Rollercoaster Riding partner for 10yr old niece


Earning My Ears
Mar 9, 2001
My niece and I will be traveling to WDW 8/2-8/6 and I'm looking forward to it. My dilemma is some of the more exciting rides are just a bit too exciting for me(Chicken) and I want my neice to be able to experience all she can. Is there a program available that partner families or children up with one another for such situations such as this?
The CMs usually don't let empty seats go out. They'll start calling for a single rider if a seat is empty. You don't really know who's going to be by her though. I wouldn't worry about that on most rides since they move so fast no one would have a chance to "try anything." The only ride I can think of that you might be inclined to not ride that may not be a good idea is Splash Mountain. It's a very long, slow ride before you finally make it to the hill. It's really not as bad as it looks, and I would strongly encourage you to ride that one with her.

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You could stay in line until your neice loads and then take the chicken exit. I believe they exit to the same area as the rides so you would be there about the same time.

My 9yo DD loves TOT and on Feb I also had my 6yo DD who did not want to ride. I walked her to the FastPass line and met her at the ride exit. She had been on the ride several times and was familiar with the queues. If your neice is comfortable and familiar with the rides this is also another option.

<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC size=4>Janette</font>

<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC>WDW ~*~ Offsite ? - 1976, Vistana - Jun 1988
Vistana/Contemporary - Jun 2000, OKW - Feb 2001
BWV - DIS Convention Nov 2001</font>
<font face="BrushArt" color=#6600CC>Disneyland ~*~ Apr 1998</font>

going2WDW makes a good point, my husband hates roller coasters, but he would always stand in line with me to help me pass the time, then take the chicken exit and wait for me, ask the CM's just to be sure that you will be right where she gets off the ride. Now I have an 8 year old dd to ride with me, so he's standing in line at the speedway with our 4 year old ds!
Have a almost 12yo DD, 9 1/2 yo Ds that *love* the thrill rides, along with their almost-4yo sister. All three have ridden ToT, TT, SplM, BTMRR, and the "tamer" rides like PotC and Barnstormer.
We live in the area of WDW (less than 3 miles :) ) so it shouldn't be a problem for us to get to the parks.

JMack12, thanks for your offer, that will be great! My niece and I will be in Orlando August 2nd until the 6th staying at the Wyndham Place Resort. I'll send you by email address so we can keep one another updated. Thanks again.



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