RUMORED New Disney Dining Plan Plus!! (DDP+)

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DIS Veteran
Jun 7, 2018
It wont let me link.. but its 2 credits like the middle plan, but they do not distinguish between table and counter credits!! Available as of 2/27!! No prices out yet!
I wonder if we can upgrade to this for free dining? I'm guessing no, but I know you can upgrade if you've already booked to the higher tiers... hmmm
I’ll be closely watching how this develops. We eat more table service than counter service meals but deluxe is too much food, so this may be a better fit for us depending on pricing and restrictions. If so, I’m hoping they allow DVC members to add this on like the other plans.
I have a feeling when pricing comes out for this it will be so close to DDP pricing a ton will upgrade. I would bet less than $20 for adults extra and less than $10 for kids. I have a feeling in the same way they convinced us we needed alcoholic beverages with our meals we'll be convinced we need appetizers or sit down meals.
I'm curious about this one because while I will probably be still go without a plan, if it includes character dining it would be at least worth considering.
Following. If you can combine for a signature, and not a huge price increase, I would definitely be interested.
One would assume you can combine the 2 credits for a signature restaurant just like on the Deluxe plan. Would be pretty stupid if they didn't allow that.

would it though? There is no app, so basically ddp+ vs what people really wanted was 2 dxdp credits w the appetizer (ok, that may be just me )

im also guessing the price at $90 based on current pricing.

Prices include tax. Adults are 10 years and older, and children are 3-9 years old in Disney prices.
Quick Service Dining Plan
  • 2 Quick Service meals
  • 2 Snacks
  • 1 Resort refillable mug
Regular Dining Plan
  • 1 Table Service meal
  • 1 Quick Service meal
  • 2 Snacks
  • 1 Resort refillable mug
Deluxe Dining Plan
  • 3 meals (any combination of Table Service and Quick Service)
  • 2 Snacks
  • 1 Resort refillable mug
My guess is that this will be somewhere around $100 per adult per day.

I assume that this is a way to maintain a 3 tier system for free dining while not having to give away deluxe, and maybe even be able to shift the level of free dining back and forth (qs, DDP, DDP+ as compared to DDP DDP+ Deluxe or some other combination)
Only QS and DDP are available during free dining. DxDP is not an option

value and moderates get qs and deluxe get ddp
I wonder if we can upgrade to this for free dining? I'm guessing no, but I know you can upgrade if you've already booked to the higher tiers... hmmm
I was wondering the same. You can upgrade to the deluxe dining plan. I would definitely be interested in this one
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