?s aabout Kids Suites and Cribs at HRH


Jul 30, 2000
Hi...we have a Kids Suite booked for a few nights in June, and I wondered if anybody on the board has stayed in one and how it was. Our kids will be 8, 4, and 21 months then. Our main purpose in requesting a kids suite was so that one of us could come and go with the 8 year old while the little ones were taking naps. I also hate sleeping in the same room as the kids...the little one is a light sleeper and my husband snores. Are the kids suites nice? Is there room in the kids bedroom for a crib or pack-n-play? Is the kids room really separated from the main room with a door to reduce light and noise? Are all the kids suites in a certain area, or should we make a location request?

Also, what are the crib options? I expect the 21 month old will still be in a crib, but he's big. Do they have full-size cribs or are they pack-n-plays?

Thanks for the help!
I haven't stayed at the HRH, but at the Portofino we had a Kids Suite. According to the reservations agent they are very simialr at the HRH. Ours had tons of room in the kids room-enough that when we return in 2 weeks we are getting a roll-in bed for a third child. There should definitely be room for a pack n play or a hotel crib in the kids room.

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