Rooms at Yacht/Beach Club Concierge?


#1 Grand Floridian Fan/Expert
Jan 27, 2001
Can anyone tell me how crampted the rooms at the YC/BC Concierge feel with two queens and a daybed? I know the rooms at the YC/BC are smaller than other deluxes. We've stayed at the Grand Floridian, Polynesian, and Contemporary. Can anyone compare the room size to the rooms at those 3?

Cali, As far as I could tell, the rooms in the YC concierge were about the same size at the waterview and standard rooms. We had a room with two queen beds, a daybed, and small table and chairs. The drapes and bedcovers were of a different print than the waterview and standard rooms we've stayed in.

We didn't feel cramped at all, but then again, we haven't stayed at the GF or the Poly. The rooms are about the same size as the BWI, but larger than the WL and Dolphin/Swan. We have stayed at the Contemporary, and their rooms are larger than most, so the YC's would be a little smaller.:)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
cindala, would you say the concierge level is worth it? Would water view be worth it over standard/garden view? Also, do you know how many rooms are equipped with two queen and a daybed?

We have stayed at the GF water and standard, poly garden concierge, poly garden, beach club water, YC conceirge water and cont. stanard. I know that all the resorts have slightly diffrent size rooms from each other but in reality they all feel the same when "living" there. I think the debate over room sizes among these resorts is unfounded in reality. Our last stay was at the YC conceirge. It was our first stay with more than my DH and I. We had a one year old in a play pen and felt the room sze was comfortable.
Cali, I don't know the number of queen rooms with daybeds, vs those without, but most of the rooms we've stayed in did have a daybed. Maybe Joe Cool's site here on the resorts board has more info. Our room was standard view, and looked out over the YC entrance and gardens. Remember, we were upgraded from a plain old standard room, so we were thrilled just to be in concierge! If you spend alot of time on the balcony, or looking outside, then go for the waterview of the lake and the BWI in the background.

For what we paid, concierge was definitely worth it! If you can get any type of a discount and there are more than 2 in your party, then it is probably worth it. We had breakfast from the lounge every morning, and brought bottled water to the park with us each day. Then we would get sodas and snacks to bring down to SAB in the afternoon. There were also appetizers around dinner time, and desserts and liquors in the evening. If you take advantage of all the offerings, then it can save you some money.

Since this was a surprize upgrade for us, we already had all of our PS made, and so we didn't take advantage of that service. All I know is that we are now officially spoiled, and it is going to be hard to just have a regular room!:D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Originally posted by CaliforniaDreaming
Can anyone tell me how crampted the rooms at the YC/BC Concierge feel with two queens and a daybed? I know the rooms at the YC/BC are smaller than other deluxes. We've stayed at the Grand Floridian, Polynesian, and Contemporary. Can anyone compare the room size to the rooms at those 3?


Hi Cali ~

The concierge rooms at the YCdid feel a little bit more cramped, to me anyway, than those at the Poly, GF, or Contemporary. I'm not quite sure of the exact square footage of the YC rooms, but there seemed to be less floor space.
I agree. We stayed at the YC concierge and Poly concierge in the same trip, and the room at the YC was small by comparison. That said, the service was better at the YC than the Poly.

Be careful if you are going in 2002. I talked to a CM in the GM's office, and YC concierge is going to be rehabbed this year.


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