Priceline board down???


Esteemed Member
Jan 18, 2001
Is anyone else having problems using Sheryl's Priceline board at ezboards? I have been unable to access it for two days.
I've been trying since yesterday. I tried a short time ago and it went through but it took a VERY long time. Haven't tried since then.
Just got an e-mail on that. I love that board! It has saved me LOTS of money.
Hmmm..... I still can't get through. I tried two different dialups, so I don't think the problem is on my end. I hate bidding in the blind!
It might be a DNS thing, they've changed servers and it might have been a change in IP address and that change has not propogated yet ...
I can't get to it either.... I tried doing a lookup to get the exact IP address (so I could bypass the Domain Name Server), but I couldn't seem to find it.

Anybody know what it is? (it should be something like this: 203.59.384.38 )

This site listed below normally converts DNS to IP, but it doesn't work for me for (it works for others, like )

[This message was edited by steve100 on 04-25-01 at 05:13 PM.]
I did get to the site and it had this message posted on the home page:
ATTENTION: We are currently experiencing network glitches. We appreciate your patience while we investigate the performance problems.

Hope all is back to normal soon.
I can't get the sheryl's board to work, but the boards work (also on ezboard). they were down during the ezboard maintenance. I don't know what that means, though! :rolleyes:
The Priceline board is down again. I'm just as anxious for these maintenance issues to be handled as everyone else is. :rolleyes:
I still can't get on.... Was anybody able to get the direct IP address that we can use? (if somebody can get to, then if you would be so kind and try the link that I have above, it should give you the direct IP address)
Unfortunately, although the above link does work, all the subsequent links on the site still have as the URL. So, when you click on anything, it doesn't work... (and this includes 'logging into ezboard').

So, my suggestion was a good one, but it isn't going to work...


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