Referral bonuses?


<font color=blue>Creator of Tag Fairy Haiku:<br>Cl
Mar 7, 2002
I've sent back forms to DVD regarding my eligible referral bonuses over a month ago.

Has anyone ever done this? If so, how long did it take before you received your bonus?

I'm still waiting....
If you're waiting for the Disney Dollars, they should be coming any day now if you submitted your request a month ago.
Yes, I opted for Disney Dollars. I was hoping to have them before my trip coming up in two weeks!

I could always use them on the following trip, though. :-)

Thanks for the quick response!
Briar Rose - I submitted mine the end of June and just got the FedEx on Thurs. I had them send the package to my work since no one would be home to sign for it.


P.S. Email me if you are near the South suburbs (Orland Park) as we have a Disney club that meets the third Tuesday of each month.
Originally posted by Figment2
Briar Rose - I submitted mine the end of June and just got the FedEx on Thurs. I had them send the package to my work since no one would be home to sign for it.


P.S. Email me if you are near the South suburbs (Orland Park) as we have a Disney club that meets the third Tuesday of each month.

Thanks, Cyn! It'll be cutting it close to my trip, though, if the FedEx arrives soon!

You must be an International House customer. I'm in the north 'burbs. I had to take three expressways to get to an International House function once....yikes! :)
What kind of bonuses are you speaking of? I have referred people and recently 2 of them purchased. Am I to expect some sort of thank you gift? I was under the impression that it was not allowed because I live in Pennsylvania.

Referral bonuses are dependant upon where you live and if your state allows them. For instance, CT does not, not that it matters, I refer like crazy, I LOVE DVC.
Originally posted by LoriB
What kind of bonuses are you speaking of? I have referred people and recently 2 of them purchased. Am I to expect some sort of thank you gift? I was under the impression that it was not allowed because I live in Pennsylvania.


Don't feel bad, Ohio doesn't allow referrals either:( .
Thank you to everyone who responded! My FexEd arrived on Thursday, just in time for my trip! I leave this Friday, the 30th!

I received plenty of Disney Dollars to spend on my trip! :Pinkbounc

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