Royal Pacific Hotel at UIS


Stress Free: Yeah Right!!
Jul 25, 2000
Hello, its me IOA Dude. I'm back after 6 long mounths on nothing. I'm back because I'm going back to UIS this summer again! Well anyways, I stayed in the Portofino Bay Hotel (great choice, i loved it). I think it was the last day when we were there, when me and my mom were exploring the last of the hotel, when we sat down in a lounge. Then in the next room, I think it was the called the American Bar or something, when we heard two architechs talking about the construction on the Royal Pacific Hotel in Universal. (They were a lone, or so they thought.) I was listening in on the conversation on how the want a 8 foot pineapple at the entrance and want it to be reasonable at cost, yet look pacific style. From what I heard it kinda sounded chessey and dorkey. Well then I had to leave because my mom didn't want me to get caaught listening in. So if you ever hear any architechs talking about that hotel go straight to the boards. :eek:

This has been announced already. If you go to Universals website it can tell you a little bit about it. It is going to be the value hotel on the resort.(Portofino being luxury and HRH being moderate)


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