Room Rates for Hard Rock?


I like being ME
Sep 19, 1999
What are the current rates and specials? Does anyone know if it is etter to do room rate only? tickets only or get the package deal?
With the Entertainment Card, I was able to get room only for $117.50 per night for November. Great bargain!

I've found that it's usually cheaper for me to put all the elements of my vacation together separately using different discounts, such as AAA, annual pass, entertainment club, etc.

'72, '76, '85 offsite
Thanksgiving 1999 Contemporary
Labor Day 2000 All Star Sports
Sept. 2000 MOWC
Halloween 2000 Premier Homes
August 2001 Premier Homes
Thanksgiving 2001 Hard Rock & Holiday Inn Family Suites
we have a rate of 169 night the first week of april

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- DEC 2001 </font>
there was a garden view for 117.50 and the deluxe room which is 500 sq feet for 149.50 with the entertainment rate woo hoo!
164 in march but that is for five, during spring break with rollaway.....goofed and told them my son is 19 years old and that adds 25 bucks per night....if I had said 17,no extra he going to use 25 dollars worth of towels and electricity????
My wife and i are going in fe 3-6 and we got a club room for 239 a night thru yahoo travel.I think it was a intro rate as we made it in nov. :)
Can anyone tell me more about this entertainment book where i can get one what it is etc.
You can get an Entertainment book at


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly
known as Barry aka usagi

Moderator, Universal
and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd
be good looking."


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