Question about CSR Pepper Market

Jun 6, 2001
I'm considering CSR for my next trip. Question is if you only order "take-out" at the Pepper Market are you still charged the 10% gratuity? I ate there once and we were charged-but we did get table and drink service. (This is the only thing making me reconsider staying elsewhere. If I wanted to dine with table service I'd eat in a full service restaurant and pay a tip like I normally do.)

Also are there snack vending machines located throughout the resort? Are they widely available like at the Contemporary or All-Stars? Or do they only have beverage vending machines?

Thanks :D
I do not think you are charged the 10% for take-out, and yes, there are snack machines on every floor. Also, there is a snack-bar, Siesta's, at the main pool where you can get nachos, sandwiches, etc., and your mug refilled. Have a great time!
No, they won't charge you the 10%. Just let them know when you get there it is for take out. Also let the server behind each counter that it is take out and they package it as such and they stamp your card with "Take Out"
The food there is very good :D


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