Priceline sucess


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Aug 21, 1999
I just got the Wyndam Palace for next Sunday for $75. I probably could have gotten it cheaper, but I had to cancel my existing resevation by today or be charged so I did not have a lot of time to mess with this. Since this is a holiday weekend and the Daytona 500 is Sunday, I think I did OK.

That's many stars did you bid, which area's & did you use any bonus money??
I bid 4 stars in the Disney Resorts area with no bonus money. Since my first bid was accepted I figure I was too high, but as I indicated I was running low on time!

I will say that if I had needed more than one night, I am not sure I would have gone this way. I checked Pete's rates for Downtown Disney and although Sunday night was fairly expensive I could have gotten good rates on my other nights which would have bought the avg. cost in line with what I wanted to pay. However, I am using DVC points for the other nights.
We are heading to Disney this weekend for 4 days and we did priceline too. I think you were pretty right on for the weekend it is and I KNOW they wouldn't have accepted any cheaper than $70 because that's what I got it for and they said no to $65. But a 4* hotel that usually runs $299-$399 a night, $70 is excellent to me...especially on Presendents Weekend and Daytona Weekend. I can't wait, I have never stayed there but I know it's a lovely hotel!!!!!!

I think you got a great deal. The best available rate for that hotel is $199, so you saved over 60% off of that! If you're interested in learning some of the finer points of bidding on Priceline, including how to add areas to a 4* bid so you can rebid without waiting 7 days, check out TravelSheryl's Priceline Bidding Board: Priceline Bidding Board

I like to use PL for the weekends when a DVC room costs too many points.

-- Robin
other than commercials on tv.
However... I have ressies at the All Stars for me and my children for November.. do you think the same 76/night could be better spent at the downtown disney resorts thru priceline? I didn't know you could bid solely for that area.
You cannot bid for Downtown Disney only. Please take a look at Priceline's website so you'll see how they define the WDW Vicinity zone.

Your $76 rate is really great. I love Priceline, but I would recommend that you keep your All Stars reservation. I prefer to stay onsite.

-- Robin
I need one night hotel, coming in at about 9 p.m. Moving to the Swan in the morning.

Which zones do not have any 4* hotels that I can add on to my first bid?

Another thing I am wondering is maybe i should just go to AS for one night???? Are there any discounts DC or AP on June 22nd??

<font size=4 color=red font face=Book Antiqua>Sis-Boom-Baaaa!!</font>
<font size=4 color=blue face=BrushArt><marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
<img width="200" src="">
<font size=2 color=red>PO 1998
Dolphin, Poly, YC 2000
Swan June 2001
Dolphin July 2001</img>



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