SALE! Magic Kingdom Castle Playset


Jul 23, 2000
The castle playset has just been marked down to $14.90 at for those of you who couldn't find a good deal on one. It would make a great Valentine's day gift for a lucky little girl.

I'm on my way!! And you're right ... it is gonna make a great Valentine's gift for some lucky girl! ME!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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I was able to pick up one of the Magic Kingdom playsets up at Target B&M last week when the clearance toys went to 75% off. Cost $7.44 plus was able to find the 2 add ons for $2.44 each. I would have never even thought to scan them since they were not marked clearance or with the other clearance item but thanks to this board I knew they had been on clearance for a while and so I scanned them and was very excited when they came up 75% off.
The one thing that sucks about living in New York City is that there are no stores like Target or Walmart around here! There are K-marts, but they are not like the very cool ones that are every where else.

I was happy to get it for less than $20 online. No add ons, though! It will still look cool on my bookcase.

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Thank you so much for the info. I ordered mine today. If my grandkids are very nice I will share with them. I like this set better than the models I saw at DW. They did not have much detail and did not seem to be in sync as far as size ratios went. Now I will have to find the little sets that go with the main set. Oh yes, find a place to put it all. 18 room house but it is full of 'stuff'. Rough problem, right? (grin)

I was looking for bargain toys at and happened upon a Minnie Mouse watch that comes in a tin for only $5.94. I did a search for Minnie Mouse and it came up. I got it to give to dd at her 4th b-day breakfast (at Chef Mickey's -where else??). She is a Minnie fanatic and will love it. You might want to add it to your cart when you buy the castle playset! :)
I would love to be able to buy the Minnie Mouse watch for my granddaughters. The sad thing is that my dil has some odd notions and one of them is that I am not allowed to see my grands on that side of the family. It is not just me but everyone. She homeschools the kids and does not allow them to talk to anyone. If you can read between the lines you might be able to figure out what she might be afraid of. I pray for those children daily. I am very involved with my daughter's boys and we are so close and I know that I am missing so much with my Fab Four. These days cannot ever be made up and it breaks my heart. Thank you for listening to a sad and worried grandma.



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