Refill mugs at Boardwalk?


Always planning our next trip home to Disney!!!
Apr 30, 2001
Are refillable mugs available at Boardwalk? I bought a DVC one at OKW in May and didn't know if I could use that or not? I also will need to buy 2 more if they have them.

Thanks - Diane
They sell refillable mugs at the Boardwalk bakery. The mugs may be refilled at the bakery and at the pool bar. I believe that they are pretty strict about only refilling Boardwalk mugs there, but I am not positive.
I can confirm that they do have refillable mugs at BW. I did not purchase one because we were not there long enough to make it worthwhile. However, I did note that the line at the BW bakery in the morning is LOOONG and folks spent a several minutes getting their refills since you have to wait in the regular bakery line. I do not know if they are free refills, but I am pretty sure that they have to be BW mugs to get the refills. The mugs are resort specific, they were not DVC at the BW.
I got curious enough to try this in Dec. 2001 and didn't have a problem...

My DW, DS, and I stayed at Vero Beach for a five days before heading over to BW for a week... VB does not have their own signature mugs, but they run a similar deal at their poolside refreshment stand with blue WDW 100 year celebration mugs...

I used the mug the whole time while I was at VB, and then when we arrived at BWV, I tried it at the bakery... It never was a problem getting a free refill day or night..

As a matter of fact, many other guests and Cast members like the mugs we were using, and asked where they could get them.. :D
The will fill only BWV mugs at the Boardwalk.
I can't remember the real name - just walk through the lobby towards the inn side. It is right as you go down the stairs. They have coffee, drinks, bagels, donuts, muffins, etc for breakfast.
Is this the one that you can enter from the Boardwalk- I think it
has "Sweet" in the name? I saw people coming in from a back room also.
Originally posted by Pluto4President
I can't remember the real name - just walk through the lobby towards the inn side. It is right as you go down the stairs. They have coffee, drinks, bagels, donuts, muffins, etc for breakfast.

I believe this area is known as the Belle Vue Room.

Thanks for the tip about refilling mugs at the Belle Vue Room and breafast items in the morning. :)
Add my thanks to the list too Pluto-- sometimes the line at the BW Bakery is unbelievably long, but you gotta have coffee! This is priceless news.
We just got home yesterday....There is a sign on the counter at the BW Bakery that says they will only refill BW mugs, all other mugs will be refilled for 89 cents.

The lines were sometimes long, but it's worth the wait for a cinnamon roll.:D

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