Same day park hopping - 2 tickets or 1?

Jim from Jersey

9-11-01 PAPD All gave some - some gave all
Oct 7, 2000
I have received different info regarding the possibility of park hopping between IOA and USF on the same day. I read somewhere that there is a sampler pass that allows you to park hop for one day. Then I also read that you cannot park hop at all unless you have a 2 day (or more) pass. Does anyone know what the real deal is? My family will be visiting in june and we have all done USF, however, after we hit the main rides at IOA we want to stop by USF for a little while. Can we do this without buying a multi-day pass? Any help would be appreciated...Thanks..J from J <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

Jim from Jersey
1984 Off Site
1986 Off Site
1998 Beach Club
1999 Dixie Landings &
Disney Cruise Line
2000 Board Walk Inn
2001 WDW Dolphin
I think I remember seeing something about a sampler pass on this board too. If nothing else, why not try searching the boards. That should yield something.
There is no advertised one day, two park pass. You can buy a 2 or 3 day pass and use the unused days on another trip.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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