Room discounts in August?


Earning My Ears
Jun 10, 2000
We've decided on the last two weeks in August this year -- are there any room discounts for that time of year? We have AAA and AP.
Value Season should begin August 26th. We stayed at CBR the last week of August 2000 for $110 a night. It's a great time to go as Florida schools are back in session and the park really seemed pretty empty. Have fun....
Try I am also going then..the 25th till the 1st of sep. The rates seem to go down on the 26th. I got the kidsuites at HIFS from the 26ht on for $98 a night which is pretty good. i think its over $130 for the 25th. We decided to stay at the holiday inn east gate on the 25th. the kidsuite there is about $67 for that night..then we will go to the HIFS.


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