a light, a screen that flips so the photographer can take self-video, it has a snapshot button and TONS of other buttons, fancy fading, mosiac, classic, echo, tons of other stuff. It's small and light weight! It cost $600.00 which I thought was good. The extra battery was $70.00 and the tapes are only $4.00 which is nice. Hope this helps!

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!

I tried to email you but I got an error back. Is your e-mail address correct? I tried

I already bought my green ribbon and yesterday I bought one of those little photo keychains at the dollar store. I'm going to print the DIS logo to put inside it and attach my green ribbons to the keychain.

The 10 day forcast is looking great!

Offsite 81, 83, 85, 86
All Star Movies spring 2001


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