Princess Ball ---starting the begging line....


Princess Extraordinaire
Oct 18, 2000
OK---whoever is so lucky to be able to attend this event. Can I start the begging line for pins? I REALLY want the cinderella pin and any of the other princesses I can get my hands on. I will come to your house and make you dinner, feed your kids, clean your bathrooms!! anything!! LOL! :pinkbounc
I'm begging for a Sleeping Beauty. DD dressed as her last Halloween and she is now her favorite character.

I can't cook or clean but the kid is really cute!! I can try to post her pic in costume tonight.

I wasn't planning on going to the Princess event, but for someone to offer to clean my bathroom I may just take a few days off.
Paying for airfare and the pins would be a breeze compared to cleaning a bathroom that 4 men use.
when can you come over. I want to make sure your really up to the challange before I book the flight

I honestly wish I could go, but lucky for me between Leslie and Caroline I think I may get some nice pins. I will make sure to reciprocate when I go to the June and July events and the Cruise.. Yeah, Leslie and I are going on the cruise. Peggie
Hi Renee,

Guess what? I'm going to the Princess Ball!! I was already planning on giving you the extra Cindy pin if I get it! In fact she's my 1st choice just for you! Now however, seeing this wonderful offer and the fact that I only live about 30min from you.... well, I'm taking you up on the house cleaning offer, and maybe even dinner :) So get ready to travel to Lancaster!!!

I sent you an email just in case! See you in Feb. don't forget those rubber gloves for cleaning, oh yeh do you give dog baths as well? LOL!

Can Anybody pick me up an extra Snow White and an extra Artist choice evil queen pin? PLEASE!!! I can send payment ahead of time! Please email me if you are going and willing to pick up these two pins for me! Thanks!
I can't offer anything as wonderful as cleaning your house ( I hate cleaning my own ) - all I have to offer is an even exchange - a set of Christmastime in the City Pins for a set of Princess pins. PPLLEEAASSEE!! I just love the princesses!
I'd love an extra set for my 5 year old little princess if anyone is interested in helping this fellow DISer out. I will pay in advance for pins and shipping. Please e-mail me direct at if you can help. Please!

Thanks! Mary
Can I PLEASE be in this line too? I would take any of the princesses. I tried to talk my DH into taking me to WDW on Feb 23rd without any luck. Quite frankly, we are broke after our December trip. *SOB SOB* I could pay in advance! And/Or offer you a new puppy or kitten!
I would love to trade for one of the Evil Queen pins... I have the AC Jiminy from Christmastime in the City... and other traders on PinPics under RADPinLady.
I'd love to get the Belle and Beast pins. I'll be heading to WDW in May and am willing to either reciprocate then, or whatever I can! I'd offer to clean house, but I think my DS would disassemble before I had a chance to clean! ;)

I thought it would be a great idea for some of you to pay the $25 for some of the lcoals to go. And you all could work out the details. Boy was I wrong. I found 12 people willing to pay and only found 3 people willing to be the beast of burden. I have fortunately worked out a very attractive arrangement with my long distance pin pal. Everyone else is alfready going and I haven't spoken to a single person who doesn't have their second set already promised.

This new arrangement of Disney's may prove to be interesting after all.


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