Priceline Reservation for Sale


DIS Veteran
Jan 28, 2000
I unfortunately will not be able to go to Disney this year. I have received permission to try to sell my Priceline reservation on this board from board moderator, kaa (Tammy).

Rosen Centre Hotel
7 nights May 5th-May 12th
$35.00 per night

Let me know if you are interested.

Could you please answer some questions for me?
Where is it located and how many stars did you bid?

<font size=3><font color=red> Happy Valentine's Day!</font></font>
<font size=3><font color=red><marquee>Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on!
Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>
If this is the Omni Rosen, the hotel is beautiful. I stayed there last Christmas when they ran a special rate of about $49.00, but there regular rate is closer to $150.00. It was a standard room with two queen or double beds, but very nice. The hotel has restaurants, beauty salon, conv. store, massages (a full service hotel). I loved it. I wish I could take advantage of this, but unfortunately I can't.
The Rosen Centre is formerly the Omni Rosen, rated 3* by Priceline and located in the Universal/Seaworld zone.
Just went to the Rosen site. When I said $150 per night, I was way off, they quoted $280.00 per night for another date in May! :eek:
I'll bump you to the top of the board!! Someone will see it there! good luck!
It's a bargain. The hotel and location are great. The weather should be really nice, and the crowds should be low. I sure do wish I could take you up on it, but I teach school and that would be a very bad time for me to be out. I hope some lucky person sees your posting and benefits from it. (BTW, sorry your trip didn't materialize!)
This ressie is not for sale no longer! We are definitely going to be able to go do Disney this year! :)



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