Room Cards,Front of the line passes?


Earning My Ears
Jan 19, 2001
We will be staying at the HRH,I know about the room cards,that they will get you in front of the line.We will be meeting a friend down there,do they check all the cards,or do you think she might slide in with us.I would really like to use this fringe benefit if I can.:pinkbounc
You know HRH is at Universal, not Disney, right. You can have four people use Express on one room card.
sorry! that was my experience, anyway. you may want to post this on the universal board.
I've had no problems getting multiple people in with one card. I normally have 4 people and they don'e say anything. I know on the website it does say that each person must have a card, but haven't experienced that though.
At times when we showed our key they just asked how many were in our party.
What if there is 5 of us staying in a room. Can we all get in. I'm paying extra for the 3rd adult so I would hope so. Thanks
Ask for a room key for each adult. That way you can each do your own thing.
We were all asked to show our room keys - it probably depends on the time of year and how busy the parks are. Any news on the "scanners"? Are they going to be installed or not?


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