Restaurant Link?!!?


Earning My Ears
Feb 16, 2001
Hey everyone! Well recently i remember reading someone's post saying there was a link to the menus of the different restaurants in the parks somewhere on the site and i've been looking and looking but couldnt find them! if anyone knows this link or ne others i would greatly appreciate u letting me know. my friend and i will be spending spring beak at the parks and neither of us can drink yet and are both picky eaters so we have less interest in some of the bars in citywalk. thanks!
Hi Sumrgurl,
A link that will give you all the menus and info for restaurants at City Walk is
Make sure you try out the Hard Rock Cafe, my kids are really picky and they love it there!
Thanks for that link i would like to try Hard Rock Cafe here. we went to the one in key west before and enjoyed it. however this link didnt have menus for restaurants inside the park and thats what im really looking for. one's like mythos confiscos etc. ne help would be appreciated


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