Priceline Bidding?


Dec 16, 2000
Can anyone tell me how to add Bonus Money from American Express to my bidding on priceline? I'm new to all this. I signed up for a Cobaltcard and I'm supposed to have the option of adding Am. Ex. Bonus $ with the Cobaltcard. I went to bid on priceline, but didn't see how to add the bonus money. Can anyone explain what you click on to see the Bonus Money option? I just can't find that option anywhere on the priceline site. I'm really eager to try priceline. But I just don't see any mention of how to use the Bonus money on the priceline site. Can someone help me? Thanks everyone for reading this. Pomcoach <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Here's what you do. Go to this address (

scan all the way down to Miscellaneous, click on Bonus Money Opportunities, then click on Amex Hotel Bonus Money..., there is a clickable link in the first post. I believe it's the only way to get to Priceline with the bonus money added. Good luck. Let us know if you have more questions.

<font size=4 color=navy><font face="Garamond">
<marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
1997 (WDW 25th birthday) Institute Villas
1999 DxL
2000 WL and Swan!!!
and yes, I was a little timid at first but I was thrilled at what we got!---and for that amount of money HOO-RAY!!

The link you are going to go to and begin your bidding is listed at the site in the above post...
IT IS A SPECIAL LINK - NOT AVAILABLE by just going to the Priceline home page!
THEN when you get to the priceline/amexfree link the following is what you will see:
First page you see Name your city
Next page you see Name your zone/area
~just a note here...the website listed above also has complied a list of hotels for certian zones/stars that keep consistantly showing up in winning bids...for example after reading that list and by just using a Universal/Seaworld zone and ONLY 2 1/2 stars I was able to win a bid of 13 dollars a night (the place we won is Amerisuites Universal location that was showing lowest rate @ 69.00 per night regularly).
**you put $13 (or whatever)(we also won a 3* Rosen Centre for 5 nights but had to bid 21 a night to win it)in your bid box and later you see on the last page that they are adding 20 per night in bonus money to your bid**
Next page you verify your payment information
and the last page you see with the "BUY ME A ROOM" at the bottom will show ALL travel information including your bid amount and below that how much Amex bonus money is being added on your behalf...

It is never too late to go back and change things until you click on that BUY ME A ROOM's a done deal after that...
PS.. I always wrote down my bidding confirmation # so I could go back and check whether I won or not without having to wait 15 minutes to an hour for an email...

Hope this helps...That other post has a terrific link for more information!
email me if you want to...

[This message was edited by Xhausted on 03-22-01 at 02:37 AM.]

[This message was edited by Xhausted on 03-22-01 at 02:39 AM.]
I just can't thank you enough for explaining the Bonus $ mystery! How on Earth do people with an Am.Ex. card ever find out they have that option, without wonderful people like you two! This board is the best board in the world! I can see that you both were up very late into the wee hours of the morning helping me, and I appreciate it so much! I have printed out both your information, so I can save it & refer to it often. Once we got the link, we tried 3 bids for a 3* for 3 rooms (We have 5 in our party). We were rejected all 3 times, but it was a great learning experience. We'll try again as soon as we map out our strategy better, zones and all. It's kind of exciting, isn't it! Get lots of sleep tonight to catch up. And again, THANK YOU BOTH! pomcoach :D
Just saw your post this morning and wanted to remind you not to wait too long...the Amex $20 bonus link expires April 1st.. so only about 9 days left to get in on that good deal and also.. you did realize that the reason you may have been rejected was because you were bidding for (3) rooms and that "dilutes" the bonus's not $20 dollars per room for how ever many rooms...on multiple room bids like that it takes it and divides it to fit that ratio...

3 rooms for 5 nights = 15 room nights
Amex bonus maximum $100 for 5 nights dilutes to
100 divided by 15 and that is only 6 dollars added to your bid of whatever per night (13 + 6 would be too low to win)

Just a thought...
I'm in central time zone, so it's not as late as what this page says, but last night was still late for me. Anyway, I'm happy to help out. Did you read up on hotel bids for that area at that link? That will give you some idea on what the average bid is going for. I just got a 2 1/2* airport hotel for $13.00. It's true about getting less bonus money on the more rooms you need. So you may have to bid higher than what someone may have won with one room. The amex is still worth it. Keep us updated and good luck.

<font size=4 color=navy><font face="Garamond">
<marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
1997 (WDW 25th birthday) Institute Villas
1999 DxL
2000 WL and Swan!!!


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