Priceline air tickets question


Oct 15, 2000
Have people been happy using priceline for airfare? Have you gotten reasonable flight times and routings?
I'd like to try this, but if their scheduling "costs me" my first and last Disney day, then it's not really a savings, is it?

Would love to hear from any happy or unhappy users.
I have used Priceline once for an airline ticket and I was very pleased with the itinerary I received.

I think you are making a big mistake if you base your decision on whether or not to bid based on a flight schedule that someone else got. Regardless of what anyone else got, you must be willing to depart as early as 6:00 a.m., arrive as late as 12:30 a.m., and have a layover of up to 3 hours.

Only you can determine if the savings is worth any time lost at your destination. For some people, any savings at all is worth it. For others, it would have to be a substantial amount. Also, the savings for one person may not be worth it, but if you are buying tickets for a family, the savings can be substantial.
I agree! Please read over all the rules before you do Priceline!

I have done it twice and have been very happy with the results each time. Last time I got Delta non-stop from Providence to Orlando leaving at 7am. And on the way back non-stop leaving MCO at 8pm. Total per person - $162

This time I got Midway airlines leaving Boston at 9 am with one stop, but no plane change. On the way back I leave at noon time with one change of plane only a 25 minute layover!Total per person - $150.85 ;)


<font size=2><font color=red>
Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</font>
Inauguaral Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders</font>
<font size=2><font color=green>HAPPY <font color=red>HOLIDAYS<font color=red>!
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on! Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>
Just curious as I am about ready to buy our airline tickets....

If I bid with priceline am I at their mercy as far as flight times?? I am assuming I tell them what day I want to go to disney and what day to leave and from what airport and give a max price and then they look for what is open.. I am also assuming that they book you and charge you and then you find out afterwards what times you go, etc... Is that correct?? I don't mean to be stupid, but I have never worked with priceline and might be interested in the savings, but I only have our hotel ressies for certain days and obviously would like to get a full vacation.

I used Priceline yesterday for one plane ticket for myself for late July. The lowest airfares from my home airport were over $300, and from Indianapolis they were in the low $200's. I used the $50 bonus money and bid $99 (plus bonus). My bid was accepted when I added Indianapolis as an alternative airport (2 hours from where I live). The rate is great, but my flight leaves Indy at 6:50 p.m., changes in Charlotte, NC and arrives in Orlando after midnight! The return flight leaves at 9:45 in the morning, which is ok. Fortunately, I don't have anything planned on the first day except travel, but it would've been nice to have arrived before midnight. :D

thank you so much.. I bookmarked it so when I come home I can reread your tips and that way I will have them also when I decide if I want to go thru priceline.

Glo--Southwest currently is offering $109 R/T Providence to Orlando. Fares of $160 R/T are frequently available. I like the ability to pick my flight times. I won't use Priceline and risk loosing my first and last day.
Lewisc, glo is travelling in early April. Southwest's fare sale is *not* valid during her travel dates. She posted elsewhere the lowest available fares for her travel dates. They were over $200.
Sorry--I didn't intend my post to be directed specifically to Glo's upcoming trip, but rather an indication that low fares can be obtained (with your choice of flights) by checking for fare sales as opposed to using Priceline.
Florida is served by many discounted airlines and the fares are consistantly very discounted.
I wouldn't take the chance of a undesirable flight to save a few dollars with Priceline.


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