question about massage places in WDW...

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Cause afterall, a dream that you wish, will come t
Jan 29, 2001
We are planning our honeymoon for next year and are seriously considering a massage during our visit - what a way to relax!!! There are 3 spas: One at the Grand Floridian, one at the Villas at the Disney Institute, and one at The Wyndham Resort in Lake Beauna Vista. One of these offers a couples spa, but Off the top of my head, I don't remember which one. Question is, have you ever been to any, and what did you think? Was the service good, and was it worth the money?
We were in WDW in march. As a gift for my wife I scheduled a couples massage at the Grand Florian Spa.It was 105.oo ea for a 50 min massage. That is expensive. The massage people were great. The management there stunk. They were almost a 1/2 hr late getting us in.We sat seperated in male/female locker areas and was told "there is a problem with the room if you would like to wait we could".We were supposed to go in at 9:30 am in hopes of checking out of our hotel at 11:00am.We called and got a late check out on our own.Dont get me wrong the massage was great. I have heard GF spa is not run by GF. I've also read people had better experiences at the Disney Institute. I would try them before returning to GF spa.
Hi, ChisJo! :) This is a great topic for the Theme Park Attractions and Strategies board, so I transferred it over there. To view further replies, click here.

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