Quick Trip Day Four and coming home


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 1999
Me, turning 40 end of the month, combo get away and Birthday trip
DH, 42, wanted somewhere warm and cheap and let me decide where to go

Day four: Jan. 20

crowds: moderate (but then we had Express so that might not be quite accurate)
weather: Perfect again

We are up and checked out of the Fairfield by 7:30 am. Love those Marriott Rewards...free hotel.. Which enabled us to enjoy our last night at..The Hard Rock Hotel. We arrived at the HRH and pre-checked in to get our magical Express Access room key and then it’s off to the parks. We wanted to do Islands of Adventure first so we headed over there. The gate people were making fun of a woman who had the nerve to wear her Mickey Mouse t-shirt to THEIR park. Ummm...I’m in Tinkerbelle so just hang back and try to melt into the line. At IOA/USF they do the security check once you’re inside the gate. After the check we head to the Hulk....walk onto the FRONT SEAT!!! YEAH!!!!!! We hop off and ride it again. Front Seat. We get off and then ride it again...second row (we didn’t want to wait for the front row). We decided the green man could do without us for awhile so we head to Spiderman. As always, this was an excellent ride so we had to ride it again. We left Spidey and our fellow scoops and proceeded through Toon Lagoon and Jurassic Park. Since it was still early we decided not to do The River Adventure and wait until later in the day (when it would be warmer). We entered The Lost Continent and went directly to Dueling Dragons. We got in line for the front row of Fire. This is where the day s.l.o.w.e.d down. They only had one train on each track (Fire and Ice)..we had to wait 20 whole minutes to ride the front row. This was our longest wait of the weekend. After Fire we of course had to do Ice (another 20 minute wait) and then we were off to explore some more.

We stopped by the magical fountain (mystical fountain???) and I threw some coins in. No one answered so I said “I guess no one is home”. The fountain then came alive and talked to me a bit. I told it we had made a special trip back just to see it. It said I had changed clothes and that’s why he didn’t recognize me. By this time a crowd had gathered so I decided to “egg it on” and said “Well last time I was wearing a Disney shirt”. He literally sputtered at me and said they didn’t use that D word around there.

DH and I continued on our way to Suess. We had never ridden One Fish, Two Fish so we got in line for it. As we passed a woman waiting in line she started with the ‘What? Hey we were here first.” stuff that some people in the standby line do when they see Express people passing them by. DH and I both enjoyed this and can’t wait to bring the DGS. Next up was Cat in the Hat. We then spent some time playing around in If I ran the Zoo. DH is hungry for hotdogs by now so we head back to the Lost Continent and have lunch. We then stop by the silversmiths/medallion makers and DH gets a new bronze medallion. This one has the Goddess on one side and an owl on the other.

We eventually work our way around to Jurassic Park again. DH wants to ride–I don’t want to get wet. We compromise and I get a rain poncho ($6.00 thank you very much). We get the front seat of JP and are soon going back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth. After JP we decided what the heck we are already wet and head to Dudley Doo Right. I really don’t to get wet but agree to go with DH on this ride. Well, I got more wet than I intended even with the poncho on. DH went on to ride the Bilge rafts and I just gave my poncho to some poor unsuspecting soul getting ready to go on. I then went to the bridge and watched for DH’s raft. When he gets off DH is DRENCHED. Well, is there a better blow dryer in all of IOA than the Hulk? So it's back to the Hulk we go and ride it two more times. On our way we can’t resist popping into Spiderman for one more ride.

By this time we need to get to the hotel and check in and stuff. On our way out we decided to have an early dinner at Margarittaville. The food was great. We hopped the boat back to the HRH, checked into our room and planned the rest of the evening. DH put on his swimsuit and went to the pool and I took a little nap. When he returned we dressed and headed over to CityWalk. We ended up just sitting on the deck at Margarittaville listening to music and drinking, well, Margaritas. We then caught the boat back to HRH and went to the hot tubs. The pool officially closed at 8:00 but there were plenty of adults in the hot tubs. A lifeguard had told my DH that security didn’t mind as long as they were all adults and they were not in the pool. Tucked into bed (with our complimentary bottle of wine) and it’s off to sleep. We have to go home tomorrow. Boo hoo.

This is the end. The trip home was uneventful and if you don’t count the mess in my kitchen from DS trying to cook for himself, everything at home was ok.
Thanks for sharing. I have been debating on whether or not I want to go to Universal. I have never been and DH said it didn't matter to him. I don't do thrill rides. Is there plenty of other things to do there? I just don't know. Sounds like you had a great time.
I'm so jealous. I wish we could do a little get a way weekend without a major effort of airports, rental cars etc.Thanks for a great report. I may get DH to Universal yet.
Thanks for shaing your wonderful quick trip. I tell you sometimes dh's just have that selective memory thing going on, I am sure it has to do a lot with having children, lol. Anyway, I'm glad you guys had a great time and coming home to a messy kitchen after a wonderful vacation is sure a small price to pay!



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