R: Chocolate Malted Milk Ball Pie


Apr 16, 2000
This recipe was originally posted by Alison on the old board.

I want to make it, so I thought I'd bring it on over for others.

R: Chocolate Malt Ball Pie
This is an Emeril Recipe I conquered last night. I did however make a few variations:
1. I didn't make the crust listed, I just used Graham cracker crust.
2. I used fat free whipped topping instead of making the whipped cream to save time, and calories.
3. I mixed a full cup of crushed whoppers into the mix instead of 1/2 cup.
4. Despite what it says in the directions, I used fat free "Fit Milk" in place of whole milk, it worked out fine.

This was a great pie! Not too rich and satisfied the chocolate craving!
Chocolate Malt Ball Pie:

Ingredients for Wafer Crust:

1/3-cup butter (melted)
1 1/2 cups finely crushed vanilla wafers
1/2 cup toasted chopped pecans
Instructions for Wafer Crust:
Finely crush vanilla wafers. Add melted butter and pecans. Mix well. Press mixture evenly onto bottom and sides of a 9" or 9.5" pie plate. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes or till edges are golden brown. Cool completely before filling.

Ingredients for Filling:

1/3-cup firmly packed light brown sugar
3 tbsp. corn starch
1/4 tbsp. salt
1 1/2 cups milk (use regular, not low fat milk)
1/3 cup malted milk powder
6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup crushed malt balls
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup powdered sugar

Ingredients for Topping:

1 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1. In a medium saucepan, combine brown sugar, cornstarch, salt and malted milk; mix well. Slowly add milk and cook over medium heat until mixture boils and thickens; using a wire whisk, stir constantly. Remove from heat; stir in chocolate chips and vanilla until mixture is smooth. Refrigerate about 25 minutes or until cool.

2. In another bowl, beat 1 cup whipping cream until soft peaks form. Add the powdered sugar, beating until stiff peaks form. Fold whipped cream into cooled chocolate mixture. Stir in 1/2 cup of the chopped malt balls (reserving the other 1/2-cup for garnish). Pour into cooled piecrust.

3. In a small bowl, beat 1 cup whipping cream until soft peaks form. Add the powdered sugar ad vanilla until stiff peaks form. spread over pie filling. Sprinkle with reserved crushed malt balls Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until firm. Store in refrigerator.

"We need more fruitcakes in this world!"
-Jimmy Buffett

A pie like malted milk balls - what could be bad? Sounds good to me. YUM
Thanks! :bounce:

I have a friend who is 'down in the dumps' and probably about to lose his business. :( :( :(

However, his favorite candy is Malted Milk Balls....so.....I think I'll make this for him and see if it can't cheer him up, even if only for a few minutes. ;)

Thanks again. :D
I will have to try this recipe. I just love malted milk balls. :bounce:
This sounds wonderful!! I definately made a mistake coming to this site! I am going to weigh a ton!!! Thanks for the recipe!


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