Rides at IOA


Oct 3, 1999
We're going to Disney/Universal in early Dec. I was wondering how the thrill rides at the parks, especially IOA, are for the bigger folks. I'm 5'9" and a size 28 and love the coasters! I have no problem at Disney, however I didn't make it onto Kraken at Seaworld last summer. Any rides I should watch out for? Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not sure how large a size 28 is, but if you can't fit into the normal seats at the Hulk and Dueling Dragons, there are seats that accomodate larger riders. These seats have double straps. Ask the ride op for these seats. There are test seats outside of Hulk, Dueling Dragons, and Fearfall.

Some rides (like BTTF) may not be able to accomodate riders with certain physcial attributes. Remember to ask the ride op if you have any questions.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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About the "larger" seats - the seats themselves are not any larger. Only the belt and harness are more accomodating. The seat is the same hard plastic with the divider in the middle.

I am a size 26w and did ride Dueling Dragons, but it definitely wasn't the most comfortable.

It's up to you on your desire to ride vs. are you willing to be uncomfortable for a couple of minutes.
I would recommend taking the time to try out the tester seats at the front of the attractions to avoid any embarrassment on the ride platform :)


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