S-N-O-W..........snow, snow, snow


Old timer
Nov 3, 2000
We are going to get it! I heard Southern New England is getting it already. It couldnt happen on a weekday atleast.

I guess Ill be busy shoveling tomorrow. See you on Sunday!
Yep, we SURE are getting it! My normal 30 minute commute took 1 hr & 45 minutes.

I'm not going ANYWHERE!
splashmtn-heard Worcester county was going to get hit with 30" -we're only getting 18' Looks like DH won't be home from snowplowing until Sunday or Monday:rolleyes:
...my FAVORITE part is the SCRAPING of ice and snow off the car in the morning...happyhappy, joyjoy!:)

Heather...I sure will try...:smooth:
it will all go away and we can just pretend.....besides we have no room to put this stuff.....the city did not get rid of christmas night snow.....you know the 18 inches we already got........so everyone....shhhhhhhhh pretend it is all gone
the time to go to my grandparents house.....we always called it a nut road.......crazy people drive on that one......fast......be safe Eros
Originally posted by Kteacher
splashmtn-heard Worcester county was going to get hit with 30" -we're only getting 18' Looks like DH won't be home from snowplowing until Sunday or Monday:rolleyes:

:eek: :eek: :eek: WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT???????

I REALLY HOPE YOU ARE WRONG!!!! I heard 8-12 or 12-18" depending on location in Worcester County!

Originally posted by EROS
I've got to commute home on Route 128 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ......
Be careful EROS and all...looks nasty out there.:(
Hey guys:wave:

As much as I'd dearly love to experience snow first hand & see it falling etc. I've been watching the tv & seen what devastation has been caused by it all. But all that aside, it does look so beautiful. A blanket of white!!

Take care you guys. I've no idea what it's like to drive in snow, but I have heard it can be rather treacherous.

So, be careful ok.;)
thanks Nutsy! Splsh Mtn- both the springfield stations were saying 18-30 for parts of worcester county. Dh just left- he will probably be out plowing for 24 hrs straight

s-n-o-w= a four-letter word

icky icky icky ugh ugh ugh bleh bleh bleh hate it hate it hate it :( :( :(


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