Quote Game


to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand wav
Sep 30, 2000
This is carrying on from the original quote game, which started on the 20th February 2000, and had so far had 280 replies! Let's keep it going for even longer. :)

'Curiouser and curiouser'.
Is it form fox and hound? "I'm not bad...just drawn that way!"

Jessica said the last one in Who Framed Roger Rabbit (that is such a good film!:D).

How about......

But how could I marry a prince? I'd have to be...'
'A princess'
Sleeping Beauty!!
How about this one- "Its you!!! Its you!!! Its really, really, really, you!!"
Jesse says that in Toy Story 2!

next one...

"I wanna see some resumes on these guys. And don't let the one with the beak near any powertools!"

good luck!:smooth:
it's from Aladdin and the King of Theives, ok i'll do another one......

"Play nice with the other kids....unless one of the other kids wanna fight, then you have to kick the other kid's butt"

Mushu says that in Mulan.

'There are 13 steps on this ladder'


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