Rooms at Portofino Bay, do they have balconies??

princess angel

**If You Can Dream It, You can Do It**
Jun 28, 2000
Do the rooms at Portofino Bay have balconies? If they do, do all of them have one? we would probably stay in a deluxe king bayview room.

Thanks! :)
Laura :)

4/97 - offsite (Hyatt)
6/98 - GF (honeymoon)
12/99 - Grand Floridian
9/00 - Grand Floridian
1/01 - Grand Floridian
4/01 - AKL, BWV & Poly
7/01 - Yacht Club
9/01 - BWV or OKW
1/02 - running Disney's 26 mile marathon!!
I was on the first floor of a standard bayview room. There was a small area to walk out in, but the door did not open! :(


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
From what I have read on various posts, there are some rooms with balconies but I think they are the exception rather than the rule.
we had 2 deluxe bayview (not king) rooms that shared a huge balcony, with 2 tables, adn 4 chairs on appeared to me that all the rooms in the west wing on the 5th floor of the west wing had some sort of balcony...many first floor rooms had little patio areas, or at least french doors that opened to the outdoors...
*Some* of the rooms have balconies, we had a deluxe bayview (2 queens) with a HUGE balcony with table and 4 chairs. West Wing, 5th floor (most balconies are on top floor of each wing). When making a reservation, ask them to put a balcony request in your record. Then call 2-3 days prior and request again. Worked for us! good luck!


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