Priceline bid $39 a nite confirmed!!


<font color=FF3300>I am a whole 2 months younger<b
Feb 26, 2001
I just received a confirmation for $39.00 a night at the Rosen Centre Hotel on I-drive.

Has anyone ever stayed here? If so can you give me some feedback, I really don't know what to expect.

I've seen pictures on line it looks as though it caters more to business types than families. That concerns me.

I booked for my sister in law and her two kids and I just want them to feel comfortable. I was hoping for the Wyndham Orlando, like mum4jenn received for the $39 rate. This resort seemed more casual and family oriented.

Any feedback about this subject would be great!!

Thanks MandaMom
Yes, the Rosen Centre is more geared toward the business traveler. When using Priceline for hotels, you are bidding on a room only. Feedback on this hotel has been quite good.
WHOA!!!!you are in one fancy place. This a huge high rise hotel you can see for miles. It is a major location for conventions since it is right next door to the huge convention Center....It has nice basic rooms, a nice pool and expensive as heck bar and restaurants...Not sure if they will sock you for parking, and parking is a long walk, so make sure and take your bags up when you check in....You are in a room that will go for 150 plus during a convention....or more...Location is at far south end of International drive with nice access to I-4 to Disney or Universal Studios...Sea World is very close... You will notice a lot of extras that can cost like bellhops to tip, and there are no friges or kitchenettes like so many disney area properties that appeal to families. I am not even sure if they have ice machines, sorry just can't remember. So this is not a Disney hotel, but a adult only convention center. My two cents is to stay there only, eat and play elsewhere. You will walk into a million dollar Lobby and stay in a room that is no bigger or better than the best Fairfield or Hampton...but what the heck, live like a king and spend like a tourist...enjoy...Ted
Hello Mandamom!!! Congratulations on your bid.I am proud that I gave you some inspiration!!!Ha Ha.I know it is too late since you already have your bid accepted but I bid several times for 4* in WDW and Universal area.No one would take the 39 bid.I then increased the coverage area to include sea world area and another area but do not remember the wording.It was not Kissimmee area though.Then....after that was turned down I then added the 3* hotels and that was accepted.
I had never heard of the one you got but as soon as I read the above post I remember going past it a few years ago and was so impressed at the appearance of it.I am sure you will have fun and take a cooler since they must not have the refridgerators.
When you you be there??? We are just making a quick weekend trip May 25-27.We usually camp at Fort Wilderness but it is too much trouble to get set up for just a couple of days.WE just need a Disney fix.We were just there the week of Christmas but we need it badly!!!!!!!! ;)

My High School daughter (14) stayed there with her class of 100 last February, they absolutely loved it. Their band was playing at Epcot. She wants us to go back stay. It should be fine. or great!!
Thanks everyone for your responses. Everyone has been very helpful. I was very worried at first because the hotel seemed too fancy for my sister in law and her kids. Now because of your responses I am less daunted by the idea of staying here.

This and I missed the fact that we will be visting WDW on Memorial Day weekend!!! I am sure this will change the whole dynamic of the hotel. I really don't think they'd schedule a convention for this long weekend. So I would think that fewer if any will be in this area for the long weekend. I am sure the hotel is aware of the fact that it will be mostly families populating their rooms for that holiday weekend.

This is probably why we rec'd such a great rate.

Anyway thanks again EVERYONE!!! I appreciate all your responses!!!



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